The Early Riser Challenge

Wednesday morning

Up and went to morning Mass :+1:

Sharing code : rh4exw
Highest streak : 303 days
Current streak : 21 days
For the time being I would like to wake up before 7am

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Overslept by 37 minutes

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Thursday morning ~
Late and almost fell again.

What I feel is important is ;

To Rewire is not a competition,
This community is for support not emotional baggage.

If we struggle or fall, we don’t need to hide nor hang our heads in shame, but take immense pride in being honest in ‘our’ journey, to dig a little deeper “yeah, I kinda f**ked up there, but it’s okay, it’s my choice”

The support, motivation, advise, promises we give are never lost. We only loose when we allow doubt to shape ourselves - it only takes a moment to see that and we are standing in certainty, ready to smile and feel proud yet again.

Don’t give up :+1::pray: smile, cry and thank God for another day

I added you to the scoreboard!
I hope our Positivebloke comes back and is doing okay


Friday morning
awake and alive :+1::wink:

Check in - I am on a vacations right now but still I wake up early, 6 or 7 am. Even If I go to sleep at 1 or 2 am :slight_smile:


Saturday morning

Wanted to stay soft,
but my mind shot like a dart :dart:
Up and active, busy work day

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Sunday morning
Worked 10am/8pm, curry, stayed in watched TV.
Up at 8:30, off to church at 10am, look forward to some reflection, prayer, singing and friendship.
All good :+1:

Tuesday morning
Up and active :+1:

Check in:
Sunday - woke up at 7:00, but went to bed at 1:00, because my girlfriend was at my home and we talked all night.
Monday - woke up at 5:00
Tueseday - woke up at 5:00

Fun fact: I have injured knee and thus that I dont go to the gym. However I kept my alarm clocks for those early hours to not lose streak.

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Ohh my god…
So much happened!
I apologise for being absent for some days.
There was this exam and this tour.
I was quite frustrated these days.
I want to start afresh now🎉
Back to nofap & early rising💐
Welcome new members. Feel free to pour your heart out in this group.
@anon67854825 thank you for handling the group for me :blush:
I’m scrolling all the way up to get updated😂

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@Positivebloke That’s totally awesome dude.
We shouldn’t have to be glued to this app :wink::+1:

Saturday - up at 8am because it was such a busy day. Bed around 11pm
Sunday - woke up around 7am. I am struggling lately. Day 12 of semen retention. Everytime I look at something eros I am torturing myself.

I can’t rely on my thoughts. But stay quiet and humble, as good as my intentions are.
Let go, and let God ~ :zipper_mouth_face:

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Woke up at 8am - I had a couple of burning negative worries last night that could spiral. They were loosely there this morning, I pushed the feelings aside and found a couple of positive responses.
I dreamt deeply, though I can’t remember. I couldn’t remember what day it was when I woke, but I remembered this app, this group and my desire to go to Church this morning :+1:

Got up easily at 8am - target met

“go to 9am Mass at the other church? Or my usual church at 9:30?” :thinking:

*it’s important to have a plan for the morning not matter your situation.

I think about this group/challenge every morning - it really helps :wink::+1: all good

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