The Early Riser Challenge

“Focus not on breaking the old, but on building the new”

Leave a Bad habit,
While you work on a good habit.

This is a different kind of challenge, for those who wish to build one of the most incredible habits of successful people, early rising.

What is an early riser?

Not exactly 4AM, but anytime before your normal schedule at which you wake up and follow a particular routine for personal development, will make you an early riser

At the same time, you need to focus on leaving behind the PMO addiction.

So you basically have to maintain 2 different streaks.

Interested? Then kindly share your
Time you choose to rise at,
What you desire to do as an early routine,
Your current PMO streak

I intend to wake up every single day at 4AM, you can choose your time,
Guidelines are to-

  1. Check-in everyday :+1:
  2. Mention the time at which you woke up
  3. Mention your early rising streak

Your early-rising streak will be recorded.

Sharing code - i3l9f0
Current streak - 7 Days
Highest streak - 16 Days
Age - 19
Gender - M
Location - India🇮🇳



All members, Kindly update your streaks with each day

  1. Positivebloke
    Nofap streak: 0
    Early-rising streak: 1
    Highest early-rising streak: 1
  2. _KarmaYogi
    Nofap streak: 0
    Early-rising streak: 0
    Highest early-rising streak: 3
  3. mystery2017
    Nofap streak: 19
    Early-rising streak: 12
    Highest early-rising streak: 12
  4. Aoshigreen
    Nofap streak: 15
    Early-rising streak: 20
    Highest early-rising streak: 20
  5. nadeemshah.130lc
    Nofap streak: -
    Early-rising streak: 0
    Highest early-rising streak: 0
  6. TimTheodore
    Nofap streak: 21
    Early-rising streak: 0
    Highest early-rising streak: 0
  7. Rajesh8699
    Nofap streak: 8
    Early-rising streak: 0
    Highest early-rising streak: 0
  8. Pendragon979
    Nofap streak:
    Early-rising streak:
    Highest early-rising streak:
  9. BoomerangNebula
    Nofap streak: 22
    Early-rising streak: 0
    Highest early-rising streak: 0
    Nofap streak:9
    Early-rising streak: 1
    Highest early-rising streak: 0

Check-in everyday with your
early rising streak &
Nofap streak. :bouquet:
You can share whatever’s on your mind too :grin:
At what time do you desire to wake-up each day?
What routine do you want to follow?

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Rough morning today. Woke up after 9 :man_facepalming:t2:
My bad :joy:
Missed my early morning piano practice again.

It’s time to get serious.

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Code. c9ab6c
No fap streak. 7days
Early rising. 0 days
Age 28
Gender male
Location. :nepal:
I am planning to wake up at 5 am sharp from tomorrow. I will try my best to keep this streak going.

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Woke up at 5 . But wasted whole day. Didn’t study at all

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Welcome to the group!:bouquet::bouquet:

You did it :tada:
keep going!
It gets easier with each day…

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Piano? :+1::wink: Cool. @Positivebloke
Have you seen ‘your lie in april’ anime?
It’s a good classical/music-slice of life anime. Also ‘kids on the slope’ is another good one.


I wanna join this challenge
098993a :uk: 36 male
Out of bed, active 8:00 am (no if’s or but’s)

Streak = 0 days
Early = 0 days

I have came to know about “Your lie in april” when I was listening to a few classical pieces.

Is it good?
One punch man is actually the first anime of my life :joy::joy:
I would watch that if you recommend.

And “kids on the slope”, hmm :thinking:
It would be fun watching if they are related to my passion :musical_keyboard:

I’ve recently started learning the piano.
I started with Beethoven’s “Für Elise” as my first classical piece :grin:

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Good morning from india! :tada::tada:
And welcome to the club :star_struck:

Personality development is a beautiful way of achieving control in life.
If we can control our sleep, then ohh boy I can’t even begin to imagine what would exist that we can’t control!


I woke up at 2:00 AM to study :tada:

Exams are closing in and with it fear too.

I’m sleep deprived. And that’s when Mr coffee comes for help! :wink:

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Check in
Woke up at 6AM . 1 hour late . I am not typically a early morning person but still woke up at six. I think its not a bad start. I am also planning to do morning exercise after wake-up and start my studies after that. My exams are also coming so. My morning routine is fixed and it is all linked to my waking up early. So tomorrow i will wake up at 5am . Lets hope for the best.


Tuesday Check-in
I woke up at 8am, but I didn’t leap out of bed.
I fell back asleep, waking up again at 9am.
Earlier night tonight :wink::+1:

Current streak : 1
Early riser : 0

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It get’s easier when you have a reason to wake up. :wink:

I call it, “the ritual”

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I am in. I will wake up at 0445 hrs daily Insha ALLAH


Check in Wednesday.
Woke up at 6 Am. Feeling slightly difficult to wake up early. But maybe it will go after few days…rest all good…


Check-in Wednesday

Woke at 8:30, but didn’t get up until 9am.
I went to bed too late again :sweat_smile::expressionless:
But enjoying the morning Checking-in, regardless :grin:

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Woke up at 4 studied for 2 hours

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