Sharing code - fv39jh
Current streak - 2
Highest streak - 14 days
Age - 14
Gender - M
Location - US
Why I want to create a group - Aight so, I’ve created something like this in a challenge form with a leaderboard and all! The issue was I was getting stressed out because I kept relapsing and was kind of avoiding updating the board and that stressed me out… So I’ve decided to not make a leaderboard of sorts and to simply make a HUMONGOUS group of support and motivation where we just reply and chat with eachother on everything that may not even have to be nofap related!!! I just want to meet tons of people and help eachother beat this terrible addiction!! I know we can do this beautiful people!!! The only requirements are to support others and when you join to introduce yourself!! (Sharing code is optional) GOD bless you all!!!
Name |
Piyushchandak |
Kai |
Risinglion123 |
DarkViolin |
Vortexkicker |
TheBigSP |
prothekter_aden |
kvitachi |
erenyaeger |
wall-e |
Mordred |
CarryOn |
StayFrosty |
Couchy |
Rahul773 |
Fapstronautharn |
22September2021 |
StrawHatLuffy |
reboot_king |
BlackMagic123 |
Leverage |
jgt87 |
Rahul8091 |
Mokshthakur |
shivaji27 |
nooneyar |
jigglube |
Yakuza |
slaypay |
anonim44 |
ManFromEarth2077 |
darchy |
nofaplegend96 |
Wotan |
baki99 |
arhamshakeeb |
Adioz |
21 Days Challenge
Congrats @anon3047577
I’ve decided to end this challenge for now as I’m working on creating a new one!
OF COURSE!!! So glad to have you here!!! No requirements for now just feel free to do a daily check-in or chat about something that you may have a question about! Also very important, make sure to support other people lol… That’s kind of the whole point XD!! Glad to have you here brother! Ok tell me about yourself…
Yes thanks for invite i am in brother I will try to stay as much active as possible just busy with some work these days but i will support for sure
Good luck man
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Thank you brother! Like I said before, no pressure take your time!!
If I am right @Finding_Myself , I am already joined this challenge ig. But sorry for not being able to check in for regular basis because of exams and the challenge I conducting right now. Also I have joined many challenges here. But , I will surely check here, whenever I get time.
Yeah you right! I intend to take the original one down lol I just made it an accountability group and not a challenge this time!
Happy to hear that. I am in @Finding_Myself
Ok for the few people that are here sorry to tag you again but I want to start a topic @Piyushchandak @anon87955785 @Kai I’m trying to ask a girl to the school dance today… I bought her chocolate but didn’t think it through and it melted XD Any advice guys?
Sorry mahn , I didnt get that. Could you elaborate ?
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Didn’t get that? Alright so homecoming for my school is in like a week… So I was going to ask a girl to go with me and I bought chocolate to try and impress her when I ask her to come with me… The chocolate melted and now I don’t know if I should just straight up ask her or what lol…
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Please spend time chilling out with friends.
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It’s still a dance lol!!! I don’t intend to date yet just let her know I have interest and take her to the dance
Sorry bro , I cant give you advice regarding this because I don’t know. Many people in India sucks when it comes to topics like dating. Its considered more like an offence until u become an adult and get a job. Maybe @GOVIND-19 can help ?
Lol that dudes hilarious!!! Sorry to bother you lol thats my bad!!
Vortexkicker here.
@Finding_Myself I’m in for round 2
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