Should i tell my girlfriend about my addiction?

Hello guys
im wondering if i should tell her about p… addiction.
There is alot on my mind (emotions, feelings, bad memories)
what do you think?
bless ya guys


It helps a lot if you have a direct person in your life who support you in quitting. Especially if you trust she.
You can talk with her if you relapse and if you have urges.
If you just speak with her, you will feel better.


she was angry because i didnt told her for a 2 years

but my shame and fear was so big that i didnt…

i thought she will understand it :confused:


I suppose if you tell her that you are willing to work on yourself, and you remain open-minded enough to listen to her response then she will probably appreciate your honesty. If not, then she’s probably not that good of a girlfriend.


That mostly depends, if she is very supportive and genuinely care for you, then go ahead. It’s the best thing you can do, she can help you in fighting your urges, sometimes we just need someone to stop us and pull us back. So if you know her well and believe she will be supportive then go for it.


If you ask me then go ahead and talk out everything.

And also make sure to tell that you want to break out of this cycle and need her help. Ask her to be your strength in this endeavor.

If she is not supportive and is demeaning to you then I don’t think that’s a kind of person someone should have as a gf.


thanks for replying guys

i tought that she is supportive etc.

but now she said that she dont trust me, becaause i didnt told her this for long time
and many our problems was my fault cause i didnt confessed it
now im feeling weird because it was really hard to said it and im feeling loneliness :confused:


i told her that i had a problem since kid
that it was my way to run away from drunk father and from my problems and this is my main addiction
i started to have some strange memories (for example my father took some pictures off me it was a little p… stuff and i all my childhood i was afraight that someone will see this pictures and maybe ot was started off my addiction)

some time ago i started to do some research and now i know that i have a problem about sex addiction and i want to solve it

i was feeling very lonely with it so thaths why i wanted to tell her


Addictions of masturbation?

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I don’t know what the fuck that person is talking about but porn is addicting and destructive.

If this “used “ to be a problem of yours and you no longer suffer from triggers then I don’t think it’s anything you need to discuss with her about.

But if there are things that can trigger you to make you want to watch pornographic material and engage in self pleasure. Then maybe talk to her and tell her about this problem so she can help prevent you from tripping up.

Many people suffer from the grips of porn. The very nature of some of the material that is easily made available with just the click of a mouse, can be just outright dehumanizing, violent and most of all disgusting. What you watch can alter how you view sex and being with a partner. It causes performance issues with men and women. Simply put it destroys you, relationships and worse marriages.

you are trying to help
but you sounds mean :confused:

Hey mamacitabla, if that’s the scene then give each other some space, sometimes people react that way in anger and say things they don’t mean. See after a few days if she talk to you, if no then you should move ahead man, you dont need to waste time to people who dont care at all or lack sympathy and one more thing just dont beg to her for another chance. If thats her final decision,
then you are better without her, on a positive side you will be free from a realitionship that could collapse anytime in future. You deserve someone who cares and understand you. :slight_smile:


Well, men should be able to take the truth as undissolved as it is,
In the first place, why don’t you think of quitting the addiction instead of looking for a soft landing and who will accept you with it, porn, masturbation is unhealthy and it takes away the masculinity in you.

Change or parish my good friend


i didnt said that i dont want to quit…plus is not soft landing…its just looking for help.
im alone with it for such a long time and tried to quit it on my own but i realized that is too strong and i have t share with (my girlfriend)

and you only saying “man should be strong” "masturbation is bad "
for me it sound like zero-one aproach

im trying to be kind to myself and love the way i am (im sensitive man)
bless you


It’s not necessary to be so harsh. We’re all in the same boat trying to fight this very powerful drug. And instead of speaking down to another struggler we should be offering words of encouragement. Yes, words of rebuke also help but they need to be balanced with gentleness and humility.


yess i truly understand
i really love her so thats why i wanted to tell her

in 2 days we are going to therapist (maybe it will help us)
if its not im ready for new way

A man does not need a therapist for masturbation addiction, come on friend.
Your girl will see you as a weak man, and she will leave you, and you will cry about it.

Yes, masturbation is a strong addiction, but until you know the side effects of it, then you won’t make up your mind to stop it without been told.

I am not harsh with you, maybe you find it difficult to accept truth or myabe you are in your 20s.

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i think you are acting like you are soo strong

its quite funny to read your replies

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How is calling someone you don’t even know names going to help him? This is disrespectful bro.

you can call me how you want
i dont care
i just know that im only a person and im weak and i need support
but im not a alfa male robot like coaching stuff saying xdd

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