Sex and sperm, the truth

I think the problem and whatever challenges the original poster saw, was from people who has a bad masturbating problem, were they ejaculate daily even multiple times daily, and this is when it becomes unhealthy and a huge problem. Ejaculating is bad for men if done excessively because yes it is life energy, and when u deplete your body from it, it decreases testosterone and everything else, so ur body draws from other places and so u feel tired and overall u become lazy, u feel no energy and just bad, note this is for people with bad masturbating addiction, and so in order to re wire your brain u must stay abstinent from all kinds of ejaculating forms so that ur Brian isn’t flooded with those chemicals that make it so addictive and force u to have huge urges daily. This is indeed a whole topic that is very long and there is many sides to it but it comes down to, how bad is ur addiction and what is your goal.


No touchy touchy, no looky looky, no thinky thinky. And i would stop telling myself things like i cannot control myself, bcs thats the lie your addicted mind produces to keep you doing that. More aware you are of this, the easier it is to do what you want, but effort must be done anyway -

spiritual effort i call it, is simply realizing that your will is always free.

Willpower effort is needed to resist old thinking patterns in case you had not realize fully what i have written above.

Good luck


Yeah. What you say is true. I relapsed at day 9 and every bad effect of masturbating is coming back : dizziness, feeling weak, feeling limp, feeling lazy, and quite tired.

But how about if my life is stagnant, boring, and stressful? What should I do so that I can prevent the autopiloted thought of looking at arousing pics and fapping off?

I told you, look above. The kind of life you livin has nothin to do with that. Realize there is no such a thing like autopilot, it only looks so.

If you want a practical advice, spend like 5 minutes x5 times per day just to sit and realize it, it is “spiritual” practice. My post above is an answer to all of your struggles, if you still need to ask it means you havent fully got it yet.

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And is there such a thing as bad luck?

Bad luck in what? :smiley: Don’t try to explain your laziness bro :slight_smile:

For example… if I have tried any possible methods and I have tried to be optimistic but everything simply goes wrong… that’s bad luck… and laziness is irrelevant from our discussion topic.

I bet you hadnt try my methods dude, especially the first one

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I feel to have sex is okay, but to waste your sperm on porn and masturbation is just wrong, coz porn is basically stands for filmed prostitution . I have read somewhere that, there are benefits in having sex, where your heart beat improves, etc etc. But I would also like to add that, when you are participating in any extra co-curricular activities, having sex 2 -3 days before is not applicable as it reduces your stamina, your energy. This is why the athletes are asked to refrain from sex atleast 1 week before any important match.

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This is weird i never saw your replay, but anyways i am doing well how about You? Are you still on this journey.