Resurrection Journey towards enlightenment

I’m not in your skin but personally, I think a good night sleep is the best thing to kill urges. It’s up to you man, just remember your body is weaker after a night with little sleep, so you can get diseases or relapse more easily. But I understand that you see it as a challenge.
Keep going man, just be cautious :+1:

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This is very similar to how we feel when we quit PMO…Try to relate it, when u quit ur body starts agitating, restlessness occurs, frustration happens which are nothing but making u feel that there is no good in life So that u again go back to pleasure and for mind what is pleasure, u knw bro the easiest way, PMO…why? Habbit, pattern, which mind doesn’t understands, it just follows the habbits untill is channelised, changed for good… That’s what has happened with ur mind with respect to sleeping pills, the habbit has been formed which can be DEFINITELY and SURELY changed because every single thing can be changed with true PERSISTENCE.
You are trying your best, you are a warrior. It’s a well known fact that a true meditator sleeps for very less time and still feels energetic for whole day. So that’s absolutely fine if u getting sleep for 1-2 hours, it’s initial challenge which only u will overcome. When u r unable to sleep which is a temporary problem then just lie down on ur bed, close your eyes and observe your breath inhale and exhale in the inner nostrils, don’t control ur breath let it happen at it’s pace your job is to just observe the sensation arising and passing your nostrils…you will surely feel absolutely fit and energetic even if u r only sleeping for 1-2 hrs for few days…after somedays ur sleep habbits will start changing and u will be able to get sleep fr more hours gradually with out any pills.
Mandatory note: Even if u r unable to sleep, bt lie down on bed for atleast 6-7 hours because in the night lying ur body is a must for spine and brain positive transformation.
Somethings to do fr better sleep in the night:

  1. Sunlight exposure in day
  2. Eat few almonds before bed
  3. Weightlifting/ Cardio 5 days a week
  4. Light food before u sleep ( mine is 2 roti and dal)
  5. Avoid red meat or heavy spicy food before bed
  6. Develop reading habbit
  7. No mobile phone before sleep
  8. Try keeping raw garlic tube under your pillow, ancient remedy for sleeplessness n it works.

And above all the others, NEVER EVER TAKE SLEEPING PILL, take it as challenge without being hard on urself just throw it out and start living a free man life who is dependent only on universe real nature biological process,no more pills…the initial steps are always tough but when the going gets tough, the tough get going…you are a truly tough warrior…Never give up Commander, on your feet …free yourself and be the real you…!!

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As i have said… i am not afraid of dying… i have to quit my drugs…
Its no.1 on my priority now … after nofap.

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Thanks Rohitash.
Its high time now.

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I have a good news

The bad news is that i relapsed yesterday after 26 days. Now, lets talk about the good news : i successfuly quited my drugs

So, Why,When & What i was taking ?

After just 3 years of excessive masturbation… in 2008… i was having trouble in sleeping. My parents took me to a psychatrist. He prescribed me some antidepressants drugs. I got used to them.

In middle of 2016… i started my quitting process… i gradualy taper down my dose … it took 6 months to taper the dose to minimum.
In 2017 putting life on the line i quited them. Believe me it was so much torture to bear … like hell… so i quited them for 4 months. The interesting thing is that i started nofap in 2017.
Due to relapses & failure in nofap… i fall back into the drug world.

In 3rd quarter of 2018 again i decided to quit them and with god grace i am finaly drug free. i had a natural sleep yesterday it was refreshing. It all happened because of my 3 good continous streaks of nofap… 32,26 & again 26 days.

I got courage from nofap to live a complete life without any substance abuse.

Believe me life is so much better without these shit pills.



Congrats!! Just do not start again.:smiley: Now you can take Ashwagandha and feel the power. :muscle:

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I bought divya ashwagandha today. It says take 2 or 3 gms once or twice in a day.
I want to ask how much to take in a spoon.
Do you take it in water or milk ?

I also want to ask how you take amla… and what is its taste ?

You can take it in evening with warm milk. Take no more than one spoon. Don’t take too much. It should be leveled like fluid in the spoon (not like piled up on spoon). I do not take it nowadays because 30 days were over. I may start again in future.

I take Amla juice (10 mL daily). But it is better in raw form. It can be taken with meals in raw form only. Juice can be taken on empty stomach in morning, at least one hour before breakfast. Taste is sour. And of course, unlike Ashwagandha, it should not be taken with milk.

Amla is mainly for immunity and celibacy. It can be taken everyday. Ashwagandha is a herb for insomnia, harmonal disbalance, weakness, flatline etc. It should be quitted after 30-45 days to avoid dependency.

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Just in case you are doubtful about spoon quantity, size then u can get that in pills form as well

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But Ashwagandha induces hell lot sleep… That’s why I quit it last time

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Is ashwagandha easy to quit.
Is It natural.

Yes man. It is not a drug. :joy::joy:

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They will use FEAR to make you yield.
But they dont know that only LOVE can bring a change in anyone.

I have received a Official Threat from the admin. Taher.

I fear i may be erased from the forum permanently.

Mr. Adios is playing it very smart. He is flagging me for no reason. I give him my hand of friendship but there is no love lost between me & him .
I beleive i have earned some Haters but they are very rare.
Beside my failures i have 100 followers.

I have to type my words carefuly now. This is a time of fear & chaos.

Yes, i agree that i am immature. I am like a kid. But my heart is kind & full of love. I will not disappoint you all.
Let them do what they want.

I am in a very tight corner now. Things are getting ugly for me . I never thought that one day i have to fake myself to be with you guys.

Anyway i am a Believer.

I believe i can become a better human being for my family & soceity.

I will make sure now…that i make no mistake.

My journey has started.


Bro, a friendly advice. Pay more attention to nofap and your goals rather than this app and forum. Taher has done so much for this nofap community and for this world, don’t defame him for some pety reason. This is his app, his rules. Don’t think that have any shares in this. So please, just focus on your nofap coz until now you are nothing but all words no action. Prove yourself and then talk about something big


Hey @babi,
Day 71 of our challenge… The 100 bar is getting closer. Let’s lift it together :fire::fire::fire:


I want to challenge you @aapoorv75
To prove myself in your eyes, i have challenged you.

I have make a new challenge by name of nofap champion 2019
Put yourself in the scoreboard there.

Lets find out about words & actions.




as you all know 10 days ago i quited my sleeping drugs and as a result my brain fog has vanished. My awareness has increased. Therefore, i have found out that i have a smartphone addiction. Normaly people use smartphone but in my case i was used by the smartphone.

I found out that when i have no work i start using smartphone for no reason. Smartphone is wasting my life like anything. It has made me very sick. My temple had pain yesterday because of too much using smartphone. Hence i have decided to set things right.

Now, i will use my smartphone wisely not just for killing time or when i am bored or when i am feeling bad.

I will use this app only for 30 minutes and i may skip it on some days.

Today i minimised my use & had good results. I devoted my smartphone time to my family, going outside, studying & playing with my daughter, helping my wife.



Brothers, I seriously need your help…i am on day 44 now and feeling better than hw i used to when i did fapping, thanks to ur support and help on this but i seriously want to be humbled…i think i m feeding my ego alot that i m doing NOFAP and i am gaining control and things will work in my favor like getting things done, attraction, girls will follow, getting in better shape than ever, semen retention etc. which may be true but the point is this feeling is getting in to my mind and i m feeling like i m the king and every body will follow, girls will chase and so on… sorry brothers this may be true but looks like i m feeding my ego day in and out…pls save me, i want to live lighter and happier with peace of mind but not with this EGO and arrogance of this NOFAP journey… please help me.


Let me tell you a story :

King of athens was very proud and he had a big EGO. Once he was hunting in a jungle. A sage was going on his way as he passed in front of the king.
The king was troubled by the fact that the sage didnt notice him & didnt greeted him. The king got angry because of his ego. He called the sage and asked him Didnt you know who i am. The sage replied “NO i dont.”

The king said, i am the king of athens. The sage asked Where is Athens, show me on the world map. The king showed him athens pointing on the map. Now the sage asked him now show me your palace in the map. The king laughed and said the palace is too small to be shown on the world map. Now. The sage asked him Where are you on the world map. The king got angry.

The sage wanted to point to the king that he is nothing in this world. The universe is too big. He is smaller than a ant if we take the whole universe into account. A storm can throw him miles away. The ocean can drown him in seconds.

The Ego goes away in seconds when we see our position in this universe. We are just a little bit part of universe.

When ego goes away & we become zero. The god shows himself in front of us.


Gaming Addiction

I have deleted my video games. I want to live in reality.

I want to be a hero in real life. No more time waste.