#Resilient (Ascension to be Limitless)

Workout update Day 5 :white_check_mark:

Also, from tomm, that bearded alien will increase the intensity ;-;

Tomm should be my rest day but I am feeling like doing workout tomm as well

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Yeah I think it’ll be easier actually. Day 6-10 are on a little easier side.

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A question…
How come all 3 Set members faced the same issue…same day?..

Anyways about what happened today -

Did I relapse?

So today afternoon, I dozed off for about an hour and I had a wet dream…but no release…
I woke up and was pondering on that dream…that was too good and realistic scenario…so kept thinking about it…

Then I was home alone and damn my monkey mind ..
I searched for that scenario in Quora…to check if it can really happen or not…and damn the storiess…
I was high with urges…things were really getting out of hand…or can say that getting in my hand .

I thought of sleeping it out with another nap…but it was too intense by then and I saw an ultra realistic dream…not even dream per say…as I was not fully asleep…

In that half sleep state…my mind running some reel…I automatically got to ejaculate…

That time my sleepy state got shattered…and I remembered the Kegel exercise and contracted the muscle to stop the ejaculation…
Though I didn’t ejaculate fully, few amount of semen came by…equivalent to a heavy nightfall…
It was really a good quality semen ;-;

I was feeling soo bad after this…but luckily no after effects of relapsing kicked in…maybe because I didn’t use my D…

This is totally my fault for letting my mind wander this way…

So I leave it up to the community to decide…
Have I relapsed?..is this a counter reset?..

I am almost at a year mark…and such an incident happened… :man_facepalming:

@Strong_one @The_integrous_one
So this is what basically happened…


Oh shit bro…
Damn that’s like addicted person is still there. Man don’t lose now…
And i will try too…


Bruh mine was almost exactly the same.
But I decided to reset the counter which led to a literal relapse :smiling_face_with_tear:
So I will say don’t reset the counter, or you will go for a full blown relapse.
Let things be, what is done is done. Though level of urges will be very high because of you playing the scenarios in your mind, I did the same.
But yeah don’t reset, get a hold of yourself, it’ll be tough but possible.


Bruh it’s lust, it is the hardest thing to overcome among material engagements, anyone can fall prey to it anytime, you just have to keep your guards up. And I noticed this too, after a wet dream things get extremely difficult, it is the same reason I broke my 100+ days streak this year, yesterday as well because of wet dream I was totally out of control, I’ll have to look for solutions to this problem.

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Damn bro…last night itself ;-;

Yeah…this can happen…and its the last thing to happen…
This mind is so wierd…like I was getting thoughts…if you relapse then you can have 1-2 sessions of proper MO…and enjoy it fully…

We tend to cave into these thoughts coz it hits us when we are most vulnerable in every possible way…

I set the difficulty too high for few days now… :sweat_smile:
Only thing is…I don’t wanna be alone at home…

I was beginning to trust myself with this…but now self doubt has emerged - Am I really capable to handle myself when I am alone?

Yeah bro!
@anon87955785 once mentioned…Its okay to forgive yourself once and move forward rather than full blown punishment and relapsing…

Its there…waiting for the perfect chance to attack…daboch lega bc…sambhalna hai…

Yess…that’s the only thing we can do now…
Try and get better…

Yeah…all time…every day…24/7…365 days a year…366 days in leap year as well…

I guess its better if we accept this asap…
Its like being in Military Commandos…they are on their guard even during sleep…

We have to become similar commando version for NoFap…coz lust terrorists are waiting and may attack anytime…

I acted stupidly yesterday by knowingly searching such contents…
So I am writing it here to attest…no explicit searching in Quora, Reddit, Telegram and Spotify…

If I again make the same mistake…then it means I haven’t learnt anything…so it will be a relapse…

I hope I never come to see such day…
Lol “never come” :joy: :joy:


Yup that’s my mind too :man_facepalming::joy:.

Same here and I have too much privacy here :joy:, literally no one bothers me when I am in my room, no matter what I am doing. I just have to keep myself clear that’s all.

And I don’t have any other option

Yeah and since I experienced the same yesterday so it’s much better that you don’t reset your counter and keep going.

Yes I have noticed the same, a potential relapse starts the moment we search something in this field.
We have to he mindful about what we are searching and never let our mind trick us into searching something stupid. That’s the main area I also need to focus now a days. Wherever my mind finds a search bar it goes bonkers :joy:

Yes that’s the goal :muscle::joy:


I think everyone makes mistakes but just be more careful in future.


And I soon won’t have any option as well…

Yess bro…doing the same…

Yeah…that’s the enterance of the rabbit hole…

Same here bro… :joy: :joy:
Like it legit happens in Quora…Reddit and all…so just not gonna use it intentionally…this time its a strict thing to follow…

Save Semen :joy: :fire:

Yeah you are right…
And really thanks bro…you sent that pic at the right time…
I was saved from drowning in guilt!


What happend here? I was living for a few days .
Day 38 or somewhat . someone explain


That’s what we do as a community help each other in tough times in nofap.


Basically, I almost lost the game…but somehow I still in it…

You can read a few posts up to get an idea…

Lesson learnt - NoFap is a lifelong journey because its not about the action of Masturbating…instead its the cause of the action - Lust…

So always keep your mind in check…in such a way that it becomes second nature to you…



I am running busy again and I am tired of it…

I want some space now…I feel too cramped up at times…
Busy life is good…but if its everyday thing…then sometimes it would feel suffocated…

My cousin has visited me and staying here…so everyday its going out…and weekend travelling…
Its soo packed up and I want some change…

I guess its actually not bad to do nothing once in a while…I am really eager to do that…just spending a day lazing around… :sweat_smile:
Lol I am missing my being lazy days… :joy:

Got to sleep now… :sleeping:
My sleep time has really reduced and I wanna recover it this weekend…


(post deleted by author)


That’s why people love govt. Job :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And here i am struggling with discipline. It’s my daily routine to be lazy. :man_facepalming:t3:


:joy: :joy:
Don’t tempt me bro…

And besides, its not about job…its like soo many things going on…
Some or the other event or outing pops up…and its like this since April…
I get exhausted with too much social interactions and I am now ._.

Same here bro…I am only doing it coz I have no choice or space to be lazy :sweat_smile:

If I get a chance I will sleep :joy: :joy:


Even I lost today Mahn a good streak after months was destroyed
But I forgot how to give up

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Urges are high…
Home alone…
Work to be done…

Not able to think properly…
Just want it all to fade away…


Be strong bro. We are here. Tell us anytime. I will respond whenever I see.