Raushan's Diary

Completed Easy Peasy again the second time. This time understood far better. In the first reading most of the things I had already forgotten.

Some of the important concpets in the book is

** Withdrawl pangs, Brainwashing aspects, Nature of addcition, Little monster, Big monster, Will power method, Rejoicing from start that I am a non user.

We make it big but it’s not so big. If we understand completely how we don’t need PMO at all, How it has zero advantage and lot of disadvantage then we don’t need willpower to quit it. It will be the automatic process.

We are brainwashed about PMO that’s why we feel the need to do it. To completely remove the Brainwashing multiple reading is essential. I will revisit this book again in few weeks.


I have been blind. I was limited to this forum earlier. But there is whole world out there on reddit and YBOP where people are dealing with addiction. PMO is destroying so many lives. People are losing girlfriends, their wives. It’s a tragedy. It’s not to be taken lightly. If we let grow this monster then it can do so much damage to us.

I am going to read at least 4-5 books more on this addiction. I wasn’t seriously handling this till now. I wasn’t really thinking that it’s that bad. May be I was still brainwashed by other people that it’s normal.


I am going to write daily journal. And set of daily routines. Even if it is very small. I will complete it.


Did meditation. Had an interview today. I thought I nailed it. But let’s see what happens. Getting lot of rejection these days. In the evening I will go running. Have an exam tomorrow. Having lot of exams. Not been able to update much.

Mantra chanting, Kapalbhati, ANulom Vilom is pending will finish in the evening.


All the best for your exams buddy.


Work in progress gives me more confidence. I have done some good things while masturbating but maintaining my routine. I have started to lose that. I guess I should keep that at least intact.

Sorry everyone I thought I could conquer it quickly because of my own discipline which I don’t see many people following. But despite that I am failing.


Bro, don’t stress it too much. If you really feel that you tend to be more productive with regular masturbation, than when you’re on nofap, then go with that. After all, one of the main reasons to do it is that PMO tends to decrease our productivity significantly. I believe that once you become productive and get in a better state of mind, you’ll automatically get on a nofap streak. You don’t have to think too much about it.


It’s not that I am more productive with masturbation. But I think my work and focusing on nofap should be balanced. I have to manage that.


What is the main reason we fail? We fail because we give up. I failed many times and seeing some others that achieved great streak more quickly than me filled me doubts about myself. It filled me with whether I am capable or not. That eventually lead me to the mindset where I started to feel I shouldn’t try much. But is that an option? Is that the right way to proceed?

No, If I give up then it will be the defeat of my soul.

I have implemented this plan before and I will start again. This I read in a book called Mini Habit.

In Mini Habit you want to start any good habit start with mini habits. Like if you want to do workout daily but you feel lazy give yourself task to do just 1 push up everyday. I feel it’s a great idea. Going to do it.


Running, meditation, Kapal bhati, anulom vilom, Gayatri mantra

Reading a book the beginning of infinity
Work on projects


Creating the Routine template ::

Wake up at :: 7:00 AM
Meditation :: 1 hour (7-8)
Mantra , Pranayama - 10 min
Planning the day and writing journal - 20 min
Workout 8:30 - 9:00
Evening meditation and workout 19:00 - 19:30 - 30 minute running
No Sugar related food
Eat chicken and Eggs
Take whey Protein, Vitamin D tablets, Magensium tablets as a supplement.
Evening meditation 30 min 19:30-20:00
As soon as urge hit or sexual thought do either of these three::

  1. Run
    2 . Pushup
  2. Take bath hot or cold doens’t matter.
  3. Make it a habit as soon as sexual thoughts come instead of rewarding it with MO , do either of these three.

Try to be mindful throughout the day.


Yesterday’s update

Did just 1 hour meditaion.

Mantra chanting
Walking 20 min
Woke up at 9
No workout
Document related work.
50 pushup


meditation morning 1 our
meditation even 30 min
pushups 300
anulom vilom
Work 1 hour
I have to increase my working hour to 12 hours.
I am bulshitting myself Not working even bare minimum.


Did Morning meditation

Mantra chanting
Anulom Vilom
In evening may go for run
Did plank, pushups and leg raises

Today’s study time was much better than yesterday. I might have sat for at least 2-3 hours.

Earlier I used to fap almost daily so even though I am just on day 3 I am feeling much better than when initial days I used to be on day 3.

Fapping for almost 3-4 years now I had almost forgotten wat it used to be clear headed. Man I am messed up and didn’t even realize that.


Well you are here now in this community trying to fight this addiction and that’s the main thing. All the best


Thanks, buddy. Same to you. You have been very helpful as a companion.


We all struggle and fall short in life and so there is no point being the bad guy when life is already hard as is so instead l try and help anyone in any way l can


Woke up at 10 AM

Anulom vilom
antra chanting

I was watching Daredevil season yeterday and today. Not very productive days. Feeling pangs but I know I will overcome it.


Woke up at around 9 AM
Still stayed for 1 hour on bed had coffee.

Anulom Vilom
Gayatri mantra
Running in the evening
50 pushups
Worked in the lab had a relatively better productive day
Felt stressed out but not much.

Going to win this.

I am working on Machine Learning. This thing is really powerful. World is going to change in few years in unexpected ways.


I noticed a pattern. After relapsing from day 7 onwards I start to become sloppy in my routine. I don’t know whether it’s due to flatline start hitting or I become overconfident.

I start to notice my mind pattern. When it’s saying that I am weak then I have to hit hardest. This time I will not be weak. I will keep up with my routine. I will fuck my mind tricks this time. Nothing can stop me.