Pmo addiction in sexually repressed country

I’m drawing right now don’t worry, plus I’m not alone and the days when I was literally masturbating under a blanket with headphones with my sisters in the same room slipping or not are gone. That makes want to puke when I think about it, that addiction made me do insane things that I don’t want to do again


@luluane I was into drawing once upon a time. I am planning to get back into it.

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The alternative would be dropping pmo and moving onto screwing left and right to satisfy your urges. If that’s the lifestyle you want hey go right ahead. For a lot of former pmo addicts though we don’t have as high of a libido as you might think. Once you beat this addiction you start realizing you’re finally in control of your body and they love the benefits that come with it. That’s why a lot of guys when they quit pmo they abstain from all sexual things for a while… But your situation might be different, don’t see too many girls start this journey.

You really should honestly

I will definitely try :grin:

I never said that I will fuck right and left ok? You don’t know what it’s like to be forced by society to suppress your sexuality, always act like you’re not interested in sex and have no desire just so no one will automatically think that you’re a whore (there’s no middle ground where I come from, women are either sluts or saints). I want to beat this addiction but not to live like a monk in the future, sex is not bad but porn is for sure

I meant because you said you have a high libido that would happen. This is normal for people with high libido’s, like guys screw left and right. Didn’t mean it in a disrespectful way sorry. And no I don’t know what that’s like. Like I said your journey, your choice.

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@Sacred i think she understands how bad this addiction is just like everyone else on the forum. I think we should welcome her.

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I mean there is a thing called std’s that would keep me from doing it left and right for sure. Plus just been able to do it in good conditions would be great and a first step

Oh for sure I welcome @luluane. I was just trying to give advice but it seems she has a different plan.

We’re here if anything @luluane. :blush:

May I ask the country? Sounds very harsh.

Sexuality is a very powerful thing. I would even argue that society needs to protect against it. But I won’t go into that philosophical discussion. This is not the place.

I will rather say that society like yours fail to do one thing. They fail to set up a system where people can get their bioogical need met in a healthy marriage.
They don’t address the issue of people’s biological need at all. It is their failure.

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Algeria, a quit conservative Muslim country

Yes 100% and with the economic crisis that we face and unemployment people find it really hard to marry and have a home for themselves, I’m not the only one who is desperately horny and incapable of fixing this

Yeah I know nothing about Algeria lol. Sounds rough though. But anyways goodluck on your journey.:v:

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If there’s any consolation there are many people around the world for many reasons are in similar situation like yours.

I mean i gave you my example before already. And My cousins earn money and have house but they can not find any life partner. They are in same boat.

I will say one thing, bear patience.

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:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: that makes so sad

Hey, you’ve got this.
Remember the 2 things i talked about. That’s general guideline. You can build up on it by researching / thinking to make some tactics against urge. You’ll be all set and good to go. You can find resource in the forum. Good luck!
Check videos of the youtube channel i mentioned. See if it helps you.

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Thanks for your help goodnight :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

You are always welcome

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