Peeking and Masturbation: Whos the bigger culprit?

Modern (medical) science. The one that many times treats symptoms and not the root cause.
Many times making (or at least implying) up stupid claims that “sex is a need”, “sex is like hunger, one should satisfy it from time to time”
People munching on this and justifying this as a natural thing to be there don’t really understand that there are people who haven’t had sex for their entire lifetimes and are still fine. Unlike hunger, if you don’t eat you will die. Does that even happen in sex? An extremely stupid comparison.


Happy that this post got its attention :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I partially agree with you. I don’t know who are these people who say sex is the need. But yea It isn’t the need but I also agree anything is moderation is just fine. Alcohol, masturbation, sex, food, hell even excercise in moderation is fine. Shit goes south only when its overdone. Also science reiterates the facts and thats it. Science is being specific. It would be wrong to say masturbation or sex is “Totally wrong”. Which is a bizarre statement. Why? Because thats what science is. It needs to be non arbitrary.


I think more than science it’s media, either tv series or movies. Especially the ones in western countries. Some of the series shows changing girlfriends as changing diaper. I agree there are some guys like pick up artist whose main job is to have sex with as many women as possible. Some of them do have count of 150-200. But you have to pay the price for doing that. Which has been completely eliminated from tv series. Even i was influenced with PUA culture little bit even I am an indian. But then I realized how utter garbage it is.


Barney stinson​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t disagree with that and I’m not anti-sex at all.
But when people in the name of “being natural” do whatever they want it really infuriates me. Getting aroused is natural, but humans have something called intelligence and they should use it. I get angry because these people would also justify abortion in the name of being pro sex. I should have my freedom and all. If they can’t restrain from having sex at least be careful enough to avoid a pregnancy. That’s the least thing they can do.
Now I hope you got my point

Yea fair point. I totally agree

Just don’t peek fam​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Dont fap and stay high on your streak

I think part of the blame goes to this “science” as well
Not everything published in scientific journals can be considered authentic. Many times the research is funded by big companies to keep their business running. This would include the things such as “alcohol is healthy”. Now I don’t really know if alcohol is healthy or not, but the funds provided for this are by those who want their product (i.e. alcohol) should be sold more. This is just an example I’ve put to demonstrate the controversy about “science”
If a person from Harvard says this then… blah blah blah.
I really hate such articles

Science just states the facts. Also I guess a person should research himself (I mean his sources) before he does something. Like I scavenge the Internet like crazy before I buy anything or even when I am in doubt to choose which exercises are the best in gym. Sci can tell u whats there and whats isn’t. It ultimately depends on how you take it.

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Alcohol in moderation is healthy. Its a proven scientific fact

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Yes agree. Sometimes science just gives half of the answer. Infact if you know Nassim Nicholas Taleb he disproved many of the theories of psychologists. There exists pseudo science. It’s important to know the distinction.

I’m really sorry to say this, but many times people are really manipulated in the name of science.
The world isn’t really so simple as you think it is.
Propaganda goes everywhere.
Anyway I think we should be done here. I sparked an unnecessary discussion. Sorry about that.

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If that were true I would’ve relapsed multiple times this year already saying science says masturbation is good so are billion other things. It also matters that people use their brains every now and then to see what’s right and what’s wrong for them. I quit doing it becuase I don’t like it. I don’t use it as a green card and say " sci says it dawg, I m gonna make it rain". Right?


And guys I totally respect your opinions. My point was to tell everyone peeking is bad and so is masturbation. Dont do both. Rest of it was icing on the cake

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I doubt there’s any conclusion on what science has decided whether masturbation is good or bad. I’ve seen articles supporting both the sides. Nofap is also taken into this category. So anyway

Science did conclude!!! In moderation its good… If u over do it… Its bad

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Its also true that most of us here are addicts. So i won’t press much on the benefits of it. But all I can agree is porn is totally bad. No doubts

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And without it?? Your life is not just better its best. :rofl::rofl::rofl: choose the higher path

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