No-PMO Reebot 🈲

02/05/2023 [TUESDAY]


  1. Watch video of photoshop :x:
  2. Cycling :white_check_mark:
  3. Chapter 2 of Atomic Habits :x:
  4. Drinking lots of water :x:
  5. Bench crunches :x:
  6. Swimming at evening :x:
  7. Watch serial with family :x:
  8. Update streak in Naruto challenge :white_check_mark:
  9. Hit bed at 10:00 pm :white_check_mark:

EDIT 2: Removed ps2 bcoz I don’t like old king movies. So removed it.
EDIT 3: I was highly energetic today. I don’t know why but feeling happy and good.
EDIT 4: Failed severely in doing many tasks today. Woke up at 11:00 am.


03/05/2023 [WEDNESDAY]


  1. Wake up at 6:00 am :x:
  2. Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
  3. Bench crunches :x:
  4. Meditation :x:
  5. Read newspaper :x:
  6. Go with dad to give car to service center :white_check_mark:
  7. Cycling at morning :white_check_mark:
  8. Read Atomic habits 2nd chapter :x:
  9. Watch tutorial of photoshop :x:
  10. Play FIFA mobile events :white_check_mark:
  11. Swimming :x:
  12. Update the progress at Naruto challenge in the forum :white_check_mark:
  13. Hit bed at 10:00 pm :x:

EDIT 1: Guys my confidence is so high I can dance at highway. The confidence and energy is so real. Today I am filled with intense confidence, happiness, energy and calm. No-fap lifestyle forever. :relieved: :sunglasses:

EDIT 2: Me today:

EDIT 3: I again failed to do productive tasks. :disappointed:. Today I had urges and they were hard to resist. But i managed to overcome them. Idk how my day will go tomorrow. :disappointed:


04/05/2023 [THURSDAY]


  1. Drink lots of water :white_check_mark:
  2. Bench crunches :x:
  3. Meditation :x:
  4. Read newspaper :x:
  5. Read Atomic habits 2nd chapter :x:
  6. Watch tutorial of photoshop :x:
  7. Play FIFA mobile events :white_check_mark:
  8. Swimming :x:
  9. Update the progress at Naruto challenge in the forum :white_check_mark:
  10. Hit bed at 10:00 pm

EDIT 1: I am removing wake up time because I am feeling really tired and my body is tired. Also cycling at morning. I wanna sleep and heal my body.

EDIT 3: Woke up at 11:00 am. Still tired and I need more sleep. Mom and sis came to wake me up.

EDIT 5: Had to take car from service center, so me and an brother [An older brother who is close to us] went to buy it. Since I only know to drive automatic, brother came with me].
It was lunch time so we had to wait so we had chicken biriyani. It was heavy I went for cycling.

The best part was my kilometers. Thanks to food energy + semen energy I cycled 25.83 kms. I wanted to do more but it was already night and I have no lights on cycle. Gaining calf muscles without gym.


05/05/2023 [FRIDAY]

I failed guys, cause was YouTube shorts.
I let myself down :disappointed:
Whole mood and day wasted. :disappointed: :disappointed:

Once again I became an clown again. What an total waste of mine. Will start again.

This time I won’t be using big words. First let me achieve a good level, then only I will respond to anyone’s topics.
For now I will only reply in Naruto challenge because that challenge interested me.

Will only maintain an personal diary with me.


11/05/2023 [THURSDAY]

Current streak: 1 Day

It’s been 4 days since I am at Masab Tank. Currently at Hyderabad.
Here to visit dad. Dad’s office is here and got transferred 1 months ago.

Coming back to Kochi at 17th night. After that tasks and exercise starts again.

Currently participating in 2 challenges from forum. They are:


That’s all

Each day, urges are getting worse.


15/05/2023 [MONDAY]

I have been relapsing for the past 2 days.

I failed both challenges & also got caught in chaser effect and i got totally degraded and downgraded.

I will start again tomorrow. Today whole day ruined.
Also will not count days. I will keep the app with me but I won’t count days.
If there is any challenges do tag me. I wont be coming in this forum for a while.

@debellator Admin bro I need help.
I need to change my name from NarutoKun to Pain. Can you help me change the name.

PAIN should be the new name.


Bro you’re doing great, even just having posted a lot in this forum, personally this app has helped me a lot, I’m on a long streak and I’m sure I’ve managed to become the SEMEN RETENTION part of my identity.

But equally I understand your need to detach from the app, I’m sure you’ll get out of it, as will all others who have the will to do so.

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Confirm you want to change your name to PAIN?


Pain :skull:‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
where bro


Yes @debellator I am 100% confirming it



:joy: :joy:
Simply bro, suddenly I felt like changing my name.

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21/05/2023 [SUNDAY]

Reached home yesterday. There was change of plans.
It was an exhausting day.

Started maintaining to do task book. Will start everything from tomorrow.
I was exhausted. This time I will overcome it. I can see my comeback after few years.

Current challenges in RC I am participating:

  1. One Piece challenge
  2. Jee advanced challenge
  3. Last man standing challenge [Whatsapp group challenge]