No-PMO Reebot 🈲

START DATE: 21/05/2022 @12:00 am

This diary focuses on my total reboot of brain from scratch. There is no fixed target.

:exclamation: DISCLAIMER :exclamation:

I stopped counting days. So my start date is given above. If you are curious to know my streak, below is my sharing code:
Sharing Code: vvbi62

The purpose of this diary is to record my updates or random things.
Completed tasks will be marked with :white_check_mark:
Failed tasks will be marked with :x:


All the best brother. Hope you will attain your goal. Stay strong to fight the urges. Stay calm to control the mind.


Bro I have targeted one year goal . Last year I was failing most of the time. :sweat_smile:

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@rajameghanan Yes bro, I will surely reach my target this time.
@Amitroghates I know bro, this is a very hard path but we need to walk if we need to change.

This will be a eye-opening diary.

My journey started but I ate too much food and didn’t exercise today. Because of it I am not feeling sleepy. Yesterday slept at 2 am and now its 12 am here.
Brain getting messed up and routine also.



Personally, I’d be wary of giving myself monumental targets. You know, failing on the path to your goal may sometimes lead you off track into a downward spiral. But hey, everyone’s different. Whatever works for you bro. More power to you!

I’ve currently adapted the approach of being better than yesterday.

Don’t worry about that buddy, a relapse doesn’t delegitimize your journey, it’s a part of it.

That is undoubtedly a great idea. One should not get too hung up on the number of days. Just get busy with your stuff and check in once in a while (or not) to rejoice at the progress you’ve made.


Yes bro, I will update whenever I will come here.

I know bro but I hate it. Every relapse feels shit :pleading_face:


Ain’t that the truth…


I would say never take it as a challenge , it would be more herculean. Do you count whether you have brushed ur teeth, ate food , bathed , slept or studied? Nobody does. So treat it the same. Keep saying to yourself that the there is no thing called porn or fapping. Fapping doesn’t exist. As for me, Sexual thoughts don’t make me hard anymore, nothing does. I don’t get erections anymore. Some will say it is erectile dysfunction. But no erection(unless u have a sexual partner) is a curse if u are practising no fap. I mean u cant resist the urge if u have an erection. Tell me if u agree or diaagree.


I agree with that point.
What I think is “I am not a fapper” because if I say “I am trying to quit” Brain will think I am stopping this.
But if I feed my brain saying “I am not a fapper” so brain will take it as I don’t fap anyore


Nice idea to try. I have also stopped saying I am failing. I am rather saying I just set back or bounced back.

Is the idea came to you from Atomic Habit Identity concept ?


My urge because of erection reduced (100%) by doing 108 rounds of Ashwin Mudra.

But when urge comes , someone in my brain keeps saying ”don’t do it, don’t do that mudra, urge is a part of life ,accept that urge, it’s sometimes ok to do j•rk.”

Today I chanted Hanuman Chalisa for 3 minutes while practicing Aswin Mudra… My urge to j•rk off converted into a feeling of peeing or urination. Completely honest experience.

I released pee in my bathroom. I didnot f•p. No urge for 1 hour.

Again urge came. My strong determination knelt down infront of urge. :cold_sweat:


24/03/2023 [FRIDAY]

My journey started today. I got urges but I didn’t give up :smirk_cat:

Today I wated the day without studying and doing no exercise.
Played music, watched anime and played Most Wanted. Downloaded recently.

Old memories :pleading_face: :smiling_face_with_tear:



25/03/2023 [SATURDAY]

Today also I didn’t do any workout or study.
All I did was scoring bounty to beat Blacklist racers 15 and 14
Also Psycho Pass anime and Fifa collecting TOTY players




P•rn , M•sturbation and other related terms doesn’t exist from now in this world for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is my rule from one week.


@Amitroghates Good to hear bro. If it’s working for you its ok. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am free from PMO using this technique from 4 to 5 days using this thought. It is really working.
I even chant Lords Name whenever I felt strong urge. I chant Lord Kalabhairabh’s Name 108 times. Then urge vanishes for 1 - 3 hours.

I usually chanting Lord’s Name mentally throughout the day if I feel lazy and mentally weak to give up.

Urge came => I chant Lords Name


26/03/2023 [SUNDAY]

Today also didn’t study, workout or did anything productive. Wasted whole day.
Played Most Wanted most of the time and watched Psycho Pass for few hours.

But I felt a slight pain in my balls and I had dizziness and headache for few hours. Now I am ok :sunglasses:



23/03/2023 [MONDAY]

Procrastinated till afternoon without doing anything productive. :face_with_head_bandage: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I forgot which day I am on. Because of not counting days I am able to maintain my journey well and I am extremely happy.
I got urges today but I kept on switching things and dealt with it. But got emotional and angry over stupid things. Sometimes I feel sick also. Today I had a burning sensation in the Penis. Now it’s gone.

Today my procrastination gets over. Tomorrow onwards full on serious mode. :muscle:


28/03/2023 [TUESDAY]

Making new changes in journal. Like others, I am also gonna add these 2 emoji’s for my dairy.
:white_check_mark: For task completed
:x: For task not completed

EDIT: I am very happy to say that it’s my DAY 4 without PMO
Due to too much happiness I relapsed :skull: But I didn’t felt sad, angry or depressed. Will give a shot again.
Not counting days is really working. :melting_face:


29/03/2023 [WEDNESDAY]

Starting again today fresh. :slightly_smiling_face:
I am feeling improvement now. Till last week I couldn’t go beyond day 1 but now I have crossed 4 days.
Same strategy following again.

EDIT: For past few days my routine was messed up and had no interest in working out. From today starts the grind. Also this will be the last time I will be active at this time.
Today onwards will be sleeping at 10:00 am or 10:30 am.


100 bench crunches :x:
Study 6 hours :x:
Cycling 10 km :x:


Not much changes have happened. It’s hard to produce result but will not give up. The reason for this fat to occur is because of me sitting in the sofa without taking care of my body. Need to burn those extra fat. :melting_face:

That’s all for today.