No peeking Challenge 2024

Haven’t peeked. I will try to sleep by 11:30 PM. Thinking of going for a run tomorrow after leg day today, well let’s see. Might go for basketball Instead. It all depends on how I feel in morning. Perhaps an abdomen workout would work too! For now, will watch Squid Games E3-4


Oh dear you got it wrong
No no not in that way :joy:
I see her with respect only
No sexual feelings
She is in general with very graceful facial features and a very powerful personality, even my cousin sister has good features like her…that way, I admire them for what they are

No Mai Hu Na kinda situation here


Still man, on a moral basis falling in love with teacher is wrong.

It’s ok to compliment beauty.


12:00 PM
First of all, Why is there a Semi-full blown ■■■■ scene in Squid Games, and yes I should have skipped it but I didn’t. It can be counted as peek but if i think of it as part of the show it’s not peek. They talked in between the scene which i thought would be about the next game. I should count it as peek nevertheless. My fault. For others, just for information, the scene is in E4 only, that too is very short (don’t look it up intentionally)


@prince_king cool down, I’m not in love with her. And of all the tough decisions I have taken in life, my moral compass is working fine.

I know you understood my intentions in my previous comment that my admiration was of her beauty, the same kinda I have for my sister. So there were no “lust” involved.
It’s same kind of admiration when I see Hrithik Roshan and can’t beleive someone can be that beautiful.
Please don’t put forth phrases like “still man”. I did not justify anything in my previous post. I was “thinking” if appreciating her beauty could have been a trigger to peek, which i found to be not, I was just sharing my confusions, not conclusions. The tone of the post is quite clear.

I don’t know if I’m conveying it properly or not. But being “assertive” on social platforms is more cordial.
Don’t take any of these things in a bad/harsh tone. I can understand being in your age. But you gotta be better with your expression.


@prince_king only said what he did because of this post of yours. When I read it, I also thought you were sexually attracted to your teacher, since you mentioned her as a trigger. The tone of the post wasn’t as clear as you intended it to be.

Good to clear up the confusion. New start for you, I hope the new schedule and daily routine works for you this time around.


Oh ok.
I am sorry @prince_king if my previous post hurt you in any way. I’ll try to be more clear next time. I clarify my later mentioned intentions stand final.
Thanks @Forerunner
I’ll do better.


And that’s what actually matters.


Okay so I have managed to go 2 days without peeking at all. Today as well I got urges but I’m not going to do it. They are less than yesterday but they’re still there.


Experiment for next 3 days
Will count peeking in a relapse…


I peeked everyone, I accept intentionally peeked yesterday and I peeked today too. I’m sorry for it. I really am, I even relapsed today if I have to be totally honest. If possible, please forgive. I will start again and I will be stronger this time, making sure no scenario leads to the downfall of my soul. I promise

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Clean day :white_check_mark:
Thank you God for another beautiful day of freedom.
I will never peek again.

You won the day yesterday like a true champion. Every urge defeated is a victory; true mastery over self. Whenever we successfully conquer an urge, we are reinforcing our conviction that we can beat any urge and kill the addiction for good.

The beautiful truth is that we can always defeat any urge to return to PMO. There are many methods, tips and strategies to handle them. Some are more effective than others, but all of them work as long as we are determined to use that method each time the urge strikes. Sometimes we may be tempted 10 times a day. No matter, we are fully determined. If I have to use my method 100 times a day, all will be well. That’s just the price I have to pay for freedom.

And the great thing is that we won’t be battling urges every day. Each day that we stand our ground, we’re callusing the mind against giving in. Urges become weaker and less frequent. People free for years report getting strong urges only every few months, but they get back into gear and follow the same tried and true methods to stay free.

Let’s transport our minds 10 years into the future. When I’m on a streak of 3600+ days, and I get urges, I will laugh at them, because there’s absolutely no way I’m going to give in after reaching 10 years clean. But even in 10 years, that will be the present moment for me. It won’t be my future when I’m living it, it will be "now. " So as long as I conquer today and make sure I never relapse “now” in the present moment, I will come to the future “now” and I will have been clean for 10 years.

Win the days, and we gain our lives back again. Remind yourself, if I would never relapse in 10 years no matter how strong the urges are, no matter what negative event happens in my life, no matter how terrible I’m feeling, then I won’t relapse now, because that is the only way to reach that level.

Though we feel some anxiety when we’re experiencing urges, some tension and fear that we may give in, some arousal at the suggestion presented to us, it always feels good to wake up the next day and say, “I didn’t give in.” Enough days like that and we can become genuinely happy.

Keep going bro.




Thank you man. I needed this. We’ll keep working. Determination is not only for urges but for accomplishing anything in life. I have to go beyond and become a monster.

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@prince_king That scene was awesome, I love time loops. Each time the hero gains more knowledge and power when faced with the same obstacle. Haha kinda like us :grin:



This scene is for fighting against an addiction. That’s how I imagined myself in last 2 days.


Man, that’s intense.

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So @Forerunner I’m having this situation again. I’m unable to sleep and the urges have taken a hold of me right now, along with a mild headache. But I also feel pumped up.

This is again my promise to you and to every single person on this challenge, that I won’t peek tonight, I’d rather die than give in to this shitty pleasure. Not just sexual urges, tonight there won’t be any romantic thoughts either. No desperation for a woman’s touch in any shape or form, sexual or non sexual way. People say these feelings make you human but I don’t want to stay a human anymore, at least not tonight.

I will not peek, I will not fantasize, I will not let even a single thought about mating with someone stay in my mind. Not today.


You can do this brother, keep going, you’ve got this. We’re supporting you.


We’ll see what tomorrow brings. But for tonight, no desires of this domain are going control me.

Good night my friend.