Neveragains journal (+the part from the old forum)

The last week were some of the hardest I had in many years.
I felt frustrated, wanted to cry, to scream, to tear everything apart. And the worst thing was, I had no idea why.

I think the issue was, that I thought I have to climb to the top. That I have the potential to become one of the best scientists. But as in everything, being one of the best means to work more than others and to not waste time.
I’m not working from home, having to write a publication about experiments I haven’t done because I can’t go to the lab. It is one of the most frustrating works I’ve ever done. This means I waste hours and hours each day enjoying myself on youtube and P.

The most horrible feeling is the one of not having enough time in my life. That life is too short for all the things I want to achieve.
But once more, Buddhism helps me on my way (I really start to like it). I have to let go of the attachment. I have to let go of the thought that I need to be the best in my field. I need to come back to the present. Find contentment in the present and see this life as a journey to help others and myself to find contentment and happiness in what we are doing and what we are possessing.

Nevertheless, letting go is extremely painful. Having lived 26 years, pursuing one final goal and now saying that I have to let go is not easy. But I can chose between two things.
I can strive for perfection/being the best scientist and by doing so, maybe find happiness and contentment. Or I can strive for happiness and contentment and by doing so, maybe find perfection


Hey man,

as you know I follow your updates regularly, kind of lurking, but this entry struck a chord once again.
First of all, sorry to hear that you had some rough days. Stay strong man! We are with you.
Some thoughts on what you wrote:
I know the feeling all too well - for some reason I always unconsciously thought it’s a given that I will excel at something, and the only way to measure that was other people’s success. If I want to be a pianist, I have to be one of the best, like looking back later there has to be something extraordinary that people will go like: yeah at this age he even did this or that.
Same with writing. With biology, with sports, with almost everything I was ever interested in. And not being the best frustrated me, because I deemed myself intelligent, or let’s rather say observant enough to notice what I could do better. Which was when more frustrating. It always felt like I had this huge potential and I wasn’t using it. Like I was missing out on my own talent.
Thing is, that exact state of mind was what kept me from doing anything at any level, and even worse, it kept me from being happy with anything I did. If I practiced two hours a day, it could’ve been four. If I practiced four, I could’ve been more efficient. And if after a week of practicing I didn’t feel like getting on the biggest stage ever in two more, I lost interest and motivation again. Because if I won’t be extraordinary in this field, then why even bother.

I have to admit, when I started NoFap, or rewiring, I did it for similar reasons as a lot of people here: reach my potential. I thought that obviously there had to be something keeping me from achieving. Keeping me from doing what I was able to do.
But see, exactly that is what kept me down.
I always thought I had to be great, not good, GREAT, and if I wasn’t, I was a failure.
I could perform better than a lot of others and still feel stupid because someone else was even better. And so I didn’t like what I did, felt like it was worthless even trying, and always felt like I wasn’t who I should be. It made me kind of hate myself in this passive aggressive way. Like I was disappointed with myself all the time.

Long story short, I think the key at least for me lies in doing the best I can, and being okay with it. Accepting what I can do and what I can’t, for whatever reasons. Not expecting too much nor too less, but actually not expecting anything. Not striving for perfection, but for being in touch with myself, and thus loving myself. Doing the best you can means you’ll get exactly where you ought to get, I guess. And making the best out of that situation keeps you going. And eventually it will get you somewhere, because you kept going, and you’ll be content with what you achieve.
I remember reading sometime that everybody is a slave to something unless we let go, as you say. And that can be money, but also knowledge, or achievements, or a career, or being the best version of yourself.
I try to think of achievements as something I look back to, not something I pursue. I don’t achieve to get acknowledge, but acknowledge what I achieved, if that makes any sense.
Like, you drink a lemonade or a beer because you like the taste and you might be thirsty, not because you collect empty bottles :smiley: and if you drink a lot, the collection of bottles comes all by itself, reminding you of the moments you had drinking.
Even if it’s just practicing for two hours when it could’ve been all day. If I enjoy those two hours, I’ll come back and make it more. If I think it’s not enough, I’ll see it as work, as something I have to do, and so it’s an endless uphill struggle. If you see perfection as a good thing and everything less as a bad thing, your life will end up as a pile of bad things I guess.

So, sorry for the wall of text in your diary. But maybe you’ll find some ideas or thoughts in my own ones.
All the best!

It’s fascinating. You are describing exactly my situation.
I watched biographies about people where they say, he graduated at this age, his developed this at school and I was wondering, what will people write about me.

I played squash and excelled at the beginning (because I played tennis before). No one at the tournaments believed that I played for only 1 or 2 years. But at a certain point the progress got slower until I was just a regular player. And I dropped the sport.

Exactly my feeling :pensive:
The method you describe really helps me where I have to perform in a moment. For example job interview, phone calls, exams. You have one chance. And you do it as good as you can.

The problem is, in life, I love perfection. For example right now, I’m working on a publication. I like to check if there is a better reference or if I can write something a bit better. Because in the end, I love to hold the result in my hand and to know, that it is a good piece of work. But there it is really important to be able to differentiate whether I like to have a good work, or that I feel like I need to have a good work.
One is driven by contentment to create something beautiful, the other is the fear of not being enough. And that is one point where I’m not really good at right now.

It felt really good to read your comment this morning. It was the first thing I did after waking up and it really motivated me to for the day


Also an interesting thought from right now.
I wanted to make a little break of 30 min. So as always, I started youtube right away because I wanted to check if there are funny videos.
But already after 30sec I felt the urge to watch porn. Usually I resist the feeling for 5-30 min but then give in.

But right now, I felt that I don’t wanna watch youtube. The problem is not that youtube triggers porn. The problem is that I do something that I don’t wanna do and this dissonance between what I do and what I want to do triggers a flight reaction to flee from the dissonance. So, I pick up my book now and sit in the sun until 2pm to continue my work.


Last two days were really good. Friday and Saturday went by without PMO.
Instead I try to spend lots of time on meditation, thinking about my life, about the ideas of Buddhism and so on.

I can really feel, that this is the key for a better life for me. It shows me what is truly important in life. It gives me calm and peace.
Lets see how today will work out.

The true challenge will then come again on Monday with the next workday

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Day 4

Now, the challenges starts. I did wake up today at 6.30am. So, the day already started good for me. 30min to get up and ready for work. Now started home office for an hour and still feeling good.

I guess it will be harder once I’m more tired.

Also, I feel like I should have spent more time on the weekend figuring out my issue with work. I was able to solve my “life-long achievement” problem but I still have to figure out why I get stressed by work. Maybe I will find some time today


Hey man,

Great to hear a positive tone in your entries!
You said that it will get more difficult once you get tired. If you already know that now, maybe you can find something you can do in exactly those moments now, so later you won’t have to discuss with yourself, you just do exactly that.
It’s easier to get something done, even if it is difficult, than het something not done.
Like, it’s easier to force yourself to read through those 3 hours instead of forcing yourself to not watch porn and at the same time evaluate what you should do. Because then your brain will convince you somehow that watching porn or go on YouTube is the easier Option.
All the best!

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Thanks for your words.
You are absolutely right. Way to often I try not to listen and just try to power through my work without watching porn. That can’t really work.
I should try to adopt better strategies than that.

Yesterday was quite okay for most part of the day. For the first time in a month I felt happy to work. Somehow, only when I wanted to go to bed I had some issues.

Today started really good. It is mid day and I’m feeling happy and calm (even though I’m quite tired)


Let’s start a list with situations I think I don’t handle properly yet:

  • Driving home
    • Thinking pattern: I will now go home and do this and that and don’t watch porn
    • Monkey mind about imagined discussions (not present in the moment)
  • Arriving at home
    • Immediately jumping into an action (instead of letting myself arrive)
  • Night
    • Going to bed too late
    • If I come into a flow reading my book, I want to continue forever. (Instead let go and enjoy that you had a good time reading)

I realized one thing.

If you lead a perfectly happy life, without anger, stress, fear then, this addiction will go away just like that. During these times where I am happy and in the present, I never feel an urge for porn.
But it is hardly possible to remain that 24 hours a day 365 days a year. There will always be a time, as short as it might be, where you feel uncomfortable. Especially at first, it takes a very long time to figure out all problems and to improve life to a point, where you can reduce your porn consumption

If you rely on being happy, you will always fail in these moments.

If you try to beat this addiction by will power, you will never relapse as long as your motivation is up. You can push extremely far. It doesn’t take time. You can reach high streaks from day 1 on. But it is not possible to keep up that motivation and strength for ever. There will always be a time where you are tired or demotivated.

If you rely on willpower, you will certainly fail in these times.

What is needed is a combination. We should work to improve our life because only this is the key for a long-term success. But we need to be aware, that we can’t be happy forever. We need to know that if an urge hits, we can fight back. We can punch it in the face and come back to the calm and happy mind.


Exactly, couldn’t agree more. That’s why it’s important to have two key components (among others) in recovery:

  • an idea of what you think is making you unhappy in your life and how you can work towards fixing that

  • a plan made ahead for that moment of weakness and awareness of what creates those moments of weakness


I’m so pissed. I just can’t make it.
I just can’t resist the computer. I come home and eat something in front of the screen. Once I’m finished eating, I can’t stop the movie which is playing. But I wanna do other things then sitting in front of the screen and watching bad shows. I wanna read, draw, prepare for my interview, go to bed early and so on.
I have never ever only watched porn. It is always a combination of youtube, twitch and porn. Because I’m not interested in either of them on their own.

I think I also rarely started my computer to watch porn. It is always a slipping into it.

Another thing is whether I should ask my girlfriend to help me. I could start kind of a challenge where I have to tell her each day whether or not I watched. But I don’t think that this is a good idea.

So, why did I watch youtube today? I wanted to eat something but I was bored by just sitting there. I think that is one of my biggest problems. What should I do while eating. Yes, sure mindful eating in quietness would be the best. But I’m not sure if I can do that. I could also listen to the nature podcast. One episode takes about 20min. That would be perfect


Let’s start living. For 2.5 years I have experimented around and I have learned what works and what doesn’t. Now, lets put all of it together.

Most important things:
We talk and think a lot about porn. I often feel that I want to read a book but my first thought is: “Don’t watch porn”. Then “Oh, right. Do you remember the last time?” Then I think about stuff I don’t wanna do. I need to break that and just forget porn. Yes there are things about it that I like but who cares? There are many things that I like. I like to run, dance tango, bouldering. But I don’t do theme either because I don’t have time since I watch porn.

This is now my final “experiment” to put it scientifically. I will write a protocol which is a reminder of how to handle a day. It is used to remember which habits I wanna develop and should help me to stick to it. I will print the protocol out and read it multiple times a day.
The main part of the new strategy will be based on kind of affirmations. The first thought should be “I could read a book or finish my drawing” and not “I should not watch porn”.


I relate to this so much - so many hobbies left undone and goals unmet due to PMO.

All the best with your new strategy man, really hoping things work well for you.

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Let’s see. I put it here maybe it helps someone else. Each affirmation should hereby help to break the cycle of an old habit. If repeated enough, a new habit can form. Also, a protocol is never static. It needs adaptation. If someone has an idea to improve my day, feel free to comment.
For the mind, the day starts one hour before going to bed. So, I will start there:

21.00: Switching to “shutting down activities”. Means: showering, brushing teeth, reading easy literature, meditation, mindfulness.

22:00 latest time to go to bed.
Important affirmation: “With the singing of the birds (my clock has bird sounds), an amazing new day will start.”

5.45-6.15: Getting up (I have a sleep cycle clock. So I don’t exactly know when it rings)
Morning affirmation: “What a wonderful day.” Think about one great thing you will do this day.

6.15: Slow wind up (have to think of something fun and easy to do in the morning)

Going to work as soon as I’m ready

Affirmation during the 5min breaks (my experiments have lots of small breaks): I still need to come up with something to break the habit of thinking about not watching porn and instead be stoked about all nice things i could do instead.
Use the 5…15 min breaks for some meditation/mindfulness.

Use the bike-ride home to think of all the great things you wanna do in your free time.
At the end of the ride you should know the one thing you wanna do the most.

Do this thing /these things until it is time to cook dinner.

Affirmation before starting to cook: “The easiest way to squeeze in a 50min meditation during my day is during cooking and eating”. (This should change my thinking that eating without a screen is dead time)

Mindfully cook and eat your dinner. If you really want, you can listen to nature podcast.

A dinner is only finished, if everything is also cleaned up afterwards.

Do fun stuff until 21:00


Thanks man.
It is just so frustrating to try for so long and in the end you still don’t manage to not watch porn.

You are a great inspiration that it is possible to leave this bad habit behind.

Thank you very much for being here

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It truly is so frustrating!

But we will figure this out man, I have no doubt of that.

You’re welcome brother.

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I’m adding a little strange weekend affirmation:
“Being with my girlfriend doesn’t mean we need to cuddle. Cuddling doesn’t have to lead to sex and sex needs no orgasm”.

I guess I will add that on my way home from Germany and also on the ride to my girlfriend.

Little bit a strange one but I often catch myself at thinking that one needs to lead to the next. I know that it is late and we should go to bed but somehow I just wanna have sex. And that is a habit I need to break


Another extremely important thing to remember is to stay positive. I see people not sticking to the 2m corona rules, I see people without motivation to their job, thing at my work place which go wrong, I see my train always being delayed.

But I don’t see the people sticking to the 2m rule, I don’t see the people going to the lab on Saturdays, don’t see the things that go right at work or that I even have a train to go back home every single weekend.

The affirmation could be something like “remember that there are so many beautiful things around you”


Just a reminder for myself

  • I don’t need to fear that others might talk to me. If you don’t talk with others you can’t learn new things