Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

Aye aye Commodor !! I got it


Checking in .
Day 1
Going well now.


Add me please.
Sharing code : y068sg
user name : gattiman
Current streak :87
Highest streak:91

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Completed 3 days :muscle::muscle::fire::fire:


Check in
Not a day yet since joined.

Current strike: 5 days.


man i don’t know it’s The puzzle of the century :rofl:


Check in 1st day.

Current strike: 5 days.


@gattiman Yes sure… I’ve added you. But kindly recheck your sharing code. It’s not working.

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Check in Day 2

Today was the 2nd day I studied correctly :joy:

I exercised about 2hrs today. I surprised myself by jogging again 3 Kms. It took some positive Affirmations. My legs are hurting but I am happy :smile:. The pain is worth it. I also did 90 push ups and 45 crunches.

Rest of the exercise consisted of sparring with some exercise friends I made. Im learning mixed martial arts consisting of boxing, Kung fu and wrestling. It’s been 4.5 months I’ve been learning it. I’m a pretty good fighter now ( in my mind :joy:)

I always wanted to learn but somehow I never went outside my comfort zone to look for teachers. That is what porn does to you. It takes away your desire to improve and grow. It stops you from reaching your full potential and realizing your dreams.

Tip of the day

Self talk really works. I never imagined I could run 3 km. I never imagined I could move out of my comfort zone. I wonder what else I can achieve with positive self talk and using willpower to push a little harder the self imposed limitations.

Daily Tasks

  1. Meditation :white_check_mark:
  2. Watched motivational video :white_check_mark:
  3. Quran Translation :white_check_mark:
  4. Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
  5. After lunch nap 30 mins :white_check_mark: ( it really refreshes me)
  6. Exercise 2hrs :white_check_mark:
  7. No triggers from screen :white_check_mark: ( no social media, no series, movies nor animes)
  8. Daily task :x: ( too busy to study for exams)
  9. Namaz :white_check_mark: 4 in masjid
  10. Diet Control :white_check_mark:

Day :five: :ballot_box_with_check:

:green_circle: = Successfully done
:orange_circle: = Involuntarily undone
:white_circle: = Voluntarily undone

:green_circle: No PMO
:green_circle: No edging
:green_circle: Sleeping between 8:30 p.m and 9:30 p.m
:green_circle: Sleeping enough
:orange_circle: Waking up at 4:30 a.m
:orange_circle: Morning exercise
:white_circle: Laying down on the floor for 15 minutes
:white_circle: Daily visualization
:white_circle: Daily affirmation
:orange_circle: Praying Fajr on time
:white_circle: Reading Athkar
:white_circle: Meditating for 30 minutes
:orange_circle: Helping mom by preparing the lunch table
:white_circle: Exercising
:green_circle: Walking at least 1000 steps
:white_circle: Breathwork
:green_circle: Drinking enough water
:green_circle: Taking a cold shower
:green_circle: Eating healthy food
:green_circle: No junk food
:green_circle: Family time
:green_circle: Playing more than 1 hour of piano
:white_circle: Studying more than 3 hours
:green_circle: Reading
:green_circle: Writing
:white_circle: Concentrating while studying
:white_circle: Less than 3 hours of screen time
:green_circle: Brushing my teeth 3 times a day
:green_circle: Perfume 3 times a day
:white_circle: 5 Prayers
:white_circle: Reading Coran
:green_circle: Cleaning my room
:white_circle: Screen detox starting from 1 hour before sleeping
:green_circle: Spending time with nature / outside the house
:white_circle: Laying down on my back 3 times a day
:green_circle: Using the Internet only for knowledge and self-improvement
:green_circle: Daily Diary
:green_circle: Preparing for tomorrow


53% of habits were done successfully.

Most of the missed habits were voluntarily undone due to laziness.

Daily Diary:

The time has come to dig deeper in this new journey. Day 5 was a realization day for me, bad things happened in the beginning bad in the end I learned a lot.

My neck injury was 90% cured in the morning so I was able to exercise and do lots of good habits that demands physical activity. But unfortunately I didn’t, I was too lazy and without the passion and motivation to actually do them.
If there’s anything I learned from you guys today is that Nofap doesn’t make you productive, being productive makes you succeed in Nofap.

It was 3:00 p.m in the afternoon, I was at my piano teacher back then. I played Beethoven’s moonlight sonata 3rd movement to her but she didn’t really like it. Don’t get me wrong I’m an awesome piano player, I’m even the best of her students. Infact she treats me like a professional and professionally it was not a good interpretation.

She told me that I played it like a computer, just like Russians do :joy: with absence of true melody that was beneath it. She didn’t find the words to explain it to me in french (that’s the language in which we communicate) so she said it in German which was: “Selbstbeherrschung” Wich means"self control" because I really really can’t help myself but to play it fast directly without practice and while playing it I don’t control my fingers and accents and the way I interpret it. Also “ausdrücken” which means “express” I need to express more my melody and deliver my message to the Listene.

You tell me what’s the point of writing all that?

When she told me that she said that I must find self-control and learn to be patient and take things at their own time and find my old self, that man who is able to deliver his emotions.

I Don’t think you guys read this post and I don’t blame you I mean even I won’t read it if it was someone else’s post :joy:.

What I learned:

I must find self-control and be more spiritual in life

Thanks for reading
Good night/day to all of you guys :fire:


Wow man… That’s awesome :fire::fire::fire:

I thought you were writing jibberish :joy:

I read it bro. And I appreciate the effort you put into making this post. Keep it up bro. This will really help you. :smile::+1:

True. Me too.

Nice :fire::fire::fire::grinning::grinning::grinning: awesome idea bro.

@NeverGiveup420 thank you brother :blush:


Daily check in :ballot_box_with_check:

Day 145


Day 1✅

Meditation ::x:
Discipline( Not sure)
Exercise 45 minutes :white_check_mark:
Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
No triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Daily task :white_check_mark:


Day 1
Mediation :white_check_mark:
Daily task✅
Hydration :white_check_mark:
No triggers :white_check_mark:
Exercise :negative_squared_cross_mark:


Today’s Video

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily”
-Zig Ziglar

The above video literally ignited fire in me. :fire::triumph: Do watch it.


Today’s Task

Sit down for 5 mins and think about following:

  1. Why do I relapse? What are my triggers? What are the scenarios I relapse in?

  2. What can I do to avoid those situations? What is my strategy and routine?

  3. What is my strategy if I’m in danger of relapse/ triggered/ in situation of weakened control?

  4. What can I do to increase my will power and improve my mindset? How can I make myself undefeatable by Urges and triggers?

  5. Why am I such an awesome person?


I love this Great Challenge with Beautiful concept, @NeverGiveup420 and @rajameghanan

But I want some time to rethink as I am involved in a lot of Challenges these days.

But I will come here for sure sooner or later.

Thank you so much for the invitation . Appreciated. Looking forward to meet some strong men here


Yes sure bro… No problem… :+1::smile:

Thanks btw for the appreciation