Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

Always love challenges and challenging my self so count me in💪
Sharing code: 4mzezt

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Highest streak =7 days
Current= 1day
Pls add me

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Can be in this too. I think this one was where binocular invited me.


My name is Andythepro65 or andythepro65

Code: f7vg8s

Highest strike I’ve ever done is: 11 days.

Current strike: 4 days.

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What about Navy Seal Training ?


Checking in. :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

5 days completed.


@surr @andythepro65 welcome aboard soldiers. Don’t forget to read post 1 completely and watch the video. Also do check in daily. Best of luck. :fire:

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Check in Day 1

Today was the first day I studied correctly.

I exercised about 2hrs today. I surprised myself by jogging 3 Kms instead of usual 1.8 Kms. I was thinking about breaking limitations by positive self talk. My legs are hurting but I am happy :smile:.
I also did 60 sit-ups and 35 crunches. I did 11 chin ups. A month ago I could not do 1. My back and ribs are hurting too but I’m happy :joy:. Oh yes. My left shoulder is hurting too. But I’m happy :joy::joy::joy:. In previous 4.5 months I have lost 15.5 Kgs, from 103 kg to 87.5 today. My goal is to reach 85 in 2 weeks. Then 79.

Daily Tasks

  1. Meditation :white_check_mark:
  2. Watched motivational video :white_check_mark:
  3. Exercise 2hrs :white_check_mark:
  4. Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
  5. No triggers from screen :white_check_mark: ( no social media, no series, movies nor animes)
  6. Daily task :white_check_mark:
  7. Namaz :white_check_mark: 3 in masjid
  8. Diet Control :white_check_mark:
  9. Quran :x:

Satisfaction is much much better than pleasure !! :fire:

I want to gain weight atleast 15-20 kg :smiling_face_with_tear:


True :joy: and it lasts longer than pleasure too

Are you underweight? Or is it just a self image problem due to people calling you weak?

Check your BMI Online. Put your weight and height. Check your ideal weight. Achieve that. It may require you less than 10 kg to gain if you are underweight.

To gain weight. Don’t gain fat. Gain muscle. Just exercise mainly strength training and body building if your height is okay. And eat healthy.

You need to feel and be healthy. Weight does not matters. Be happy. Ignore what people say.


Yes, my height is 180 cm and weight is 55 kg :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yeah i m doing the same but from somedays lacking consistency.


It’s done. Just read it and saw the video.


I enlist, Captain :muscle: Do or Die.

Highest: 26 days
Current: 26 days

Let’s do this :sunglasses:

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Highest streak 2 days
Current streak 2 days 5 hours
I’m new to this challange so lets do it


Hi Man i was looking for challenges like this im full ready :smiling_imp:
Current-streak : 6d 04h
Highest-streak : 6d04h
Highest-streak ever: 31days
Let’s Survive today and plan for tomorrow :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

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Pls add me bro,
Current Streak: 8

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It’s always the left shoulder :joy:


But why? :joy: I don’t understand

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@DoneWithThisAddiction @dak_sam @NXGhost @Rohitash welcome aboard soldiers. Best of luck :fire: it’s time to believe in ourselves and make ourselves proud.


Attention Brave Soldiers :speaking_head:

I see only a few people checking in. This destroys the goal of this challenge. Pls do check in and complete your daily tasks. This will really help us make ourselves better and stronger so that the recovery is easier.

Today’s Video

Today’s Task

Turn off your mobile for 1 hour and spend that time with your family or friends. Just listen to them, their problems, their dreams, their desires. Only respond in positively inspiring words.