Yes that’s absolutely what you need to do
Only the legends use this way and it will be so effective with you i guarantee it
Run bro Run don’t ever stop and give up
We only have got few years to live so make something good before you leave this life
Be better be productive not consumer
They don’t want you to be successful by embedding your brain in this shit so get yourself together and stand up
I am back in action
Day 4
Tomorrow is DDD
Good night @NeverGiveup420
It’s actually begun bro
It 1st December 12:22
And in india it may be doon
Well it’s actually 11:24 p.m here. (You can see my time zone by clicking on my profile picture ) plus tomorrow is when I wake up for me
Its 5 29 pm here in the Eastern Standard time zone USA
Day 2 here. My workouts are back in routine, I took my first cold shower in a long time, and I’ve been going to social events to help build my skills this week. Stay strong guys
Practice religion
No triggeres from screen
Task complete
We all mistakes but don’t let those problems beat you. Beat them:muscle:
You are right brither
Today’s Video
Today’s Task
Sit for a while and think of all the cons of PMO. Let them sink in. Then think about the pros of NOPMO. Let them sink in too. Then think of strategy to cope with future Urges and triggers. Think of daily routine to maximize your productivity and recovery.
Day 6 Check In
Check in Day 28
This is a message to my future self. You were right. You did it. You have broken free. You are truly free now. Fly high oh my best version. Fly high
I need to callous my mind and resist procrastination. I need to start studying early in the day.
Need consistency in fasting and positive perspective at all times.
Need to Improve focus in Namaz. Offer Namaz with calmness and peace of movements and focus in reciting.
Tips of the Day again(same, need to practice)
Your mind is a great liar and deceiver. It always says: “that is too difficult. This is too much for you. You can’t do this. This is getting difficult. Things will get worse with time. I’m losing my willpower. I’m at my limits etc” Shut the mind up by doing what it says you can’t.
Push yourself everyday. Your mind should obey you. You are the master. Not the other way around. It’s been so long you played the role of servant that you have forgotten how to be a master. Don’t procastinate anything for even a second. Just do it forcefully whether you like it or not. True freedom lies in the other side of pain and hardship. Fight with your own self. Conquer yourself. Be free.
Keep a positive perspective when flatline, demotivation or Urges hit.
Break big task into smaller tasks if you lack motivation to start working. This really works.
Learn to surf the urge. Any and all Urges. Observe first. Then think. Then react. Be self aware.
While working had, say to yourself you love it. Soon it will be rewarding working hard by associating dopamine with effort and not just end result / reward.
Wake up at same time, go out in sunlight for 10 min, drink coffee after 90 mins.
If you lack focus, don’t drying tea… Just take deep breaths 23 to 30 with 2 sec deep inhales and short exhales and then exhale all your air… Then hold your breath for 40 sec.
At end of the day, relive your day and analyze where you wasted your time, your mistakes and make a plan to improve on them tomorrow. Do this daily. And soon you will surprise even yourself at the progress.
Daily Tasks
Monday and Thursday Fasting
Need peace and focus in namaz 1/5
Positive Perspective
Watched motivational video
Quran Translation
Cold shower
Pushed myself today
Study/ Worked today
Nap 30 minutes
No triggers from screen
Daily task
Namaz 5 in masjid
Diet Control
Day 5 no fap.
Day 1 DDD. No urges in my no fap journey on this december. Been really stress and busy these days that urges forgot about me.
At least urges are not here. Until work and school get better I will feel better.
Day 19 completed successfully
For no specific reason i was stronger today
I had the usual amount of urges but no effect at all
I think i built an immunity against the urges
I shall make this immunity stronger as soon as possible because what’s coming after Day 30 will not be easy at all
It will be the period that separates the men from the boys
So i will Sharpen my immunity more and more
I will succeed and i am sure about that
No matter how much i will pay for my mistake i will be happy to pay it
I will also show my tasks here
I did my today’s work out
Work out
So guys let’s FUCKING do it and prove that we are real civilised human beings
I am restarting my counter since I didn’t check in for 3 days
Day 1 daily check in
Slept on the floor
Woke up early at 3am
Cold shower
Hand stand 20 seconds
Push ups x60 reps
Dips x20 reps
Belly crunches x50 reps
Meditation 7 chakras
Hey, I am experiencing emotional pain since 4pm.
I am slowly calming down now.
My brain keeps failing me. Memory doesn’t work.
I respond emotionally without thinking.
I cant even think properly.
I can’t make decisions.
@Vortexkicker That’s normal in recovery. Stay strong. This time will pass, you will recover. Never think of turning back to the poison that made you this way. You are strong enough to persevere.
Today’s Video
Today’s Task
Sleep is very important for recovery. It is the core of your rewiring and willpower. Evaluate your sleep and wake up time. Identify factors that cause you to sleep late. Manage them. Sleep early. Wake up early and conquer you day.
Clean eating
No triggeres from screen
Today was a bad day for me and I had a best friend for about 5 years and we stoped talking because deep down I don’t see him as my friend and he says we’ve been through so much but there had been only 10 percent of good things through out our friendship that saved us and helped us out and the 90 percent was talking shit horribly to each other online and our whole world views are completely different. I don’t know what to do. I had it rough growing up and still am and I don’t use this as an excuse but tonight I think different and ask for advice and try to figure out if I should try to befriend him again or continue this road solo like I’ve been doing for quite sometime… Plus I got member of the month which idk man shit sucks.