My Hero Academia Challenge (Season-1) ⚡

You will BRO ( I’m out of likes :man_facepalming:t2: ) and you said right the challenge have boomed :boom::boom:and all of them are just amazing :fire::fire:

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Hi guys, here in Brazil it’s 7:56 PM

I woke up late, after waking up I went to train. without eating anything

first workout 468 calories lost

Then I did the rest of my workouts, added up to 1 hour and 5 minutes of training. There came a point where I could barely do push-ups

To refresh myself after all I took a cold shower :cold_face: :cold_face:

I’ve already completed 5 and a half hours of study, now I’m going to do some physics exercises, reading and sleeping

|+5|Check-in :white_check_mark:|

|+30|Studying or working| :white_check_mark:

|+20|Meditation| :x: ( I will never do that )

|+25|Working out| :white_check_mark:

|+10|Cold Showers| :white_check_mark:

Punctuation : 70


You did 5 hrs of study buddy. Amazing :white_check_mark::+1::fire:
You points will be 3 hrs (30 points) + 2hrs( 20+20 points) = 70 Points

You said you were barely able to do pushup. You did intense workout brother. You deserve 45 points brother.
You can give yourself points from 25 points to 50 points.
You know better for yourself how much points you deserve :muscle:
You are doing Great, Keep Going brother :+1::fire:

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Bro His points should be 30 + 20+20 = 70 :sweat_smile::fire::fire:

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Thanks brother for reminding :sweat_smile: rule banane wala hi…rule bhul jata hai…:joy::joy::joy::+1:


Do Nofap and eat badam :joy::laughing:


Check-in +5
It was a busy day at work today so I only managed to study for 2 hours.
Meditation + 20
I guess only 25 points for today. I’ll do better tomorrow.
First 24 hours of no PMO today. I’ll check in everyday to maintain consistency.


Keep going Brother, You can do it. Main motive is to keep ourselves busy. And stay productive. Stay strong buddy :fire::clinking_glasses:
You can too become a number 1 hero…:+1::zap:


Check in +5
Cold shower +10
Exercise +35
Study -3 hrs -30 points

Total -80

@rewire_user bro is there any points for affirmation/visualisation and reading easy-peasy ???


Hi! I am going to report my 2nd of this challenge

Check-in :white_check_mark: |+5|

Studying for 1 hour, so no point count

Meditating several times today |+20|

I am Working out for 1 hour and a half again , it a little bit intense, but still I give point for |+25|

And I took a cold Showers |+10|

So in total, today I get 60 points :boom: , not that much, but I am proud by taking it slow and steady!


Reading easy peasy Yussss !
You can include all three and Put 10 points in front of them. Because the real work is reading book…that’s worth the point :+1::fire::zap:


Check in 5
Workout 50
Studying 6 hours 90
Cold shower×2 = 20
Total 165

I don’t know what points I should alot to eating 3000+ calories and drinking 6 litres of water, but I did it. So there.


Check in :white_check_mark: 5
Study 7 hours :white_check_mark: 110
Exercise : warmup, stretching, obliques, quads, hamstrings, calves, cardio :white_check_mark: 40
Meditation :white_check_mark: 20
Kriya yoga :white_check_mark: 10
Affirmations, visualisation, reading daily stoic :white_check_mark: 10
Reading book deep work 20 min :white_check_mark: 10

Total 205


Man, I got this feeling that You will be at the top :heart::fire::zap:


I’ll have to stay consistent :sweat_smile:, let’s see.


:white_check_mark: Check-in = +5
:white_check_mark: Study :books: 3.5 hrs = +30
:white_check_mark: Workout :weight_lifting_man:= +25
:white_check_mark: Cold shower ×2 :cool::person_in_steamy_room:‍♂= +20
:white_check_mark: Meditation 🧘‍♂= +20
:white_check_mark: Yoga , affirmation , visualisation🧘‍♂= +10

Total = 110🔥

@The_integrous_one bro how long u do affirmation and visualisation :fire:


Not much though, 5-10 min combined I guess. I have made some affirmations according to my personal goals and I add to them once in a while. But I take 10 points for affirmations, visualisation, and daily stioic reading combined :sweat_smile:.
I can share a picture of my affirmations and vision if you want but some of them might feel stupid :joy:


As per your wish …we have no problem :sweat_smile::fire::fire::joy::joy:

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I don’t think you’ll be able to read it properly but you can if you want :joy:. @kanu
Don’t judge :joy:.
But main thing is they should be according to you as much as possible rather than just reciting some online affirmations and all.


@rewire_user can I check in the morning , I am not able to use this app at night . Yesterday too I thought that I’ll check in the evening but I wasn’t able to .