My 90 days journey

Day 0
I start this day with meditation and shower. I will be running in a moment. The mistake of the previous time was not making some new strong good habits, so I start with that. Then I set goals for the next day to be more productive. A nd the most important thing is not to make the mistakes of the previous days. Have a good day everyone.

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Day 0
The unpleasant feeling after the relapse has passed and I feel motivated. Tonight I will try meditation and I will run. I hope this week (and the next one) will be as successful as, or maybe more successful than, the last one :muscle:

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Read the book - why we should never Masturbate ?

This book helps a lot.

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I will read it thanks

Day 1 round 2
Hi. Today is a great day, in the morning I was doing meditation and running and now I am doing other things. I feel very well, I am full of motivation.

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