Make Your Count-up Timer For Free - TickCounter if you don’t want to open the app ever again just put in your date and time on this website. I have done this and it has helped me tremendously. If you want to see my NoFap Streak just open my profile and click on the web page.
What I have shown is where you can find my NoFap Streak.
@Covertxomic1 I think that if you used the web version of the RC Forum it probably would better for you.
thanks for this , i’m using both app and web version. i will use when it’s needed
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@Awaken_one do you need any assistance on how to do this?
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Here’s what I am doing,
I’m using the forum on web and restricted app throughout the day by using app blockers and only between 9-10 pm I have allowed it to be open for the purpose of resetting counter which I hope never to happen
What app blocker are you using @Rudra-NITE?
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Stay focused, I have subscribed too.Its not easy to bypass it if used in strict mode, sadly not available to pc.
I got it, thanks for asking though.
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I used to use digital detox but it affects payment app opening issues.
Does stay focused have the same issue? Like biometric gets blocked etc.
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U can surely put payment app in whitelist, as it only blocks the apps , websites that u specially want.I would suggest to try it for few days as I don’t prefer to use the app in strict mode for more than 15 days.
I mean the biometrics that we put on apps via. settings, does it hinder those. I will try it myself I guess and find out.
Did you buy lifetime premium?
Monthly × 12 = lifetime premium with one payment
I am thinking of getting the lifetime premium on EMI lol. So it costs less for 24 months.
Less than 100 rs.
I have used it for 2yrs, after current subscription ends will be going for lifetime
If u are really into using the app
My only suggestion would be to use in strict mode with restricted settings or u can add blocks in settings app seperately just allowing a small time range between the day where it can be used
Would you like to share how you have setup the app? Like what you have blocked etc
I see, got it.
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Previously I was using in strict mode with settings automatically blocked, but it can cause a problem little bit when u are in extreme need to change something.
Recently what I did is to block settings seperately for whole day and allowing only 9-10pm where it can be opened
No issue with payment apps then? like paytm
Guess I got most of it then, thanks for the sharing. I owe you a big one if this app helps me leave ■■■■.
The app itself surely not gonna help itself only,but it will gonna help to cut down digital usage…
Only thing that helped me this year is meditation only ,not just for the sake of consistency like10 mins, but doing it for hours…hope u get it what I am saying
What’s your meditation schedule like?
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