[M27] Journey to become the ultimate spiritual Biohacker

Don’t do this brother. We need you. So come online once a day at 10 pm.

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Day 63

The streak is going well. Actually, even though I didn’t experience a real flatline, I had an immense resurgence of sexual flow the past days. Getting boners constantly and more energy during workouts. So many people fail between the days 20-60, but they don’t understand that this phase is called flatline for a reason. The complete healing of the brain, espacially dopamine receptors takes place. You have to fight through this! It’s like a dark tunnel you have to pass, but you will get out to a magical place…

It is a very crucial time now in order to get to the first milestone of 90 days. One must be very aware and mindful to get the streak going since the days just go by. It is just the fifth time in my life that I have gone over 60 and man…this is so divinely serious right now. Like a portal that opens up to your soul. I have the 1000 Days as a fixed goal in my mind. I wonder what happens by then…It will be in the year 2023! So much time to realise goals and wishes.

@Tagore Yes indeed, I have taken action now, I deleted many messangers and will use the phone only for navigation and important needs outside. At home I will access the internet only via my Laptop and use it for valuable tasks. Like this forum right now.

Keep strong guys! You are all so young and you can achieve so much. Just do the maths and consider, how you will be when you reach 1000 days with your current streak. And what version of you would that be…just imagine. Imagination is limitless, and the universe will act according to it.

Be evolutionary.

Tomorrow will be even better,



Day X

Technically, I have edged 3 times during the last week…but something inside me has changed.It was not edging, it’s like the use of a technology within my inner neural architecture.The streak is developing on a faster pace. I think I have now come to a point of my transformation in which I can state that I have reached something beyond ordinary. I can have easily up to 20 orgasms in a session without losing energy or semen. Even the opposite, I have developed my tantric practice in a way that it energizes me and boosts my mindfulness. I am now certain that I have to teach this knowledge to students of the next generation. And especially harmonize the relation between male and female on this planet…when Shiva and Shakti unify, the path of our race will accelerate us to become a planetary species that realizes space travel and unimaginary breaktroughs in the next decades.

For now I realize, that many people are not capable to believe this, so my idea is to conduct scientific experiments with some scientists of the university of neuroscience here in Berlin. When I have scientific proof that these inner orgasms can be measured with electrodes and brain scanning images, I can go public with more credibility and people willl become curios. From there, I will lead them to the ancient knowledge and hopefully awaken their inner conscioussness.

Once I have summarized the basic teachings and instructions I will come back to this forum and the whole NoFap-Community as well, since many men here are on the path to grasp what the real nature of sexual energy is.

I will be Swami-MahaGanja. This is my future. I will become a channel of devine knowledge for the ascension of humanity.

Keep strong everyone! Sexual transmutation takes years and decades, your current attitude and descipline will determine where you stand in the future.

If you want to stay in touch personally you can message me, I also start to give private instructions via Zoom and skype.



Hi @Svami-MahaGanja,
Thats really great idea.
I was just curious, do you use drugs in your tantric practices ?

Well, you see my name don’t you? :wink:

Ganja is not a drug, it’s a divine Healing plant with ethereal properties and deep alchemical mechanisms that expand our mind.

However, I prefer to do my Sadhana and Tantric Sessions in my Base Form. After a disciplined practice and transmutation exercises I occasionally boost the afterward transcendental meditation with some Ganja.



I have a question !
Does your Guru gave you Ganja for healing !
Does your Guru use Ganja on himself !

After healing … would you continue to be a MahaGanja !!

Just curious … no offense.


Brother … meditation is not going in some transdence zone… it is about coming to our reality.

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Pardon me but i cant stop myself to give my free 2 cents.

In spirituality there is no short-cut.
There is no Hack.

As your well wisher… i say … leave your hacker guru & his ashram as soon as possible.

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Wow man, how and why do you come up with those misconceptions?

My relations with my Yoga school and my private Sadhana are two very different sides and nobody suggested anything. It’s my experience after years of practice and I like the term Biohacking as it includes many future possibilities.

It’s odd that many regions in India still seem very suppressed in regards of a divine Healing Plant that even has it’s origin from this area and has millions of Sadhus using it for meditations and rituals with Shiva :wink:

The biggest parts of the western world is gradually legalizing Ganja and Germany is close to break the market, as since 2018 it’s even available through pharmacies. It already helps millions of people to get off chemical harmful pills and greatly awakens people by stimulating brain regions that were suppressed. I hope that you and the rest of the world will come to this point at some time. :pray:

And yea meditation is the term for a great array of inner practices…and transcendence is one of it. In my personal opinion it’s the most ineresting, so I go for it.

And by the way, Ganja let’s you see REALITY from a whole new level of perspective…but follow your own path as you want to. It’s results that matter.



Do you do ganja?? @Svami-MahaGanja
Because my friends do it, and act so weird…
They laugh at anything…

Hehe, I remember that as well when it was new to me.

Generally it loosens emotional and physical blockadges and let’s more sense awareness flow through you. So it makes a lot of people lough when they feel this state. But after time one learns to use the hightened perceptions to ones own wishes. Many people get creative, enjoy nature or use it for spiritual purposes :slight_smile:

P.S. Of course it should be regarded as a plant of high value and should only be used 1-2 times per week with respect and purpose.

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Iam very curious about this??!
How is that even possible.
Seems weird to me. Keep going on your path.
But can you elaborate more about it…?

but after time it doesn’t work on the body… and you need more doses of it to feel the same height of benefits…


I don’t agree with this. Personally, I agree with what @Sahas has said, there is no shortcut to spiritually. Ganja, weed etc can be used for rejuvenating purpose etc but it has no link with spiritually, I believe. Many creative men, song writers like Bob Dylan etc use this and become very creative and write beautiful lyrics (the most popular pop band beattles are very famous for it)
Iam from India brother. But real Sadhus don’t use Ganja to attain spiritual enlightenment. In India there are a lot of fake ones. Trust me, real Sadhus are rare even in Himalayas and they attain enlightenment through real celibacy, sadhanas, taking their thoughts to higher level of consciousness.


@Tagore : As I’ve stated, our neural system is like a technology. An orgasm has different pathways than the semen ejaculation. As a tantric Yogi you learn exercises to distinguish these functions and how to transmute the energy into higher states while keeping the semen inside. It’s like you’re riding the orgasmic waves that come up inside you like a surfer. Whereas a primitive man just gets flooded once and is depleted afterwards.

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How do you actually do it.
I really want to do semen retention but the more Iam trying it the more night falls are occurring.
In last ten days I had 4 nightfalls :worried:

Bro, just as well as Sahas and Drago. How can you comment on Ganja without actual experience and scientific knowledge on it? I use it for 10 years now and as I stated, it’s results that matter. So as long as we are not standing face to face in real life, the results of our spiritual level cannot be measured. So just accept that I’ve experimented with it for 10 years and have much more knowledge about this subject. I don’t recommend it to anyone and of course it’s not a shortcut to enlightenment. It’s a booster for one’s practice, if used correctly.

@Tagore Regarding the actual practices and won’t write about this because many of it is transmitted through initiation and takes years to learn. I want to resume it first, then I teach people.

I will come back as I said when I have more proof. Yesterday my first brain-scans came from my MRT. I will now continue to find a team of neuroscientists that will conduct the experiments with the sexual energy measurements.

Take care guys, keep searching and you shall find! Knowledge comes to those who are ready for it.


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@Svami-MahaGanja Means we don’t need To get
More doses to get the benefits as before…

Correct. I use very small portions of high quality Flowers through a vaporizer (not burned) 1-2 times per week.

Also, it’s important to bless the practice for a higher purpose and use it for activities that expand one’s mind naturally. The Ganja makes it 300% more intense and brings a state of magic and divinity into it.

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To me, it’s a beautiful, wonderful manifestation of Shakti that grows on this planet with a purpose :pray: :heart: :dragon: :earth_americas: