"Let's Begin" diary (rantings toward liberation)

Hey dude, it sounds really good, I think we all eventually find our way in the end :+1:

Some days are harder than others, but I’ve been here so long now I can’t Fap without a voice saying “You don’t need to”

I can laugh, but it has a point; “I can choose” Bang! Scary thought. Scary because it means I do have a choice and can’t hide behind anything.


I started fighting with myself and relapsed.
I’m going to stop counting the days, and only Check-in to order my thoughts.

A key thing for me is, really wanting, to keep prodding and asking.

Two weeks free, brother, it looked like you were onto something there and starting to unravel the tangled web of lies. Don’t let this hold back your progress.

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Thank you bro :pray: that means a lot :pray:

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I want to keep unravelling the lies I tell myself.

I was free for 2 weeks. One thing overtook another, what it was I was pushing towards, over, the how & the why?.

I want that spirit back.

In bs pmo-wonderland, when nothing matters, nobody gives a shit, and you just don’t care; I hear that voice saying “see, I told you…etcetera”

Look! Who has the time for this shit?
Why am I wasting time in a paradigm?
Or being like a pendulum?

“A cool scented breeze wafts through my wind, and reminds me of childhood, a sunny Saturday playing outside, and the smell of cut grass, an elderly neighbour mowing his lawn, attending his quaint garden”

“Don’t you want good memories, bro?”


NoFap,…is, easy. You just gotta want it.

You bullshit with yourself, anything to avoid the truth. “what is truth?” and just asking that question just goes to show.
5 minutes ago it was easy, and now it’s all difficult all of a sudden?

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It isn’t that difficult, really. You just don’t know what it’s like to be pmo-free, and so it feels weird and scary.


You find it difficult for a few reasons;

You aren’t actually part of NoFap, or recovery.

The label makes you feel a bit better, as you do have hope, but you just aren’t ‘feeling’ it today, and so you just give in.

That’s normal to you. Yep, You’ve normalised ■■■■. Not just you, a lot of people, but don’t use that as an excuse.
“duur. it’s normal, other people do it, don’t dey?” Some people do a lot of other things, some people like country, some like jazz.

“eer yeah, we all like ■■■■, no matter the genre, right?”
Yes it’s all the same shit.
Pmo is effectively like sex, the poor man’s orgasm. Our brains don’t know any different. We’re still pumping that same high. Even though we rationally know the difference, the feeling is still the same, more or less.
Yes, we all like ■■■■. That’s why it’s hard to stop.
And exactly why you should stop.

It’s only when you see it for what it is you feel disgusted, but then on other days, when you feel okay, you just habitually click “ah, pleasant fap-land” and don’t check yourself and say “wtf bro?”

You find it difficult to quit because you think you are giving up something you like.
“but you said Pmo is sex, and we all like sex”
And this is where you don’t know how to draw a line. And where you normalise pmo,… And the rest!
You don’t differentiate between reality and fantasy… What is mature, normal & healthy, And what is childish, selfish & naive.
Pmo is like sex to our brain. So quiting pmo, giving it up, seems difficult.
But do we have to give it up, or is there another way of thinking about it?

“see, I knew it, you can’t give up pmo, it’s normal, and it doesn’t matter”
I don’t know everything, I wouldn’t expect you to either :wink:


Yeah, most people around us are like this mindset, thinking it is normal, that’s why we need nofap forum to support each other. We’re the ones who know the truth.

Yes i have read so many people who successfully quit PMO feel blissful and peaceful that they all said is unimaginable before. We need to keep reading their successful experience to motivate ourselves.


Thanks for your response bro :+1:

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You think NoFap is a challenge, but really it’s as simple as when you get to that point “ah I feel sick, I gotta stop this”

That moment where you feel sick in your stomach and need fresh air;

That is NoFap

"Has someone been watching ■■■■ in here,
or do I just feel sick?"

“I’m just not ready, I need God’s will”
God has already given you free will and power over it, just as He’s allowed you to fail.


You’ve got 3 options;

You strive to lift the weight, and maintain it.

You don’t lift it, but long for it.

You don’t put yourself in that position, because you value time.

Deep down, we know it all.

We know what constitutes a ‘trigger’ or what’s a lapse in ‘our’ world.

‘Our’ world - we can’t compare it to others, “oh its just booty, get over it already”
Don’t compare notes, just don’t.
It’s you and you alone - us believing the same thing; I’d probably be a lot happy without it

So don’t compare with the world…
It’s Your trigger and Lapsing that keeps you at Fap.

If you don’t want to relapse, you go before, and take responsibility that You are in control… And You always are,… You just wish you weren’t, because if you had choices you’d make bad ones… But the thing is, You are making bad choices… You are in control… God is loving and isn’t forcing you one way or the other… But there always to welcome you home.
But you don’t wanna go home only when you’re crushed… Then you get comfortable…

Think, write, expand, lose that anxiety and panic, God is Love.

When you Love, it isn’t Us and Them, Fail or Win, but “come home, I miss you, I want you to be happy”

But Love doesn’t force itself, it doesn’t hate, it has patience, it accepts, rejoices in the truth, doesn’t hold onto wrongdoings but Hopes in the others without seeking for itself, purely for the care of others

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Someday in March;

Just came across another member who has sparked my spirit.
It turns out that he and dear old Luffychwan (who kicked my butt) aren’t the only ones with a different perspective than that of the subtle and unsaid dogma of NoFap - ie; it’s the hardest of all Addictions. It’s a struggle. You have to work on yourself and your life.

I’ve had Gfs, been productive, made changes in life, worked, travelled, all the while being a habitual fapper.
Yes, I need to work on my life, relationships, career - but you have to regardless of being a Fapper or NoFapper.

Yes, it’s great to use NoFap as your motivation to change your life around. I’m not saying you should listen to me, or stop doing what works well for you, but what I am saying is; if you really do want to be free from pmo now, you can be, and it doesn’t have to be so difficult.
There is an effortless way that isn’t dependent of your streak giving good feelings over time.

So, my buddy shared this with me,
The Freedom Model for addiction which I’ve just started. I’m drawn to it because I’ve been here over 5 years, most of the time barely doing NoFap, or when I have; struggled to higher streaks, became obsessive, and only twice, hopefully thrice; shat it all out and felt actual freedom without the baggage of effort or doubt.



I’ve started reading the book, and it sounds revolutionary.

I completely agree that most people’s current understanding within the community is wrong. This doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t need to be a battle; we don’t need to become self-improvement experts to stop.

Abstinence is a passive activity; it is a not-doing-something, and we don’t need anything to stop doing something except that we stop it.


“A new commandment I give unto you;
That you Love one another as I have loved you.”

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