"Let's Begin" diary (rantings toward liberation)

“Reduce her” “fulfill your desires” - well said bro, but we can believe people are like that.
■■■■ is prostitution, and we’ve always knocked on that door.

The moment you start checking out a girl, is the moment you pursue thoughts.
Not always. Some dismiss the thoughts and get on with their day, while others end up having a family with the girl.


Sunday 16th June 18:20

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Ffs, I need to do better. I realise it’s a choice every time.

Mark 4:26-32

He also said, 'This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the land.

Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know.

Of its own accord the land produces first the shoot, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.

And when the crop is ready, at once he starts to reap because the harvest has come.’

He also said, 'What can we say that the kingdom is like? What parable can we find for it?

It is like a mustard seed which, at the time of its sowing, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth.

Yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade.’

Change “Kingdom of God” to “■■■■ addiction” and there you have it.
Once you plant that seed it will grow of its own volition, because that’s its wish - to draw you in and keep you. Sure, you can take breaks, but that tree stands.
It needs cutting down. Words, thoughts, actions, beliefs


Ffs man! Don’t bs yourself into thinking you are free when are still engaged with lust.

Pmo is always a choice, but ironically feels less so once you start.

You opened chrome, You searched… You weren’t forced to.
Why did you?
Because I felt low. It happens often like that, I feel drained, anxious, unsettled.

What are feelings?
Feeling is just an energy… We feel tired because we got bad sleep. We feel worried because we haven’t taken action or made a plan or both, Or we haven’t got a proper foundation/or lack going back to it.

What is it to feel low?
It’s a mixture of things, fatigue, vague plans, feeling responsible for everything and other people’s problems, or jobs I have on (which you can only do your best at, but still push beyond)

‘Feeling low’ is just a sensation, how you think about it is just that. So if it’s down to rationale, go much much easier on yourself, and do think about it.
You feel low often, it’s okay,… But simply realise that bad thoughts stem from bad thoughts, fatigue comes from bad sleep, and too much stimuli, whether it’s drugs like nicotine, caffeine, (or weed - which I know I shouldn’t be doing)
all mixed together, create anxiety, and the “feeling” to need pmo.

You don’t need pmo. You don’t even like it anyway, and You don’t like checking out girls even though you do it. You really don’t like this lustful behaviour and thoughts, it makes you feel sick and you know it. It’s a sickly thing.

So why do it?
I have low moments, and reaching for pmo feels instinctive.
And I think, pmo has made me view females with it in mind, not being able to distinguish between the Internet and the real world.

Thing is, I’ve had relationships and I DO KNOW better, I Know that better part of living life, I’m not talking work, business, lifestyle or attitudes and stuff we see on YouTube (that stuff is a killer - yes, we find helpful ideas, but it’s not life or reality, people or living - just like ■■■■. The Internet is f**king us, he is our god. Sigh, huff, breathe) :pray: but anyway, going, I KNOW better.
Feeling low, take deep breaths, realise death, realise you don’t owe anyone, you give out of love. Some days are better than others, but you still get on and do your best.

Walking in The Light is NOT difficult, it is ALWAYS Good, and Always a simple choice to bring your highest good thought into action.
And they are NOT loud, visual things to gain attention for ourselves, but small things that give gratitude to life itself. :pray:

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Objectifying women! How is that a good thing? When did it become okay to ignore and use people?

How is that good for your brain?

All you are doing is isolating yourself, and actually doing the opposite of what part of the pmo habit is driven by, to be living free and with other people. But it’s your idea of people from pmoland, and how you imagine things to be that you fail to check.


People talk of fetishes, but the one big one we never talk about it is “Life” fetish, not as in a genre, but a large scale subconscious belief, and it’s in living life through the lense of what we take from the Internet.

We evade death, and gloss over it, making it a taboo thought.
If it can’t be exploited or capitalised on, it’s irrelevant in this hungry world. This heavily diluted Internet world where I voice my opinion against the dense and concentrated subconscious force that keeps people in check.

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What if I tell I’m free of PMO, but still filled with lust, lust that I even don’t fight with I just let it pass through, I know sounds contradictory but it is not at all a contradiction. The saints of God they had all this lust too but they didn’t act on it. PMO is a 21st century disorder and it is not lust.
Unfortunately or fortunately we are a generation that we have to deal with both.


Yes, I understand and know what you mean, letting things be as they are rather than feeling the need to act.

My words can fail me at times, but thank you for pressing me.

I write it because my actions are not the same as my ideas, and want to slap myself out of it.
Like, “wtf? Be accountable, have some dignity, have some self respect”
“do you want to be accounting again later ‘oh ffs I failed again’?”
It only takes some attention which I’ve been avoiding.


Seek out for freedom instead of seeking for streak challenge. That’s the best advice I can give to you


Thanks bro, you’re bang on right!


Nothing is too hard, that The Lord has given you a way to overcome it.


Don’t allow your heart to become cold (following the ways of the world)
God’s love is steadfast and consistent,
Blessèd is the who stands firm.


“Even when you watched videos you love so much, you skip through it and fast forwarded bits”

You also watch other videos.
You have favourites, and favourites have changed. You even watch things you didn’t previously like. Even the ones you love, you don’t watch anymore, because you’ve seen them and want a new high.
You go from one extreme to another, and sometimes try to modulate it by going back to something softer that you liked years ago, and try to feel nostalgic about it.

Remember that one girl? And now she’s dead, she killed herself. She was used and abused, and could never get justice or remove that stigma.
You can’t watch her videos anymore, so why others?

And why in the first place is EVERYTHING ALL about appearance all of a sudden?
When did that suddenly become okay to think like that?
Whatever happened to the phrase “Don’t Judge a Book By It’s Cover”

Why the fuck are you even doing NoFap when you don’t address the basics of decency? Not judging people on how they look.
Rating people, rating outfits, judging people’s fitness, people’s worth, their intellect, kindness or lack of, or how to fix them, “pray” for them to see, or be what we think is good.

What happened to Just BEING?
Slow to judge or anger, but quick to listen.
What happened to conscious spirituality where we don’t parade, but stay, small, quiet and humble, so only God knows.

We may have moved away from an age into another, but what’s gone is not lost but dormant in hearts.


Quoting you bro @Forerunner :+1:
You’re giving me a lot to think about. Just wish I could get my mindset in shape


I hear that brother.

What do you believe PMO is doing for you that an abstinent life can’t? What greater happiness is there in continuing to PMO?

I think you’re further in the Freedom Model than me, I’m on chapter 12 still. Those are questions I’ve been asking myself.


Thank you bro.
No, I’m not that far in, and put it down, or maybe not finding time. I don’t feel able to look and answer my own words honestly, or feel thorough. Or perhaps I’m just burnt out.

Yes, I’ve got through a fair bit, I do try to dip in and find bits. The main concept, positive drive principle, I understand, but perhaps not grasping fully… Not questioning myself hard enough.

I’m battling with consistency, thoroughness, fighting the good fight, or being easy going, developing a kind of apathy which I feel when directed to our advantage can be used against pmo,… (and even lust?)

My thinking is all over the place. Restless with working life, and balancing relationships & responsibilities

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The longer we’ve spent trying to break free from addiction, the more tangled the web is and the more concepts we have to adjust or abandon.

Dwelling on all the reasons why we shouldn’t do it aren’t enough. Each of us have plenty of reasons not to do it. We all carry scars and wounds. We got horror stories of what we’ve experienced after years of PMO. The question is why do we still want to do it in spite of everything? Do we really love PMO that much? How badly do we want to be free?

It’s not a problem of willpower or knowledge; we have enough of both to be free. It’s an issue of desire. When our desire to be free exceeds the desire to continue doing PMO, we will be free. According to the positive drive principle, we always take action based on what we believe will lead to greater happiness or a higher level of satisfaction. There are still some false beliefs about PMO that we’re holding onto to which are leading to a greater desire to continue doing it than to quit. By examining and adjusting those beliefs, we’ll put ourselves in the right mindset for true freedom.

Some of my Freedom Model notes:

When you have convinced yourself that you are happier when you’re not acting out, you don’t need to do anything but live out your life based on that conviction.

But we have trouble accepting a future different from our past. We believe that there is a special combination of activities or tools we can use to prevent us from acting out in the future. But what saves us is choosing not to act out.


I thought people get bored by this shit as they grow older.


It stays for life until we break the habit. Men in their 80s still do it.


So I am more sane than a man 60 yrs older than me.