đŸŽ© League of Gentlemen

Check-In :white_check_mark:

Day 07/18 :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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@anon41607238 Congratulations on crushing one week. You’re getting this thing done. Keep going strong.

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:white_check_mark: Day 03/18
Pushing through everyday
Thank you for the support everyone


Check In :ballot_box_with_check:
Day 16/18
A month completed :100: :fire:
Wasn’t able to check in last few days 'cause of busy schedule.


Check in : 24 days. Like I said earlier, I got hit and it has not been easy to keep the feeling of lust out of me. I am safe but must guard myself.

Habit Streak - reading scripture :five:


Day 1 :white_check_mark:

I ll try to be busy and avoid triggers. Looking forward to becoming a gentleman member :tophat:


I want to join this.
My sharing code : nrssxs

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Omg ! I had a dream of downloading porn and then relapsing and then also regretting
all this in dream
in sleep i am fighting 
 saying to my self
 don’t download
you can download later after a year 
or don’t look
my inner self also want to leave this habit (fap).

Well i didn’t relapse and nor the night fall.

Everything is great and good.

Day-1 :white_check_mark:


Thank you
 Looking forward to it

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Day 1 check in. It’s go time

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someone to add me to the challenge my code: gbsc8n


Going Strong
Check in
Day 6/18 :white_check_mark:


Word up my homies
 Hope you’re all staying strong and breathing through it.

Day 3 :white_check_mark: in!!!

Remember that we must treat our monkey’s with love and patience
 So no spanking the monkey :monkey_face::heart::wink:


Update my points on board day 2


Dude I had a similar experience
 I dreamed that I fapped and was extremely disappointed
 Probably because of so many stories we have red of people feeling like shit after relapse


@Keats day 15 check :white_check_mark:


Check In :white_check_mark:
Day: 4/18

Feeling relaxed, no desires to watch porn. Porn has no appeal to me, its fake, is nothing like real sex, depletes my spiritual and physical energies, creates unhealthy lust, objectifies women, makes me irritable and is just an endless trap.

My brain is too primitive on some levels to differentiate between a real warm blooded, walking and talking girl from a digital universe of virtual fantasy pornstars and actors. I choose to be mindful of this trap and no longer have any desire to fool and trick my dopamine receptors into thinking any of that pleasure is real.


@Atkv @naninani @Lyonheart I have added you as candidates in this challenge.


Those of you still in the single digits may start checking in with whatever day count your Rewire counter is currently on. If your streak is in the double digits (or triple, @Atkv - which is very impressive btw) start on day one.

Try to check in daily, friends, and I will update your progress at the top of this thread.

I look forward to adding you all as members in the League soon.


@dont.you.dare.lose.king hey friend, congrats on the 6 day streak.

Don’t know if you got my message the other day but due to your previous relapse I had to remove you from the challenge until a new member was added. Now that we have one I am re-activating your status at day 1

Sorry for the confusion.

You got a solid streak going so keep it up and you will be a member in the League soon.

Some great introspection going on here @awakeningplanet

These are the kind of realizations that truly kill the veneer of appeal porn tries to maintain.

Really good thoughts.

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