šŸŽ© League of Gentlemen

Check-In :white_check_mark:

Day 08/18


Daily check in :white_check_mark:
Day : 0/18 :white_check_mark:
Safe guard : No use of mobile phone during noon while lying on the bed :white_check_mark:

Last chance :white_check_mark:


Today is day 20 and i am very thankful for having u guys in my support in this war of addiction i had an urge last evening. I defeated the urge very easily like it was nothing all thanks to u guys keep supporting guysā€¦ special thanks @Keats @Sadus13
In past when the urges come i fell like wht is happening omg! But this time when urges came i recognised this is an urge i calm my mind as soon as i canā€¦and then here i am day 20 ā€¦:lock:love u guys really it is a league of gentlemen :heartbeat::heartbeat::pushpin::zap::v:


Check Ināœ”
Day 7/18
One week completed so happy


I relapsed yā€™day (twice)ā€¦I think Iā€™m out of the Challenge now @Keats !

@Predator1818 hey friend, can you check in with your streak here on this thread?



Checking in, Day 23āœ…


Hey @tanmay_ck Iā€™ll let you decide if you want to leave the challenge now. We all have to live up to our own conscience, if you feel based on the rules you are out, I will remove you.

My personal opinion is if you relapsed twice in the same day (likely one was directly linked to the other) I donā€™t feel like you really had time for a last stand in there.

Donā€™t get me wrong, binging is the worst, I donā€™t want to encourage thatā€¦but I know what itā€™s like to relapse, feel like the worst and end up relapsing again, shortly after.

Youā€™ve been very honest here, which I commend, but for me a last stand isnā€™t about technicalities, its about truly having a final chance and giving it your all.

I think youā€™ve got a winning run in you yet.

So if youā€™re up to it, your last stand can be right now :crossed_swords:

Let me know



Hello everyone , Iā€™m back from my 1 week dopamine detox.
This week has changed my life completely, although I did relapse a few times ,after the last relapse there was a voice inside of me that told me to stop, that it is enough. During the detox I connected to myself on a deep level, a level whose depths I had not known before. It is difficult to put into words how I felt but I feel like a new human being now. I got more work done in the past week than i had done in the past month.
I also realised that nofap alone will not change you. You must understand that there are several other problems , pmo being the greatest but not the only one. If you want to change your life then you must take action in every aspect. Do not run away from facts. You have to face them someday.

I hope that you all too take a dopamine detox . If it is not possible due to work or something else I would recommend you to atleast start meditating and drink atleast 2 cups of hot water daily.


Day 20 Checked In.

Going to the gym in a few .
Will bring in my numbers for the first week after my session.

God bless .


Today is my day 7
The cleanest week ever
I can see certain changes in me


Checking in Day8/18āœ…

Had a severe flatline yesterday, my whole head was paining a lot and I donā€™t want to do anything so I just passed my day by doing meditation, walking and ofcourse sleeping.
Today also Im still in flatline, have a little headache too.

I know this time will pass soon.:crossed_fingers:


Took a day off so didnā€™t see this message, Iā€™ll start now:

Day 1 Check In :white_check_mark:
S1 - :white_check_mark:
S2 - :white_check_mark:

Just need to stick to the schedule


I canā€™t believe i relapsed after 26 days i regret this soo badly. My friend exposed me to porn and i couldnā€™t control. I let you all down :confounded::confounded::cry::cry:. All that hardwork gone like in minutes. I was soo close earning the medal.:worried:. Have to start from the bottom again.:disappointed::disappointed:


Day 1 check ināœ…
Safeguard on


Day 55 here
Hs 36 :+1:


Check in Day 11 :white_check_mark:

Safeguard : no social media


Hey guys, just checkin in my day 12āœ…
Been feeling really great, I have less anxiety, dont get urges, mindā€™s comfortable, been fighting this for so long and now I genuinely feel that Iā€™m no longer an addict, even tho Iā€™ve said it many times, but still the feeling of not fapping to porn is so great, i feel FREE, I am FREE!


Yess @Keats , Iā€™m ready for the last chance & wonā€™t let myself fall down this time :muscle::fire:


Checking in for day 78 :green_circle: