Journey of an oberoi to Freedom (376 days challenge) šŸ”„

Brother, Deathnote is the masterpiece of the century.
It has made me realize many things in life.
How strong the human mind is how can you find something about someone from their small actions and talks
I love the character of L.
I am happy that you find deathnote interesting bro :smile:


Have you watched attack on Titan? Itā€™s also amazing

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I started watching anime recently bro !
The first anime which I watched is the master peice.
And since animeā€™s are addictive. I started watching Full Metal alchemist brotherhood. Itā€™s also an amazing anime.
But then I promised myself after this anime I will not watch any other anime before my exam ends.

Well, Attack on Titans is on my list brother.
Thanks for the suggestion.


Ok broā€¦ you can watch it after exams coz itā€™s still ongoing and will complete until the .

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Will watch it surely after my exams.

Good night brother @Kingslayer

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Yeah brother, everyone has different strategies for their study :blush:
Btw I was talking about instrumental music.
I will suggest you to search deathnote study music.
You might found it useful.
But if you are already very focused without it.
Then I wonā€™t reccomend because many people are able to focus in silence.
Wish you best of luck for tommorow brother.
Slytherin :snake::snake:


Thanksā€¦ best of luck to u too :+1:#slytherin


giphy (2)

Keep accomplishing more heightsšŸ™‚

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Thanks for the support Brothers !
We are all together in this war, itā€™s exam season.
And we are gonna get through this time with flying colors.


:watch: Will go to sleep at 2 am
:watch: Will wake up at 9:30 am. (7 hrs 30 min)

:white_check_mark: Enough Sleep.
:white_check_mark:Schedule detox at 12:30 am
:white_check_mark: Bed is only for sleep.

Day : 1 :watch:


Day : 1 :white_check_mark:

:white_check_mark: Will go to sleep at 2 am
:white_check_mark: Will wake up at 9:30 am. (7 hrs 30 min)


Woke up at 9 30 am, Slept less and thatā€™s why feeling sleepy, I will go to bed early.
Feeling good about it.
Just 7 days and I will get used to it
I will change my routine in 2020, and eliminate all the bad habits.
And live 2021 with utmost discipline and Good habits.
This year just went doing nothing, didnā€™t achieve anything or completed something which I can say, but yeah I learned a lot of things in 2020, Which will help me in 2021.

And I will become the god of the new world. :fire::fire::fire:


The Final Relapse

I take full responsibility of the relapse, I have a plan of action to proceed with my coming year. This was the part of it. I knew it might sound stupid. But I assure this was the last one and I am sure about it.
I have got the powers from the notebook ā€œthe easy peasyā€
And I think I am ready for 365 days clean. Also I peeked yesterday it was for few seconds so I didnā€™t mentioned that. Now this time I need a clean streak.
I am sorry for it my brothers. I lost the battle but I am not gonna lose the war,
I am not gonna fap in 2021, no matter what it takes.
I will eliminate all the urges, I will quit pon.
And the mindset that po
n is good, masturbation is what weakens you, fuxk this shit, they both are the same thing, each one leads to relapse. And in my case one of the problem the starting trigger is fantasizing. I have found out the loop holes and I am trying to fill these in these 7 days.
I am not gonna lose.
2021 is mine. I will become the best version of myself.
I will, I must do whatever it takes.
The easy peasy book is like, getting some superficial powers.

I will win !, I will be at my peak performance. The time has come to show what can I possibly become. To tranform my mind, my body and my habits.
These 7 days, Promise I will make a difference
I will experience the power of nofap.
Pray for me guys.
I am not that much strong, but by the will of god.
I am sure that I will succeed !


Ohh man really sad , that u fell from 8 days streak ā€¦ 7 days are left , focus on clearing these 7 days clean , and get ready for 365 days challenge .:fire::fire:

NO PMO IN 2021šŸ˜¤


7 days left !!!..focus on the prizeā€¦


Yeah brother, I will.
2021 is mine !
I believe I have found the last and Final strategy which will work for me.
And I am not gonna lose !
And I donā€™t know what is this shit pmo, I am not involved in this.
I am just not that much productive, I need to get busy and be productive throughout the day.
I need to focus on Goal.
I am going to plan. What I am going to do in the upcoming year.
List is being prepared.Now when the time comes lets see is everything going according to plan.
I want myself deductive abilities to be so strong, what I predict should happen.
I want myself to say this :point_down: when I reach the end of 2021.
I have Won, Exactly as Planned


Do practice meditation and exercise, it really gives mental toughness :fire::fire::triumph::triumph:


Day: 2 :white_check_mark:

:white_check_mark: Slept before 3 am
:white_check_mark: Woke up at 9:30 am.

Slowly shifting the routine.
Will come out with the best next year.


Day :3 :white_check_mark:

:white_check_mark:Slept before 3 am
:white_check_mark: Woke up before 11 am.

Day :4 :white_check_mark:

:white_check_mark:Slept before 3 am
:white_check_mark: Woke up before 11 am.