All the text of the android app and play store is open for translation by anyone. Just create an account using the link given below and comment in this post which your chosen username. I’ll add you to the Rewire Companion project and you can start translating.
You need to create a separate account.
If you have any queries or suggestions reply to this post.
I want to translate this app on bulgarian.But I don’t know how. Could someone explain me what to do. By the way, I can’t do the translation immediately.I have one month to finishing school.Thanks in advance for the help.
I am ready with the Bulgarian translation and I am waiting for approval. I have made some errors, my translation isn’t 100% correct and it needs some corrections.I will fix them later. BUT I HAVE THE FOLLOWING PROBLEM :In the original English translation there are exclamation marks,question marks or points at the end of the text.So I also put them in my translation .But I get informed that in one of the texts, the original one or the translation, there aren’t that signs or they are not put correctly. But I put all the signs correctly.Could someone help and explain me why this is happening?Thanks for the help in advance.