I relapsed! Iam sorry, I couldn't choose death!

:joy::joy::joy:damn bro good job, this is not exactly my first post but it is close. Because I remember as soon as I joined this forum I directly found the study challenge and immediately asked to join that and it might not be possible to see that exact post :joy:.
I remember I became sad when this account @I_am_the_Master got banned, I thought he was a good guy.

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What was his mistake ? If you don’t mind

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he misbehaved witha user called strongwillpower. his character is controversial. he makes controversies sometimes with the way he replies


@Tagore I read your post… And see you are exactly on the same point … Because you did not give up… One day you were worried for this 112 streak… Keep going like a beast… And we should arrange a 9hrs challenge for tomorrow… Without challenge life is nothing…:muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::fire::fire::fire:


Shows how far I’ve come… well done bro! You get brownie points :muscle::muscle::muscle:


A lot of great advices. A lot, I don’t have time to quote all of them. :sweat_smile:


Haha @Dean_Ambrose Here is your medal :trophy::medal_military::medal_sports:


But the ironic fact is, this thread became active again on the day I broke my highest streak of 112 days and reached 113rd day!A day before this, I was crying and was feeling like a dead zombie. I still remember that feeling; I felt like nothing in this world.
I couldn’t face my parents, I went into chaser and then wasted 5 months with small streaks and relapse after relapse.

So brothers, the most important thing is, once you get into a high streak, please keep going, don’t ever consider going back.

High streak= a radical change in life
This is my theory, once you reach a high streak, the past you- the weak you, the fapper you, the escapist is dead.
Now that you are on high streak, you have to face life. There is no way of escaping the hard times and painful aspects of life through pmo
And this, aspect of addiction recovery where we are moving into the realm of unknown, is scary for a normal man. But we have to keep going, we have to EMBRACE LIFE TOTALLY
The escape option through pmo is gone forever and we have to rejoice for that.


Thanks to bother @Dvija for bringing up this thread from somewhere.
This is day 113!
I broke my highest streak and 90-95% credit goes to this community. Without this accountability, I would have been dead.
Next goal is day 120


Today whole morning I invested my time reading your diary. I became so shocked by seeing your accountability so I was forced to comment :smile:. I hope, by going through this thread many of our friends’s determination to quit pmo has increased and certainly we have learnt a great lesson.


Haha, we are all together in this brother. Let’s kick this pmo shit away from our life once and for all.
Accountability is the key.
Then we have to become self accountable. We got this, strong brother


Hi, first and foremost i want to say that you did, very good staying 100+ day sober. It is not wasted time. You have new experience, you have a lot of material to contemplate on, which will give you new, more stronger motivation and understanding that will help to eventually fight this addiction for good. Im really proud of you.

But ill point one more thing which you may reflect on. There is too much shame, guilt and selfhate in your text in your feelings. That sort of black&white, good&evil, saint&sinful perception is one major thing that you sabotage yourself with. It may not be obvoius for you now, but thats how it is.

You will make a great leap in fighting addiction and self growth, if you try to perceive you experience, your wins and mistakes without this violence and with acceptance. Learn to see both sides. You did really good, yes you relapsed. Yes it is can be very sad. But its not a reason for hate and contempt towards yourself. Be proud of those 100+ days. We are weak people and we fail from time to time, it is important to accept that as well.

All the pain you go through, including your pain of relapse, will eventually be the fuel of your true recovery.

Wish you best!


I’ve seen people relapse after 100 days
And it’s kinda scaring me too
I’m on my day 95
And life is definitely shit right now. I’m frustrated and not happy with it. It’s so easy to give in to temptations and go back to comfort zone.


Just in case you get to a breaking point, calm down and be present in the moment and focus.
Focus on your thoughts and calm them down by taking deep breaths.
Now say to yourself the benefits of NoFap , the things you could only dream of, you are achieving by doing nothing.
Then if you can, take a cold shower, hold your breath etc.
And finally to completely destroy the seed of the urge, meditate in a deep state and feel good.
,hope it helps.


Don’t Relapse . U will regret it after.


Just remember the reason why you started this streak and what you wanted to attain from it.


There are two things that I want
A genius mind and an unbreakable willpower
I will have them one day.

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You already have good willpower if you are on this long streak.
And keep on no fap bro just think about these goals whenever you feel like giving up.

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I’m kinda wondering these days that what can happen if I move beyond my breaking point.
When the narcissistic supply my ex was leeching from me and drove me towards my breaking point when she broke up with me even after begging to her on my knees. I hit my breaking point. The emotional pain increased and increased till it didn’t hurt me at all. And I didn’t fap for 37 days straight up. Before that, 2 every day was a norm and I could do it upto 6 times a day.

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It’s not enough yet :))
Being good enough and being unbreakable are two different things. I want to be the one pushing beyond my limits. Just like Goggins did it.