I managed to use the first half of the Saturday productively.
My living room is clean my room is clean and drying up.
I cleaned my Refrigerator threw away lots of vegetables food and fruit like papaya that have been waiting for me to eat and cook them for months all spoiled/expired. about $40 wasted.
this is due to laziness I have been buying food often instead of cooking.
Its empty now besides a water bottle, ice cube and some frozen fruit.
The lethargy and heaviness to act were there in the morning, but as I pushed myself with will today and I see the results the order and cleanliness around me, I feel motivated to do more and more.
I plan to go to town in about 2 hours more and restock, not too much just some simple vegetables with a bag of potatoes, rice, chickpeas, walnuts and almonds to try an ayurvedic recipe.
The urge to sit and watch is there,
but I won’t I’m finishing what I start I must finish my to do list.
I just keep this webpage is open and some background music on my laptop now.
Now it’s time to sort things in my room throw away old or broken things.
Ironically, it’s like I’m throwing useless habits and thoughts away today.
I am glad for this facility of rewire companion.
Writing what you feel is a great help.
Time 17:00
I finished my tasks house is clean and smelling good i put incense sticks it’s so relaxing now.
disposed of all broken and old clothes socks ect… old papers It feels great.
I bought enough food rice potatoes ect… in town there is a new vibration in my house this Saturday.
I will have my 2nd meal of the day now.
After eating now that my home is ordered i will sit and start reading this story romance of 3 kingdoms its 400 +chapters longs so it should last me enough for the 90 days reboot.
Then I’ ill do calisthenics pushups and dumbbells workouts for legs back and biceps.
These dumbbells have been in my house for years but have not use them in months.
Its not what we have, its what we do with it that matters.
From Monday I will be cooking my own dinner and 3 meals every saturday and sunday.