From over 1000 days to Zero. Relapse

This is sooo cool. I like that it was worth noting and was a noticeable thing.

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But why? You’ve done thousand man

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He suffered from depression due of some really sad serious reasons…this led to his relapse

Oh i see… sorry to hear that

This why I relapsed. It was because I became emotionally traumatised, my dog died, then my father died, all the stress about covid lockdown and vaccine mandates because I chose not to be vaccinated,I was at risk of losing my employment. It all became too much for me and I relapsed. After I relapsed I was in a even worse mental and emotional condition. I was so down I could no longer continue nofap, I need a break from Nofap until my sanity returned and I was ready to begin again and seriously apply my convictions and dreams.

I am back stronger than ever, I have learnt from this relapse. If bad times and news comes again I will be prepared to stand strong.

Watch and follow me watch me rise from the ashes, I am reborn. This first streak will be a long one, it will be my greatest achievement of nofap +9000 days. Returning to a long streak is easy for me now because I know how to achieve it because I have done it before. I am already flying, my spirit has risen to the challenge. I am at peace within my heart, spirit and body, all working together in harmony to achieve +9000 days. Follow and count the days with me,

No matter how long your streak is if you think that you cannot relapse , then you will surely will relapse… Always stay on your guard.

:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:…It is normal…U have to in these 3 years…

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My code is 97ocs3 . Joined the Forum in 2018. After a long gap, i m here…Help me guys.

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Is this a question? It it normal to have what?

To break ur streak after 1000 days…

We are only human, mistakes happen.


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