Fragend's NoFap Journey


Day 7


  1. Didn’t talk to person again. But, they weren’t in class today.
  2. I think I don’t have social anxiety, but instead, I’m shy. After all, I have no problems asking for help. But I do, when it requires me to open up about myself.
  3. No urges
  4. I did something for an hour that didn’t require internet and wasn’t social media.


Day 13


  1. Some urges today. All were beaten back with some trouble.
  2. This is my highest streak to date. Very proud of myself.
  3. Living your best life sounds good in theory. In reality, it’s much harder to pull off.


Day 4

(relapsed on 22 Aug)


  1. Reduced social media consumption down to around 2 hours on weekdays
  2. Confidence is only going up. I feel good in my own skin now even if I’m asocial.
  3. I’m laughing things off more often now. It makes me feel better than fapping (over longer periods of time).
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