Fitness & Diet Challenge X21 ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿฅ—

Yup :rofl::rofl:, I also tried it, just shows the history, sorry for wasting your time :joy: @Nick9 will add our points. Good night now!

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Alright bro, good night for the third time! Iโ€™ma go now, no more good nights for you :rofl::rofl::rofl:

@The_integrous_one , Not a problem :ok_hand:.

@anon60348276 @GOVIND-19 @The_wild_perception @anon93596246

Remember, its good to have a healthy amount of salt and sugar to your diet, but not too much. Iโ€™m only speaking from an American :us: point of view. Its a serious problem over here


This is Common in :us:


:sweat_smile::joy:I get you point brother. But I am not getting like that, I was once like that but I worked hard to have a good body and that is not happening again. Btw finished my 3rd bottle of water, you can add one more point in front of my name. Heading to sleep :sweat_smile:, too late :sweat_smile:

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DIET: 1 protein shake + 4 bottles of water

+5 points

(1) Meal: Chicken Breast with Carrots :carrot: and Brussel Sprouts

+1 point

Total: +6 points


Today Iโ€™m fasting for 24 hours and then I wonโ€™t eat anything. (only dinner maybe)

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18 February

:white_check_mark: 4 healthy meals
:white_check_mark: 3 litres water
:white_check_mark: 1 hr walk
:white_check_mark: Bodyhack lvl 1 + Killer abs beginner
+10 points.

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Day 2


Dynamic warmup 1 set
Chest and traps 2 sets
Full back 2 sets
Full body static stretch 1 set

2 hours of badminton in the evening


Water 7 litres

Brunch: 9 chappatis+ 2 bowls of mung beans curry +3 eggs +7 dates

Evening snack: 2 bananas + protein shake

Dinner, 1 plate of rice+ 1 bowl of mung bean curry + 2 eggs

This is my caloric intake for the day:

This is my macro split:


Today no exercise
1st meal: spinach, rice, urad daal, carrot and turnip salad +1
Orange as evening snack +1
2nd meal capsicum, spinach, 6 chapatis +1
Water 3+ litres 3 points
Total 6 points today

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Feb 18 check in :white_check_mark:

  • Gym :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: +1.5
  • 3 bottles of water : :white_check_mark: +3
  • Diet in check, no sugar, just the right amt of salt :white_check_mark: :
  1. Oats with peanut butter, almonds and raisins +1
  2. 2 Chapati with Big bowl of salad +1
  3. Rice with big bowl of salad +1

Cut down on protein yesterday. I managed to get in 60 gm without eggs and extra scoop of whey protein :v:


My goal is to cut down last layer of fat on abs region. Any diet change suggestions for that.

Currently im on 500 calorie deficit (2000 is my maintanance calories)

Suggestions are welcome


The fats around The ab and lower back region are really stubborn and hard to get rid off. 500 calories deficit is really goo. Maintain the consistency for another 2 months and see changes. Then calculate accordingly.


@GOVIND-19 nice routine. I always had been a sporty guy but never had any nutrition plan. Family always say โ€œJust eat what we give you and itโ€™s gonne be fine donโ€™t be a fricking sissyโ€.
What is the name of the app and how you got your diet plan?


@anon60348276 bro I donโ€™t prepare any food that I eat except for the protein shakeโ€ฆ I eat what my family gives too. I just eyeball it most of the time. When I feel Iโ€™m lacking in protein or something Iโ€™ll just ask for some more eggs or Iโ€™ll just drink extra protein shake. The app I use is healthify me. In the beginning I used my fitness Pal, but it doesnโ€™t have a lot of Indian dishes. Healthify me is an Indian app and has a lot of Indian dishes and itโ€™s fairly easy to use.

And for my plan, in the app itself, you can give your personal details like height weight and activity level and your goal is. Then itโ€™ll give you an estimate of your caloric expenditure. If you wanna lose weight then eat less than that or if you wanna gain weight you eat more. For example, Iโ€™m 5โ€™11 and approximately 83-85. Iโ€™m not really sure. But I kept it as 85 and high activity level. According to that my caloric expenditure is 2700 not accounting exercise. I workout and play a lot, so my estimate is that I burn 3000+ calories easily. So Iโ€™ll just eat less than that. I have a huge appetite so I practice intermittent fasting to help me reduce the food I eat. Yea thatโ€™s about it.


@Nick9 brother I am out of this challenge now, it is taking up a lot of time and energy to remember each and every thing I eat in a day :sweat_smile:, Iโ€™ll have to focus on my studies more, I can stay healthy without this challenge also as already I have once reduced my weight by 20 kgs and then gained about 10 kgs of muscle mass. thanks for letting me be a part of this challenge.

19 February

:white_check_mark: 4 healthy meals
:white_check_mark: 2 liters water
:white_check_mark: Bodyhack lvl 1 + Killer abs beginner
+7 points.

19 Feb

3 bottles of water: +3
Healthy breakfast and lunch: +2
Gym: +1.5

โ„ญ๐”ž๐”ฒ๐”ฑ๐”ฆ๐”ฌ๐”ซ:- Do not ๐Ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค about your streak, just take it as a motivation and move forward.

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