FapRecovery's digital journal

I am here to reclaim masculinity.


Day 1

Relapsed :skull: - :ballot_box_with_check:

Workout :muscle: - :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Wake up on time - :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Go to bed on time - :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Work after school for 5 hours - :negative_squared_cross_mark: (only worked 3 and a half)
Meditation - :negative_squared_cross_mark:

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Nice mate, you can get back all your confidence, productivity, charm and good body shape :muscle:t2:

I suggest you can make a schedule on when you’ll do workout, meditation etc to boost your commitment. Schedule on when you will take a shower and wind down do you’ll sleep on time.


Day 2

No PMO - :ballot_box_with_check:
Wake up on time - :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Go to bed on time - :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Work after school for 5 hours - :ballot_box_with_check:
Meditation - :ballot_box_with_check:
Light workout - :ballot_box_with_check:
Deep breathing to manage anger - :ballot_box_with_check:
Dopamine detox - :ballot_box_with_check:
Dopamine detox hard mode (no social media not even Reddit or Quora or anything) - :ballot_box_with_check:

My goal is to go to bed on time and to start waking up at 6 am every day to study. School has been very easy in March, so I got complacent and spent more time on trying to start my business, now I am starting to fall behind. Also decided to start dopamine detoxing for 12 days in a row, not just 5 days. Also my other goal is to exercise 6 times a week, and eat a healthy diet.


I don’t know guys, I just relapsed a few minutes ago, and it is soul crushing. This entire day has been extremely unproductive, and I couldn’t focus even a single bit. I also have this thing where I dopamine detox on week days, and I have been doing this thing for months know. Now what has been torturing me is like how I have a feeling as if I already indulged in dopamine this day, like how I don’t trust my memory. I don’t know, it has been making me very demotivated, and it is the driving reason for why I now just want to quit this dopamine detoxing. After I relapsed, I had a voice telling me to go indulge in social media, to go watch YouTube, and the only reason I didn’t is because it is kind of like a monthly tradition for me to dopamine detox. Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome these issues? Also this is like my second time relapsing so like, the worst in months, I think I am at my lowest point.


hi, is day 2 and I feel with low very low energy but i know that is in my mind, and the body abey the mind. that was thinking today hitting the weight at the gym. Also im going to brake a relation that is not good for me. my comkitment with my seflove is serious. im sick of been in the same place, now I decide to be alone and not to feel loneliness, im going to accept the pain acept to be alone, amd enjoy this process.


dont feel bad find another strategy, is one ste at the time.


wow men, congratulations. always be honest with you, these are really thought habits you are going to make.

Imo and also personal experience, the more your mind is occupied with no fap the more anxious you get. Focus on being productive, be so obsessed with productivity that you will automatically want to eliminate everything that comes between you and a productive day.


Anyways, I will take a few small steps to resolve some of the issues I have, like I know that I don’t have memory loss, it’s just mind games played by my mind to get me to indulge in things that are bad for me. So I will record my screen every thing I do on my computer, and then at the end of the day, I will review it at 10x speed, to make sure I wasn’t on social media or YouTube. Also, today I am going to bed at 10 pm to make sure that I have at least 8 hours of sleep to perform best. I will also go back to writing my schedules the old way because it seemed to work better. Anyways, good luck to everyone :muscle:


I start my journal on day 2
in the night

  • meditate
  • write my gratitude
    -and do my schedule

in the day

  • exercise
  • read
  • meditate
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Day 3
No PMO :ballot_box_with_check:
Wake up on time :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Go to bed on time :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Study 4 hours after school :ballot_box_with_check:
Work on startup 1 hour after school :ballot_box_with_check:
Light workout :ballot_box_with_check:
Deep breathing to manage anger :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Meditate when horny :negative_squared_cross_mark: (Wasn’t horny today)
Meditate :ballot_box_with_check:

Instead of breaking my dopamine fast on the weekends this week in order to rest like I usually would, I will keep dopamine detoxing in order to get as many hours into work as I can. The reason why you shouldn’t have entertainment and work in the same day, is because at that point, both start competing for your attention. So figure out a day of the week at which you will use social media, and that should be it. No YouTube no exceptions, no social media no exceptions, except for the day of the week that you picked, you can pick 2 days by the way, but no more than 2.


Good job man, keep going :sparkles: :+1:t4:

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Ok guys, got back, haven’t updated in 4 days. What happened, was that I worked extremely hard on studying my course on Friday. I didn’t follow through on the no YouTube no social media for 12 days thing, but it is fine. I went 5 days without it straight, and I have been doing no YouTube no social media 5 days at a time for months now. On Saturday I was watching some YouTube, I tried getting up on Sunday to do the no watching YouTube no social media thing, but gave up after not being focused on my work, ended up just watching self improvement videos instead. Yeah I went back to the no YouTube no social media thing, let’s call it dopamine fasting for the sake of simplicity, I went back on it at 6:30 pm, and celebrated my mom’s birthday, chilled without social media, and this is good, because it means that I will have
dopamine fasted for 21.5 hours, which means I will be able to focus on work after school better. I will do no YouTube no social media no exceptions for 5 days straight, which won’t be hard i have done it many times before.


Day 6
No PMO :ballot_box_with_check:
Meditation :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Workout :ballot_box_with_check:
Work after school 5 hours :negative_squared_cross_mark: (worked 4 hours and 10 minutes)
Cold shower :ballot_box_with_check:
No sugar :ballot_box_with_check: (except fruit)
No YouTube no exceptions :ballot_box_with_check:
No social media no exceptions :ballot_box_with_check:
No video games :ballot_box_with_check: (played chess online for 15 minutes)
Tomorrow is study day, planning to study for 5 hours straight after school. Today I worked until 12:30 AM because I got held up after school for things. I am not the type of person who goes to sleep early and wakes up early, I am the type of person who goes to sleep late wakes up late due to the fact that I like the momentum that I get from working until late. No more YouTube, not even for studying, I used to occasionally use YouTube for studying, and used YouTube every day for like the white noise so that I could concentrate on studying. I have no trouble keeping myself out of social media, it is just that I feel relieved knowing that I couldn’t get on social media even if I wanted to. I set my personal profile as administrator, and went into like the hosts file where you can block sites, and wrote down every forum site, every social media site, I don’t watch adult content anymore so felt no need. Except Alibaba, that place always keeps bombarding me with suggestive ads. Anyways, I can’t get into my personal profile until Sunday, so I won’t be able to change the hosts file, so I won’t be able to go on social media.


Not much happened, I just struggled to focus on school assignments, and decided not to do them. I had a workout, and meditated, and didn’t relapse, and did dopamine detox. My plan is to get an 11 day streak no PMO (already day 7), then, by next Monday, I want to do 12 days dopamine detox and really focus on my course and my business and do good in the school for the final 2 months of school. After the 12 day of dopamine detoxing, I will watch self improvement content on the weekends for 2 days to just rest a little, and then will do the most ambitious thing of my life so far. I will dopamine detox for all of May, and spend all the time into trying to start up my business and to try and have it generate my first revenue, and catching up on my Machine Learning course, and studying school. Not really sure if I will be able to start up the business in just May, may need June’s time too. Don’t know how to plan July since it is my birthday month, maybe I should chill on July, or maybe I should grind as hard as possible on it, idk.


Start your new year of life with a bang :sparkles: :boom::fire:

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True, a rocket can’t stop halfway to space :rocket:

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Day 8 of nofap
Meditate :ballot_box_with_check:
Workout :negative_squared_cross_mark: (rest day)
Dopamine detox :ballot_box_with_check:
No sugar :ballot_box_with_check:
Study 5 hours after school :negative_squared_cross_mark: (4 hours of study)
Cold shower :ballot_box_with_check:
Have to find a way to get more productive, it seems that I need to plan my days better, usually I plan my schedule the night before, but today I forgot, so I will plan schedule tomorrow. I am in online school, so I have the opportunity to do my workout during school hours, which can help me conserve on time. I am usually the type of person who can get into flow states really easily, I always am good at focusing, but it is a double edged sword. I can focus on work, but sometimes, I focus on less important things too. This always either makes or breaks my day.

Anyways, thank you to everyone who reads and likes my updates, you guys are giving me the motivation to make my life better.


Day 9
No PMO :ballot_box_with_check:
Workout :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Meditate :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Work after school for 7 hours :ballot_box_with_check:
No dopamine :ballot_box_with_check:
No sugar :ballot_box_with_check:
Cold shower :ballot_box_with_check:
Worked for 7 hours after school, taking only meal breaks, and some breaks to clear the mind. I never cleared the mind, I would accomplish goals on my business over and over, and each time, I wouldn’t know what to accomplish next. I had to think on my feet, I had to figure out goals to achieve, problems to solve, things to optimize on my software, and other things. It was difficult, and I wanted to quit on every hour, and I like it, I like the fact that my hard work is valued due to this difficulty. I feel a little pressure though due to the fact that I hit another plateau in the business, but I guess I will have to dig myself out of that hole on Monday. Getting a well deserved break for now, then, 12 days intense grind no breaks. :muscle::moneybag::man_in_lotus_position::man_technologist::clinking_glasses::boxing_glove::fire::racing_car::rocket::100::airplane:

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