ERNOL's Notes ☀

I chose to do 100 pushups daily as part of a challenge a month ago. Now that 1 month is complete.

While i couldn’t do 100 pushups daily due to time, i did as much as i could no matter how small that number was.

Now 1 month later i can do more pushups.

Lesson learned: no matter what it is if you are constantly devoted no matter how little and also push yourself, you will improve.


Brother, thank you for this, from the bottom of my heart. I have been winging this from the beginning of my journey and it gave me just an 11 day streak, and 2, 2 day streaks. I realise for proper results, I needed a proper plan, a strategy and execute that. This post of yours inspired me to do just that.

Also, if you could send me those deal with the urge plans you talked about, it would be so helpful. As I type this, I am writing down my ideas and thoughts, but never hurts too have too much experience or insight, right? :smile: Once again, thank you @ERNOL . You have given me a positive boost I desperately needed.


@neetwarrior I am happy to be able to help a brother out. :hugs: It means a lot.
Regarding the techniques to deal with urge, currently i don’t need to use them these days. I can count on my mindset(i.e. I simply do not want to go back).

So, I have to dig up the techniques tbh. I have em saved stored somewhere i am sure.
I will send them Asap. When i am free.
It is not as organized as my guide tho iirc. So you have to do some reading. I will send them. Feel free to read them.


Never feel disheartened at failures. We can feel bad and that’s ok. But what we don’t do is that we get depressed and give up. No, rather we bring ourselves back to life.
When there’s failure,
Fix your emotion and then get back to the drawing board for next streak. And keep trying. If you do that long enough there will be improvements.

I forgot to add that part in my guide but it is very important to keep in mind.

I love this community and thank taher for creating this place.


44 days complete
Next target is 50 days. Because if i can get half-century it will automatically motivate me to get a full century.


Day 46 update: feeling kinda frustrated but i think it’s not to the point that i should be worried. I have to keep an eye out that this frustration does not become a problem.
I want to make it to 50 days.


I have made it 50 days somehow. It was not easy for me.
I am trying for 60 days next.


Congratulations on reaching 50 days again brother!

You can do this man, focus on taking it one day at a time. Deal with the obstacles ahead of you today and repeat the same tomorrow.

Stay strong and GOD bless.


Don’t say somehow, it’n a coincidence, u made it this far through will power,determination,drive and commitment. Give ur self more credit, and believe in ur self more because we all know one moment of doubt or weakness is all it takes to go back.


Hi Angelo.
There has not been any moment of doubt or weakness. And i acknowledge that i made it this far through will power,determination,drive and commitment. I guess i should have given a little explanation.

The story here is that, the last urges were strong. Which is why i wrote somehow i made it haha(and i don’t have any weakness of doubt because of it).
Even just this night i had a nightfall which is rare for me.

But good news is hopefully my body will cool down and reset itself because of the nightfall. That’s what usually happens for me.


And i appreciate your comment @Angelo34 :+1:
Thank you.

Thank you as well bro. @Forerunner
God bless you too.


Day 54 updating:
Today was tough. I was close to messing up. Nothing else to report.

Have to remain vigilant.

I hope i don’t have to write anything here before i reach 60 days.
No not just hope, i actually have to work on it that i reach 60 days. I really wish i am able.
I’m out.


Stoicism has some good points. I would say it is also compatible with christian/islamic lifestyle.

If anyone is interested in reading about it:


Day 62 completed. I didn’t do check-in on day 60 because of reasons. i am lacking motivation.

I am not getting other things done as much as i want to. When this happens i start getting demotivated.

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Hey Ernol!

Don’t worry man you’ve got this keep it up!!!

Awesome progress man well done!!!

Good luck and stay strong and awesome!!!


I appreciate it. Thank you man @Cubenix


Day 0 again. relapsed.
The goal now is reaching 7 days.

Day 6 here.
But I am not here to post update rather to share something. It’s about Emotional Quotient (EQ) and I think it’s useful for this journey. If you don’t wanna read check the highlighted part. I am sure you will understand. that’s the tl;dr version.

What composes intelligence is the 3 Q’s; The Intelligent Quotient (IQ), The Emotional Quotient (EQ) and The Spiritual Quotient (SQ). Intelligence can simply be defined as; doing the right thing, at the right time, at the right place. This requires us to be able to manage both our internal environment(us) and external Environment (what surrounds us).

IQ: The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is just the measure of intelligence and it is independent on self-assessed levels of happiness.

SQ: The intelligence required to ask most fundamental and basic questions in life and seek answers is called Spiritual Intelligence or Spiritual Quotient (SQ).

Finally, and pay attention here:

EQ: Emotional intelligence(EQ) is all about having control on how you react after an incidence. Some say, Managing emotions can be more important for your life than managing your intellect.

Now this part is important. EQ is an important factor in this journey. You can see why reading this definition. Try to improve yourself on this part.

I haven’t studied the subject myself yet. Will have to read more to pinpoint if my definitions are correct. regardless this is an useful concept to keep in mind in this journey(which I highlighted).


Thanks for the info man! It makes one think what a person truely need to value in life in order to make a good life worth living for.

I mean in this sense were everyone is just concerned on IQ for being admired about their smarts and don’t really go into faith for SQ or don’t take the time to allow oneself to develop emotionally.

Just 4 feelings are felt ( jealousy, sadness, anger and pride) and don’t really know what to do with how to feel otherwise then these or what to do only with (pride) to go and brag about an achievement.

I am not saying a person is just having to skip feeling good about achieving anything, but we tend to get stuck in this cycle and don’t evolve ourselves and just get stuck on this level and don’t know how or what to do when we feel sad or happy.

Spiritually it is important to grow in one’s faith too. Praying often and reading the religion’s book keeps us connected to our spiritual life and we will know what to do in life as ask by the religion and won’t doubt in what do and also will be spiritually ready for any obsticals in life.

Awesome achievement @ERNOL and 1 day away from your latest goal let’s get it! And thanks for the awesome post!

Good luck and stay strong and awesome


Yes developing emotionally. Which also involve know the emotion you are going through, how your psychology works to produce certain emotions, how to handle an emotion you are going through. These are the important things coming to my mind.