Don't love girls

Or maybe something very similar happened to other person just that you haven’t met anyone like that till now.

What if you get a girl who went through same shit. It will be a happy ending.

But then I looked at my wall poster:


Honestly who cares? Whatever happened is an insult to my goodwill. I’m no longer a good person, and if I find another one like her and if she’s dying I’d let her die Imao.

That poster is a verse from Bhagvad Gita, two words - दुःखालयम् अशाश्वतम्


What if I tell you that you are a good person with a golden heart and I will not change my words if you deliberately try to be rude to me now just so that I change my words?

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Just because I’m good, doesn’t mean I’m bad. I’m a chaotic neutral, perhaps.

Like I’ve been saying first half of that story is missing, and I had to do it. Because if I hadn’t she might have died. I can’t really say it was me to save her life, but I had to do my job. Because if I hadn’t and then if she had died it’d be haunting me for my whole life.
If the situation happens again, would I do it? Definitely not. Because now I’m insensitive.
I mean I don’t think that specific situation will happen again, but yeah this world has extracted enough good from me. Now the world can go to hell :person_shrugging:


It’s good to not care but don’t let the good in you die ok?

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Yea :joy::joy: I accepted her feelings bro.

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That’s, maybe, I think the paradox of Instagram. People “seem” approachable, but they are not.

But If you are continuously messaging anyone even when they are not replying and ignoring you, leave alone girls, evn I might feel awkward. It also hits deep inside at the level of self respect.

Also i really really like the way you expressed your feelings in the start of your post. When you write next time, try elaborating it.
Many times we don’t get it, but I think the urges overtime take form of subtle withdrawal symptoms. They are not as obvious as in alcohol or smoking, but can be similar to that of cravings or mood changes a habituated tea drinker feels at tea time.

If you express your “physical” feelings more elaborately, it might help others who have nod idea about this and start noticing it and stop falling prey to it.


well, since you actually asked. I might sound rude, but if you actually look past that you might learn a few things maybe from what I say :laughing: idk this is from my experience that’s all.

  1. I’ve read the replies on this topic. A lot of you guys think y’all are mature and have gone through a lot but the way you are talking it’s pretty obvious that you had a bad incident with a girl at a younger age and haven’t matured at all after that. Become more mature. Stop blaming it on external factors and accept the blame and responsibility. Be a man.

  2. Stop trying to study and discuss girls like we are scientists here. The guys who actually talk to girls won’t have such questions like this. I get where you are coming from, it is a place of self improvement. And take it from someone who was in the same place : the best way to learn about girls is to talk to girls. I know for some reason a lot of people in this forum think girls are lesser beings/distractions/stupid people who only want guy attention. But in reality they’re just projecting their thoughts into girls. As if you can tell why they do what they do. I definitely agree that the number of girls who are attention crazy and sexualize themselves is at an all time high, don’t associate with them. But stop thinking every girl is like that.

  3. Read the book, No More Mr Nice Guy. I haven’t read the entire book but I feel it might be helpful.

Best advice to follow is the above that you said. I get that thinking about girls is unavoidable, and that’s completely natural. But don’t simp and stay in xyour room. Go outside more.

Don’t say the girls around you are stupid/shallow/hoes. Or that they just engage in superficial talk while you only want to do deep talk.

  1. Not everyone is the same. To get to know someone deeper and have deeper talks you need to get past the superficial small talk first
  2. Stop shifting the blame. I’m not saying it’s you, @prince_king but people here instead of admitting they have poor social skills and working on them, choose the say, "Oh but I’m an introvert and small talk is boring for me I’m more interested in intellectual things :nerd_face: "
    I get that. I really dislike small talk too, but I’ve learned to take part it. Because it’s a necessary aspect of having conversations with people. Eventually you will figure out ways to enjoy it too.

Or you can just ignore this post, stay alone and talk to less people. Up to the reader.

College is the best time for this. Work on yourself. And if you see people around talk to them. A good goal to set is this : introduce yourself to one new person every day. Guy or girl doesn’t matter. I used to follow this, and it’s helped me be a lot more social. Just stop overthinking and just go say hi.

And preferably talk to girls face to face. Not over text. Even over call is better than over text.


You can take it as self boasting but guess what?

Even with girls I had minimal interaction. Whatever I have predicted about them comes out to be more than 90% true later on.

Girls in general have a herd mentality more prevalent as compared to boys.

Because boys have to stand out to get a female’s head turn.

While girls just have to be present and getting guy is a cakewalk for them, unless they don’t try at all.

Now, being friends with them, I agree the dynamics changes. But from whatever I have learned, they will still expect you to do the labour of her boyfriend without asking for :cat2:. And this is not me just blabaring I have myself experienced this in first year.

Now, many amazing girls are out there and I have myself observed them closely and talked to them. But still, their innate desire is this only.

You can say all you want, but you might yourself have observed whatever I have told and even if you deny. You can’t change the truth.

You yourself said this

How do I react to it?

I don’t even look in their direction.

And guess what?

These wahmen are so predictable. As per my prediction, 85-90% of the time, they give a weird glance as their egos have been shattered.

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This time I didn’t had a question.
Was just doing a homie check-in and then few came with their stories.

Well yeah, I agree with a lot of your points.

But as per my opinion, it’s very easy to be friends with girls nowadays and equally difficult to have them as your love partner.


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again, this is all in your head bro. No offence, but stop living in your head and get out to the real world.

yeah that’s 100% valid.

yes obviously. That’s how nature works. Is it fair? Nah. But we are men. We just be better.

bro :skull: I definitely agree with what you are saying. But I would recommend you stop thinking every female interaction is about getting guy/getting girls.

Basically, stop overthinking. Just be willing to be uncomfortable and go talk to them. Everyone here just wants to talk to girls to get something out of it but that’s not why you talk to them. Just talk to them for the sake of talking. They are humans.

girls know which guys are socially awkward and easy to manipulate. I definitely know about girls like this but if you see this around/experience it a lot just means be more careful and talk to more people. It’s because you’re a simp-typed typically nice guy that tries to be sigma male super cool bad guy on the inside that this happens. Not saying you personally, but that’s how it works. Guys who are confident in themselves will not have this.

Maybe you might say you are confident in yourself. But an easy way to check this is if this has happened to you, you are not as confident as you think.

Again, you are saying this like you know everything about women :skull: only God knows that my brother.

I’m not trying to be offensive. But I’m just trying to help, from my experience the guys who actually know how to talk to girls like GOVIND and all just leave this forum because once you go interact with them you’ll see all this being said here is nonsense :laughing: that’s why I too try to not interact with any posts relating to girls but I thought just this once I might speak about it.

Maybe you are watching too many sigma edits. Idk.

Stop thinking everyone is thinking about how you look at them or something bro :skull:
Main character arc and character development is very good. But not all this. Leave them on their business. I adopt the same mindset as you about not looking at them but I don’t think about it after that. Just leave it :laughing:

yeah this is true. But if by friends you mean guys who do the grunt work for them, that is also true. Learn how to be friends without being a slave.


We’ve had this discussion haven’t we?

Idk if you’ve involved me into immature folks or not, my opinions stay same regardless. About women.

Of course then again, I have got a female friend from this forum itself and we’re really close. I had said that before too.

My point being, what I have isn’t hatred but an objective perspective about this world(and women). Well at the very least I’ve tried to be as much objective as possible. It’s impossible to be 100% objective since I’m a human and not a machine. That’s all.

I agree with a few of your points and disagree with others.


I used to be this guy. And I was like this till I guess October last year. Wasn’t a simp tho if we go by the usual definition.

So you guessed my past correctly.

Getting to present, I do talk to girls when it’s necessary. But a lot of the time I get annoyed by their talks so I willfully opt out.

Or just that I like masculine talks more which is less found among girls.

I will let it pass, I have better things to focus on. If it’s work related, she is welcomed.

The labour of female friendship and their drama is unbearable except for few. Mainly the drama part

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Part of the grind is where you just treat everyone the same regardless of their gender, race or even things like political opinion - i.e. control your feelings…
If girls try to do drama the best thing you can do is avoid that entirely because you don’t owe them anything.

Also part of the grind again. Be indifferent. Focus on your life rather than who’s what

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Well even the powerful guys want to enslave you, so that part is gender neutral.

But girls don’t use power, they use their cuteness.

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Do we even have one as a man? Jk
I get what you meant.

Gotta roast them till they smell like nice food.


I don’t quite agree. Move out of there. Don’t get involved, plain and simple. Well at the very least that’s what I’ll do, especially in a professional setting.


I am still a good 1 year early for that. But I get what you mean.

If they take it to heart, these pricks will dig the grave sometime in future to F me up.

maybe? idk

cool :+1: I have no interest in changing them

exactly, just putting the thoughts out so others can say and maybe learn something from another POV. always good to have maximum number of inputs for good learning.


I like this guy @debellator’s inputs tho as he embodies my philosophy “keep it simple”

But it’s a double edged sword and I have taken few cuts because of it. People around us are not as simple as we think.

Just keep your guard up.

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