Doctor's office open for all👨🏽‍⚕️

I create this place to give you all the answers I can provide as a medical doctor about any medical issue or doubts, specially in addiction, absent syndrom, desintoxication and deshabituation. I can provide technics, pharmacology to fight against it and consulting. You can also post here documentation, theories and hypotesis to discuss. You also can argue with me using the md system to private information or advice. As you know I have the responsability to protect and never tell the things you want to share with me privately, that is professional secret. I will answer when I get connected along the day so please be patient. And thank you for your attention. Sincerely.

J.L. Md.

Official Collaborators:



Today we will talk about the “blue balls pain” or in medicine, prostatodynia.


The pain sometimes we suffer when we do absent or you edging to not ejaculate but stimulate the masculine organ, you are producing a swell to the prostate gland. A pain sometimes in form of a pressure, warm or needle pain in your periné, behind you, in your testicles or your bladder. This pain is the result of the inflamation of the gland, because of the stimulation or the abstinence, the prostate produce more semen than usual and get swell like a balloon. The 30% of the semen is produced there and the rest, aprox 80%, in seminal glands behind the bladder. Exactly not in testicles, in testicles only sperm is created. So if you want to avoid the prostatodynia don’t stimulate your “stick” and don’t think the sperm will be affected. Sperm is created all days, is transparent and when you go to do your business is excreted with the urine and the rest is reabsorved to the body. The abstinence won’t never affect your capacity of reproduction and if you are very doubting about if you are fertile, consult your primary care medic or a specialist in Urology. Take care of your body and be healthy. Sincerely.

J.L. Md.


Hey Doctor I am having problems in walking I have pain in my knee So for curing it I am taking 500mg calcium daily for 10 days and Cholecalciferol granules 60,000iu once a week is this right medicine for me?


It would be right if you are having problems with your calcium levels and vitamin D, but I need more data. Have you passed a long period inside home and your vitamin D is in lower levels, did you take an analysis to see if that is true and how is your pain in the knee, it is the first time you have it, it is like others, your family suffer from the same? Usually (I do not know your age or situation) the pain in young people is for a trauma lession, did you exercise a lot? I recomend you that if you are not sure that the calcium be the problem, change it to painkillers as ibuprofen or other NSAIDs (if you don’t have stomach ulcers) and if you think is pain for an exercise lession try to put ice in a plastic bag and rise the leg 20 minutes in a sofa in periods along the day. If you think you have vitamin D low then I prefer take calcitriol or the same ius of cholecalciferol and pass more time outside while the sun is on the sky (sunny days). I don’t know where you live but to absorb better the sun rays to create the vitamin a beach would be the perfect place, 'cause more skin visible, more vitamin, but be careful to not burn the skin in the process.


About the 3 x 8 hours of testosterone waves.


Today must talk about an easy form to control the bad hours when testosterone waves comes. The big one is as I said before in the same hour as the last time you ejaculated. The two more medium waves are 8 hours after the big one and the small are very unpredictable but commonly are urges you can hold. So what do you want to know? You wanna know how to build your own timeline of the day with the danger zones. Look at your chrono in the main page of this app to calculate the hour you ejaculated in the past, then plus 8 hours and mark the hour and finally plus 8 more hours to the third mark. Try to be sleeping, working out, studying, with family or friends or out of your house in those hours marked to resist the wave in a safe place to not fall into relapse. Remember the testosterone is a wolf you must not kill it because you need it, but you can train it to be your dog. Hope to be helpful with this. Sincerely. J.L. Md.


This is highly informative and helpful. Keep it up Doc. Thanks for coming here for our aid. :pray:


Great topic Doc :pray:

Just a question. Is dopamine only responsible for joy or willpower also? Like what is a man with 0% dopamine level. Can he move or he just doesn’t feel or?


Dopamine is not the neurotransmisor of joy itself, but seratonine is more related with happiness. But the addiction create a link. Dopamine stablish a relationship to a emotion and a practice. Dopamine is in more conections with all emotions than other neurotransmisors, the fear, the agony, the anger, the love, the pleasure, but not create them, it is “the link” to the complementary motor system. You find pleasure masturbating and dopamine link the “jerk off” and the pleasure in one. But be careful with excessive dopamine or lower levels, there are two diseases that are related, psychosis if is high with schizofrenia and Parkinson if it is lower. Without it we will get paralized, with so much will go crazy.

8 Likes,in%20the%20prefrontal%20cortex%20(Toda%20%26%20Abi-Dargham%2C%202007).

Dopamine in Parkinson's disease - PubMed.

These are bibliography to support my postulates as medical community recomend to all medical doctors. All science must be documented to be medicine based in evidence.


Wow this is very helpful. Respect for you Doc :pray:


This is a non exactly scientific journal as others but postulate the cycles of testosterone, it is different as I contemplate how are the cycles but put on the table other theory which always is good to know.


Hey doc what’s the treatment and prevention of hydronephrosis?


Depends of the cause. Usually the treatment is done by Urologist who use catheter to eliminate the obstruction which is the principal cause. What does usually produce the obstruction? Calculus of calcium, or in children the pathology of the vesiculoureteral junction which swell the ureter. Other causes are in bladder muscle disfunction (detrusor), prostate swelling in elder people (Benign prostatic Hyperplasia) or ureteral reflux. Usually the problem is mechanic but there are patients with less movement in ureter which cause the accumulation of liquid in kidneys, on renal pelvis to be precise.

If you want to prevent calcium calculus try to have a balanced diet and don’t abuse in fat and shellfish, the uric acid could make the calcium to form stones.


Hope the post before help your question.


Hey Doc, great work here…
I have a problem. When I abstain from ejaculation, after a few days I pass white fluid after urination. It happens often after I strain while defecation. Why does it happen and is there a way this won’t happen/ a cure? Thanks


I’m experiencing the same issue; every bowel movement is accompanied by ejaculation. Semen retention is impossible in this state.


I will try to help you both @Forerunner and @iNeverGiveup420. It is probably a retrograde ejaculation specter. Let me explain, when a lot of semen is concentrated in the prostate gland it can happen three things, one is pain (Prostatodynia), two nothing it is absorved or excreted unnoticed, or three it takes the backwards route and instead of going down, goes up to the bladder. So when you defecate you are stimulating the prostate gland (That is why Urologist touch the prostate introducing two fingers through the anus of the patient), also there is pudend fibers of the pudend sensitive nerve which in some people like you can cause an “orgasm” or a stimulation of the prostate and make the semen goes up the bladder, then when you urinate the semen and sperm is excrated. These simptoms I think it will disappear after more time being absent of masturbation when the body will stablish the new way. If they continue you can go to your Urologist or primary care medic to talk about this to decide if you need to make a spermiogram (sperm test), it is like piss on a plastic recipent but this time you must ejaculate on it to get analyzed. I don’t think is nothing to worry about but in case you are suffering for this so much time even when you were young and had sexual intercourse then consult a urologist specialist about this condition.

Leave you here this bibliography to consult.


I appreciate your response Dr, thank you.


One thing important I am in favour of stop masturbation, BUT the semen retention forever is clinically IMPOSSIBLE to happen. The body will absorb the semen all it can but the rest will be excreted in pee or night pollutions and wet dreams. Also edging will cause to produce semen because of the stimulation. We are trying to get over an addiction not breaking the biological rules. We need to create semen and sperm to reproduce. So do nofap and stop pmo and don’t care about your body do its work when its needed, it is biological, not a sin.


Thank you very much Dr @Doctor_JL . It clears a lot :+1: