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Does looking at suggestive pics count as edging? Does it impact


No, but the view stimulation, increases the testosterone and the hormone enhance the production of semen and the urges to relapse. Edging is a practice not recommended at all that is jerking off and hold just secs earlier before ejaculation.


This kind of feels unfair. You should be getting paid for sharing all of this knowledge.
Point is, you really are a good man Doc, thank you.


If doing my job and help here make me get over my addiction then the pay will be more than fair. And I could be not only a good doctor, but a good doctor free of chains. Once in a time I put House Md. The fictional character doctor as a symbol, today I want to be all wise as him, but free of the pain he suffered every day. One day I will look at past knowing I was a good medic, but also a good man without guilt in the heart or a weight in the soul.



Hey doc what are your thoughts on taking tamsulosine at night for nephrolithiasis and hydronephrosis?


That is a noble aim. May God bless you :pray: :heart: :sparkles:


@valiantwarriorsoldier I will recomend you this articles:

Tamsulosine is an alpha blocker to muscles which function is relax the contraction and make the urine could flow better, but is more indicated in pathologies like Benignum prostate hyperplasia or lower urinarial conditions.

I don not know in particular which is your cause of hydronephrosis, but I would prefer maintain a diet low in sodium and balanced and make some image complementary test like Urotac and contact with an expert in urologist. Hope to help you.


Hey doc, I noticed that I developed a form of pain at the right scrotum. I’m on a 13 day streak and I’ve resolved not to indulge in p**n and masturbation again and I know I can do it cause I’ve reached 224 days before.

  1. But this pain is new. I started feeling it this year, let’s say from February after a masturbation session sometimes and after abstinence for some days. It became worse once I shaved down there this March because I think I adjusted it many times.

I’ve googled about this pain and I’ve read that a bunch of things can cause pain from testicular torsion, varicocele, hernia, trauma etc.

I don’t think it’s related to this

  1. Another thing is that I’ve practiced prone masturbation for ample amount of time and my glans penis looks dark and shriveled. Will this improve or it’s a new form I’ve to get use to.

  2. I’ve struggled with itching down there most of my pubertal life. I haven’t had a sexual relation yet this period of puberty. I’ve gone to doctors and they mostly prescribed antifungals creams and advice on cleanliness. I practiced all this regularly but I still get to itch down there most times and even injured myself in the process.


Today I want to talk about something as Intensivist (the specialist I am) want you to know. The postcoital headaches and the importance of one of them: The Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

This is a Potential lethal condition which occurs in people having sexual intercourse or sexual practicals in general. As you know when you excite yourselves your blood rate increase and blood preasure, the muscles contracts and your body gets relaxation after the climax. Sometimes people unknown they have born with an aneurism inside the brain vessels, and then in middle or after the climax a horrible headache starts, it is described like the worst of ever, it is not a normal migrain or headache, it is spectacular in terms of pain, if this occurs you better be prepared. (WARNING, THIS CONDITION IS SEVERE AND MUST CONTACT INMEDIATLY WITH THE EMERGENCY SYSTEM). The cause of the pain is an internal hemorrhage inside the meninges in a space called arachnoids, the blood proceds from the rupture of the aneurism or other brain born malformations we have, the rapid flow of the arterial blood get mixed with the venous cysterns inside the brain and the encephalus gets compressed and could suffer and herniation that is part of it get out using the spinal chord hole (magnum foramen) and you could enter in coma or death. The treatment is to descompressed the pression and find the ruptured vessel. The cause of the lethal condition is the rerupture in the first days and vasospasm in weeks causing ischemia. This is a way to all of you that don’t abuse in excitement with sex, because sex could be lethal. Science talk. Have a nice day. Sincerely

J.L. Md.


I am in my mid teens I usually Don’t go
outside that much :roll_eyes: in Daylight Also due to Fap addiction I think I am getting vitamin deficiencies.


I think I can replace this addiction with another for example If I got addicted in games


I recomend you @chukwudi to avoid shave the pubical hair of the scrotum, their function is protection and is better to leave them be intact. About the itching try to use soap that protects the skin you can find them in the pharmacy. If you feel pain with masturbation and don’t stop go to urgencies of your hospital nearest and get and echography doppler of your scrotum.


@Faisal11 don’t change an addiction to other, you can play games and have fun but also find happiness doing a walk out there, exploring, traveling or spending time with family. As paracelso, a medic, said: "All is poison, the difference is the dosis".


Wow Doctor :sparkles:
You have helped a lot of people as expected here
I have read all of your posts and they are pretty beneficial to me and the other users
But there’s is something i wanna comment on since i am already studying reproductive system right now
And can’t let it go :joy::joy:

Isn’t it the opposite or i am mistaken here ???
The seminal vesicles secret up to 60% to 70% of the semen ( yellowish alkaline fluid ) which contains Fructose ( the major source of energy to sperms ) ans fibrinogen ( which cause slight coagulation of semen after ejaculation to turn sperms into bouls ready to be propelled into the vagina ) , prostaglandin , vitamin C and others
While prostate secrets up to 25% to 30% of the semen ( milky fluid ) which is rich in proteolytic enzymes to leqify seminal clot ( caused by fibrinogen of the seminal vesicles) and release the motile sperms into the vagina during intercourse
Please do correct me if i am wrong in anything


Man it was like we all were ready with the most weirdest (just a joke) questions. And on top of the @Doctor_JL was more prepared for them too :joy:

I appreciate the effort and have learned many new things. 10/10 topic :ok_hand:


@VAGABOND You got right! I have mistaken, the 60-70% of semen is made in seminal vesicles and then mix with the rest in prostate. It was a error from me because the accumulation of semen “the blue balls” is because the seminal vesicles expulse all semen in prostate and it grow and grow up with more and more until causing pain (prostatodynia). Here is a good page to study all masculine reproductive system. And sorry about the mistake.


I personally think that it is possible but that takes years of really hardcore practice.
Modern medicine rejects this of course, but I don’t think modern medicine has all the answers.


I will consult urologist in specialty in andrology to ask your theory, but I don’t think that now I will find a firm answer to your question @Nep_12.


That is okay. Like I said I don’t think modern medicine has all the answers. Don’t get me wrong, by no means I’m hating on modern medicine.

But there are some things it simply can’t explain. For example this, a Vietnamese monk who burned himself alive (to protest against the govt that was persecuting the Buddhist monks)

He had a lifetime to practice and acquire mental strength like this. He never moved a muscle and just died like that and it shows the power of his own mind. He was basically immune to pain and suffering. Such mind conditioning will take some hardcore training over the years too.

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@Nep_12 I understand your point, even I know there is always things science can’t explain, I am christian and believe in the almighty, I think from time to time we discover bit a bit more about everything, but always will be shadows and mystery. People can do incredible things! But please don’t burn yourself alive as that monk, I believe in determination and training to resist pain. Someday I will talk about the pain ways in the body and how to manage it. Have a nice day!