Diary written in blood 🩸

Oo I was wrong.
I only know just a few phrases.
Goddam that was embarrassing :rofl::rofl:

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Day 7
1 week✔️
Another ordinary day. I feel so-so. My mood is little bit depressed.
Today I:
-was at school
-learned German language with Duolingo : 27 minutes
-practised on the guitar : about 20-25 minutes
-tried to learn math but I feel hopeless. (I can’t stand out math.)
Today I:
-plan to continue learning math

Song of my day :

Day 8
Nothing special, weak urges but I can handle. My mood is a little bit sad. I am lazy and I have no motivation.
Today I:
-was at school
-practised on the guitar : about 10-15 minutes
-learned German language with Duolingo : 34 minutes
Today I:
-will going to work


Day 0 again
I feel depressed. I relapsed. I could not control my urges. Am I hopeless? I hate myself.

Ok so warning this may sound harsh, but I’ve been saying this a lot because it needs to be said, just keep that in mind. Actually you could control your urges, never say you can’t because that is lie. You can always stay in control, no one ever forces you to do anything, no one puts your hand in your pants. Now an urge popping up is not in your control, but what you do with it is your choice, like this phrase I like: You can’t prevent a bird from flying over your head, but you can prevent it from building a nest on your head. Basically it’s saying you can’t control your thoughts, but you can control how you handle them. So take a look at all the advice we have here, there are all kinds of ways to handle your urges, try and find some of your own! And no, you are not hopeless. No one is. Every single person on this forum has the potential to be free. I mean if you look at me right now it seems like I really don’t have a reason to be trying right now, I love self-pleasure, I would never have wanted to give it up if it weren’t for the people around me, and for the greater good. And maybe one day I’ll realise that it was an even better decision that I could’ve imagined and that living the NoFap lifestyle is way better than fapping. I hope I’ll get there. My situation may look pretty hopeless, but I’m not. I still have hope and I know that I can quit. And I know you can too. Do not hate yourself, because God put you on this Earth, and He gave you a purpose, God doesn’t waste humans. If you live up to your potential you can be so much better. Instead of hating yourself, find what went wrong last time and improve, even if it’s a little bit. And you should never hate yourself because we love you. RC loves you. I don’t think Taher would have created this forum if it wasn’t out of love for the people who would join, so that they can be set free! So as it’s community we also love you and are here to support you. @The_integrous_one @Forerunner @Binocular @prothekter_aden come help a brother out.

And listen man, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Keep going, and keep fighting. You’re amazing.


And dude sometimes it’s about going forward even when you don’t want to. You can have ad blockers and work out and study and do all kinds of things to help you out, but it’s inevitable that one day you will want to quit, I hate that day, but if you can make it through those days, each time you will get stronger. So push even when you don’t want to because it’s worth it.


Thank you very much. You have made my day a little bit better. Thank you and thank you to the whole community
I never planned to give up. I want to beat this. But someday the urges are hard.
Every relapse makes me sad.
I lost my days that motivates me


Somedays I am home all days. These days are the most dangerous.

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Motivation is garbage. I can’t even remember the quote that I saw, but it was like: It’s not about motivation, it’s about discipline. I like that quote. It’s about disciplining yourself, you can’t rely fully on motivation because that wavers. You’ve gotta work hard.


I understand that. My advice is to stay away from any sort of media. Right now I’m avoiding YouTube shorts, because if you’re already in a dangerous spot even the smallest thing might make you break. If you’re home alone today I would go take a cold shower, eat something nice, and either read/draw/study/play a game you know won’t be triggering like Minecraft. If you can’t do any of that do a pushup every urge you get.


I am depressed now.
I try to do this things everyday


Nah dw bout it, shake it off, if you dwell in your mistakes things only get worse, today you are going to shake it off and do something fun, but not triggering. If you’re home take a really cold shower, because that will wake you up and make you feel a little better. Try to smile today, even if you aren’t happy, smile anyways. Try to make yourself laugh, do something stupid. If you can listen to music listen to upbeat music! Today we are going to make you feel better, and tomorrow we get to work alright? I can be an accountability partner if you want me to :slight_smile:

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Thank you bro! Your are really kind and helpful.
What’s your streak?
I am glad to be your accountability partner

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I’m only on day 3, but the streak is just a number. I’m doing great! I’ve been more in control then I have for months!

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Actually I had already done my part here. I wrote a detailed post along with links to whatever has helped me throughout the journery.


That’s good man! Sorry I didn’t take the time to look back at everything. I appreciate you :slight_smile:


Check out post number 11 and 29 in this diary. No need to say sorry :sweat_smile:


I get told that more than you think :sweat_smile: I say sorry out of habit.


I watched the videos. I’ve seen a lot of videos on this topic but I feel that it doesn’t have much impact. I mean, when everything is fine it has an effect but when the urges are rarely strong it’s like it almost sweeps everything away

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