Daily Devotional

I have never written a Diary before so this is my first time. i have made it to day 24 and still going strong, If anybody has any suggestions to help I would greatly thank you for it. I have been crawling to day 31 and I know it is difficult to be strong. I know my Redeemer lives and I know He holds each day in His hands. I will always be true to God and believe that He can help me through this addiction of masturbating everyday. I used to masturbate every morning as my routine but after I read about Onan in the Bible I understood that God does not want us spilling our seed. It is also fornication to masturbate because it is a selfish thing that fulfills the flesh. Thanks you all for listening to my problems and understanding what I have is a habit that must be broken. God bless you all. Don’t forget to reply.


Hi @Prayer_Warrior,
24 days is very good :clap:t2:
You are welcome on this forum.

The path to chastity is a path that leads to God, so I recommend that you continue on this path which is a very good path.
There is nothing to lose on this path, there is everything to gain.

There are some inspiring people in this forum, I hope this will help you evolve.

See you soon :wave:t2:


The struggle is very real; but so is the One that’s helping you! I know it’s very hard, but you’re not alone. You have Jesus with you, because he promised he would never leave or forsake you (Romans 8:31-39 is also a good reminder, and has been an encouragement to me). You also have brothers and sisters in Christ on here that will encourage you along as well, and will pray for you! I’m not much, but if you need someone to talk to, feel free to DM me anytime,!

I hope I don’t sound like I’m downplaying your struggle, or trying to just throw words out there. I know from my experience that it’s very hard to quit, and I myself am still struggling with this. But if there’s any way I can encourage you, I want to. I just want you to know that you’re not alone! I’m praying for you, brother! :slightly_smiling_face:


Well done in making it 24 days clean brother, keep going. I pray this new diary is helpful to you. The habits that are really helping me are journaling, reading daily reminders of the reasons why I want to stay clean and the blessings in my life on this side of addiction, and setting no unclean thing before my eyes - keeping them single. Day 30 today with God’s Help.

Looking forward to seeing your journey brother :raised_hands: :+1:


The game is deeper than we think, purpose in slavery is freedom but what purpose is in freedom, once you get free?
Some going to make it some going to catch 50’s in this hole. Here you are my friend , go for your chance and don’t look back. From a brother in Jesus


Ohh and I forgot, here are also zombies (zero streakers) that feed from your streak until you become one of them, be aware of them.

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God bless you, brother! Your labour is not in vain in the Lord!


Day 26

The hardest day today to overcome. Urges are really strong and the temptation is stronger. God help me I need your help! My day is filled with these thoughts of masturbating and giving in. I don’t want to and I will not give in. I am stronger than my urges and the willpower of God will help me. Pray for me all that listens to me. I CAN DO THIS! I know that I can and I will. Please offer some words of comfort and please let me know how to overcome this strong urge. I have removed all my triggers and have set up the time to talk to God. For my God will listen to me and this is my prayer that these urges will go away. I just don’t want to give in. I just don’t want to fall short of Gods glory either. I will not be overtaken and I will not be overcomed by this temptation. I will rest in my Lord Jesus Christ my Savior. My Lord and my God.
Thank ya’ll for listening to me and my problems. Don’t forget to leave a comment I would appreciate it. Thank ya’ll.


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
Colossians 3:5

Craving is an active process. We crave because we REALLY want to act on the picture in our mind. The initial thought from our brains is involuntary, a suggestion seeking an increase in dopamine, but if we are still engaging with the thought 10 seconds later, that’s a choice.

We can kill the thoughts easily by thinking about what we truly desire more. By weighing up the benefits of continuing to PMO, or experiencing a life of freedom from it. Urges can be destroyed within minutes. They are thoughts in our mind, and we only think one train of thought at a time. Think of the benefits of freedom and you’ll push away the cravings and the urges will leave you.

Stay strong brother. God bless :pray: :heart:

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I feel for you, brother. Sometimes it feels like it’s so strong that you can’t overcome it. :pensive: But just remember that’s a lie from the enemy.

Now as for advice on how to handle the urges, I don’t know if this will help you or not, but this is a post that I found that actually helped me last night when I had some pretty strong urges. I hope it will help you, too.

I know it feels like you’re being hypnotized or something whenever you’ve got a strong urge. But don’t forget James 4:8. Cling to the promise of God. I’m praying for you this morning, brother! God bless you! :slightly_smiling_face::pray:


Day 27
Blue balls effect has gone away and I feel somewhat better today even though I have this headache that is making me go crazy. I need to settle into a routine to take my mind off these thoughts. Thank you guys for the encouragement and I also still need prayer to get to day 31 witch will be June 21 of this month. I have found something on youtube that is also helping me 40 Biblical Divine Masculine Traits ONLY The 0.1% Possess Artistic Motivation. It calms my thoughts and erases all urges from my mind. We all can say with Thomas “My Lord and My God” I believe in these words and pray that all will be well with you guys as well. Well day 26 will be behind me and day 27 is coming. The devil is a lair in saying that the temptation is a relief for your pleasure not so with me anymore. I am getting better everyday but the struggle is hard. My Lord says wait on him and patience is a virtue.
Thank ya’ll for listening to me don’t forget to leave a comment.


I’m praying for you this morning! I’m sorry about your headache, and I pray that the Lord would help you feel better! It’s so encouraging to see how the Lord has worked in your life, and helped you to make it this far! Keep trusting in Him! God bless you, brother!:pray:

Day 28
I feel better today but I still have strong temptation that I cannot overcome. I will not fall for the devils lies and say I will do it. I will stand strong with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I say Get behind me satan for you do not know the will of God for my life. I really don’t want to fall off the stairs and give in, I want to keep climbing these stairs and believe that I can make it to 181 days. Right now my goal is 31 days, after 31 days my goal will be 61 days. That will be a challenge that I will have to crawl to, to make it. I believe that God will deliver me from this addiction and follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. My endeavor is making me feel so much better. This is a journey that can be walked with other like ya’ll. Pray for me in this journey. Have ya’ll watched pilgrims progress? Our journey is like Christian’s journey to the celestial city that is Heaven. I watched that movie and it made me think of this journey that I am taking now. Don’t fall for the temptations or the wiles of the devil. I think that when we take this journey that we do not fall back to the city of destruction. City of destruction is pleasures of the flesh and other worldly possessions. I would rather go to the celestial city and be with Jesus. I have Jesus in my heart and believe that I can be brave and confident that I can make it.
Thank ya’ll for listening don’t forget to leave a comment.


Keep on going with the help of the Lord! I haven’t seen the movie, but I have read the book. You’re right, our journey is a lot like Christan’s journey! I’m keeping you in my prayers, brother!

Day 29
Well I feel great and have the energy to accomplish anything. I have decided to take a journey to the unknown and memorize Psalm 23 all the way through. Also I want to memorize Isaiah 53. I am learning to lean on Jesus my redeemer and believe that all can be accomplished through Him. The disciple that Jesus loved was John because John wrote about it. I believe that Jesus loved all of us enough that He died for us. I have all my heart in Jesus and loving every minute of it. The devil does not like me now because I have all my hope in Jesus.I want to take the time now and say ya’ll have been a blessing in helping me accomplish my goals. I still will be here but I will always pray for all of ya’ll. I say like Thomas said after Jesus rose from the dead “My Lord and My God”. I can’t wait to see Jesus one day after what i have accomplished. I still have the urges and temptation but I will not give in. Still pray for me and day 31 is coming and day 61 will still have to be accomplished. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 KJV
Thank ya’ll for listening and please leave a comment.
God Bless Ya’ll for this prayer chain.


Amen, brother! Keep up the good work! Hide God’s Word in your heart! I’m praying for you, brother! Been praying for you tonight! God bless you as you make it to Day 31!

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Day 30
Well one more day then 31. Then 61 goal is coming and I know that this will be the hardest stage. I have done before it can be done again. God is my strength and my deliverer. I have passed and exam yesterday of resisting the urge. I kept myself busy and productive and did not give in. I felt the prayer of everyone here and my mind was clear and calm. I thank ya’ll for the prayers and God is listening to all prayers that is being said. I pray that this can be accomplished and make it to 1000 days plus. I have a long way to go before I get to that mark. If any of you wish you join me in a challenge that I will make it to 61 days. I will check in daily I often as I can and see what you guys mark on the challenge. Please feel free to tell me how many days without PMO. I am on day 30 going to make it to 31 then 61 days challenge is coming. I want to be strong in the Lord and believe my God can help me make the most of each day. I know my redeemer lives and that all will be well. I don’t feel as tired as I have been so thing are getting a little easier. These urges will still be here but after 61 days they will be little easier to handle and Praise God. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Thank ya’ll for listening God Bless you all.
1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.


Amen! One more day! I believe God’s gonna help you, brother! God is still answering prayer! I’m far behind you, I’m only on Day 3, but give me a little time, and with the help of the Lord, I’ll catch up with you! :smile:. God bless you, brother! You’re an encouragement!


Day 31

James 1:12 KJV
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Praise the Lord day 31 is here and I have found a way to mark all my days as the army ranks the enlisted and officers.

I am now E-2 rank and going to E-3 rank on day 61. It will help because I am in the Lord’s army. Yes Sir. I know that my rank is still low but I will make it to an officer. I pray that all will be well with ya’ll and I thank God each and every day for everyone of ya’ll. Please feel free to use this chart as your own personal use to enlist in God’s army. Jesus loves you and me and everyone here. Boy do I feel great and my mind can never be more clearer than what it is right now. There is a billboard at a church that I read and it made a whole lot of since, “NO GOD NO PEACE KNOW GOD KNOW PEACE”. I believe that when we know God we have peace in our hearts and comfort for our anxious heart. The love and support from all of ya’ll is a blessing to me and I pray for everyone here as well. No temptation is hard to endure that can be overcome.
God bless ya’ll and thanks for listening.


Day 32
1 Chronicles 11:3 KJV
Therefore came all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord; and the anointed David king over Israel’ according to the word of the LORD by Samuel.

I have a king in my heart and he lives praise the Lord. I have been thinking about things more often now than ever. I thoughts are clear and and I don’t fell like a zombie, I feel alive and great. I know that I haven’t made it totally to day 61 yet but I am working on it. I praise God every day that goes by and thank him every night for getting through this day. This is a journey that must not be taken lightly to draw closer to God. I say just don’t fumble because it would not be worth it. I have a hope to reach for but I must take this journey to reach it. Can I make it, I don’t know but only God knows. God knows everything about all of us because He made us. He is still working on me yes he is still working. The devil hates four words: Jesus, love, mercy and light. I thank God that all of you are praying for me and helping me get through this.
God bless ya’ll and thanks for listening. Please leave a comment.