Classic Challenge to fight the new Drug (entries closed)

Today July 30 2022 / 6th day of the ultimate streak :arrow_double_up::

1_ Nofap / No PMO: :white_check_mark:

2_ Habits: :white_check_mark:

1_ Sleeping between 9 p.m - 10 p.m :first_quarter_moon_with_face:: :white_check_mark:

2_ Drinking lots of water :sweat_drops: : :white_check_mark:

3_ Prayer :place_of_worship: : :white_check_mark:

4_ Breathing :seedling:: :white_check_mark:

5_ Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:: :white_check_mark:

6_ Exercising :man_lifting_weights:: :white_check_mark:

7_ Cold :snowflake: Shower :shower:: :white_check_mark:

10_ perfume​:rose:3 times a day​: :white_check_mark:

9_ Healthy Food​:apple:: :white_check_mark:

10_ Play the piano :musical_keyboard: : :white_check_mark:

11_ reading :orange_book: and dialogue what I learned with my grand-father :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:: :white_check_mark:

12_ No video games, only brain games allowed: :white_check_mark:

13_ daily diary :writing_hand:: :white_check_mark:

14_ Confidence actions :sunglasses:: :white_check_mark:

15_ the stress management challenge: :white_check_mark:

16_ study more than half an hour :man_teacher:: :white_check_mark:

17_ Do at least 5 kind things to others: :white_check_mark:

18_ Screen time less than 2 hours: :white_check_mark:

19_ Satisfaction :innocent:: 100% :white_check_mark: (more than 75%)

Better family reationship and mental energy started to appear already :muscle:

No PMO = 5 points
All Habits = 5 points
Totale points = 10


July 30
@Binocular You inspire me!
-Screens 2 hours✅
-No PMO✅

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@Derek38 , I’m honored that you think that brother :innocent: you will also inspire many other people if you inspire yourself first, be confident, stay strong :muscle: imagen yourself in a movie called “faith” and you are the first acter of this movie, imagen all of the persons looking at your struggle, would you want for all of that to go away for 5 seconds of plesure? Imagen your future self watching you, waiting for you to accomplish your dreams do you want to let him down? Think of yourself right now, is it really worth it? People don’t change because they are obliged, never, they change because they see something meaningful, worthy for a life worthy to live, worthy for today’s struggle. Tomorrow is today waiting to happen.


@Binocular Greatly Saild…:clap:


11 days completed (31.7.22)
1.Wake up at 4:40 A.M. :x:
2.Book reading 30 minutes :heavy_check_mark:
3.Exercise :x:
4.Subliminal :x:
5.Pranayam :heavy_check_mark:
6.Eye exercise :heavy_check_mark:
7.Meditation :x:
8.Bath and sort my room✔
9.Study 7 plus hours :heavy_check_mark:


Today, July 31st, 2022 / 7th day of the Ultimate streak :hugs:

1_ No PMO :white_check_mark:

2_ Habits :white_check_mark: :

1_ Sleeping between 9 p.m - 10 p.m :first_quarter_moon_with_face:: :white_check_mark:

2_ Drinking water :sweat_drops: : :white_check_mark:

3_ Prayer :place_of_worship: : :white_check_mark:

4_ BreathiIg :seedling:: :white_check_mark:

5_ Meditation :man_in_lotus_position:: :white_check_mark:

6_ Exercising :muscle:: :white_check_mark:

7_ Cold :snowflake: Shower :shower:: :white_check_mark:

10_ perfume :rose: 3 times a day​ :white_check_mark:

9_ Food :apple: :white_check_mark:

10_ Play the piano :musical_keyboard: : :white_check_mark:

11_ reading :orange_book: and dialogue what I learned with my grand-father :man_curly_haired:t2::man_white_haired:t2:. :white_check_mark:

12_ No video games, only brain games allowed :brain:. :white_check_mark:

13_ daily diary :writing_hand:: :white_check_mark:

14_ Confidence actions :tipping_hand_man:t2: :white_check_mark:

15_ the stress management challenge :angel: :white_check_mark:

16_ study more than half an hour :man_teacher:.:white_check_mark:

17_ Do at least 5 kind things to others :handshake: :white_check_mark:

18_ Screen time less than 2 hours :eye: :white_check_mark:

19_ Satisfaction :innocent:: 100% (More than 75% :dagger:) :white_check_mark:

No PMO = 5 points
All good habits = 5 points
Total points = 10

Mental and physical energy skyrocketed :rainbow: I become more and more stronger in each day that I pass. Finally one week done. I remembered the time when only a simple 5 days were impossible, now every time I start a serious streak I never think about relapsing before a week :muscle:
And Now, after a week done, I start the No Jerking August challenge and beyond. I hope that I succeed, I can succeed, No, I will succeed :heart:


July 31: A pure streak day!
-2 hour screens✅
-No PMO✅


1 August,2022
To do list for everyday (daily habits)
1.Wake up at 4:40 A.M. :heavy_check_mark:
2.Book reading 30 minutes :heavy_check_mark:
3.Exercise :heavy_check_mark:
4.Subliminals :heavy_check_mark:
5.Pranayam :heavy_check_mark:
6.Eye exercise :heavy_check_mark:
7.Meditation :x:
8.Bath and sort my room :heavy_check_mark:
9.Study 7 plus hours :x: (i was gone to school today ughhh…)

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August 1: Pure streak day 2
-2 hour screens✅
-No PMO✅

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2 August,2022
To do list for everyday (daily habits)
:heavy_check_mark:- Task/habit done
:x: - Task/habit not done
1.Wake up at 4:40 A.M. :heavy_check_mark: (but slept later for sometime due to headache)
2.Book reading 30 minutes❌
3.Exercise :heavy_check_mark:
4.Subliminals :heavy_check_mark:
5.Pranayam :x:
6.Eye exercise :x:
7.Meditation :x:
8.Bath and sort my room :heavy_check_mark:
9.Study 7 plus hours :x: (around 5-6 hours)

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August 2
-2 hours screens❌
-No PMO❌
A relapse😤

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3 August,2022
To do list for everyday (daily habits)
:heavy_check_mark:- Task/habit done
:x: - Task/habit not done
1.Wake up at 4:40 A.M. :heavy_check_mark: (but slept later for sometime due to headache)
2.Book reading 30 minutes :heavy_check_mark:
3.Exercise :heavy_check_mark:
4.Subliminals :heavy_check_mark:
5.Pranayam :heavy_check_mark:
6.Eye exercise :heavy_check_mark:
7.Meditation :x:
8.Bath and sort my room :heavy_check_mark:
9.Study 7 plus hours :heavy_check_mark:


August 3
-2 hour screens✅
-No PMO✅

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August 4
-2 hour screens✅
-No PMO❌
I’ve relapsed 3 times since on this challenge, but I’m going to clean up my act.


August 5
-2 hour screens❌
-No PMO❌
I’ve relapsed again, @Parker27 I’d like to officially remove myself from the challenge. :slightly_frowning_face:

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