Since I downloaded this app recently, and actually started using it this week, Im currently at 1 day and over 15 hours (my personal best since I’ve started using this app, though back in september and october I had gone a week or so without PMO at different times). Currently, I can already feel the anxiety and feelings of darkness building… My resolve to abstain (to not give in) is stronger than it has been, and my mind has been focused long-term instead of in the moment, though the anxiety really makes that difficult to do… Especially when I can’t find something to do to get my mind off of the anxiety… Lord Jesus, please show me your will for me today, and I will do it to the best of my ability, as best as I know how. Thank You for all you’ve done for me Jesus.
Thank you brother
Check in day 2 again
After day 40, you start having sexual thoughts.
Somehow when you get too busy with your life, porn is the safest haven you have experience.
It gives you pleasure and comfort at the same time.
But over the years, my conscious mind will tell me that the comfort were just an act.
The sex on the screen is meaningless, and the porn itself is just people manipulating us to their benefit.
Sex and the sexual desire is very personal, deep and intimate, reserved for people that deserve it.
Only conscious effort will save us from relapsing.
Empower our higher mental function and surpress the animal rudimentary brain
It is a lot of effort, but it is worth it.
Day 7 of week 6
Everything is good.
Check in Sunday
Current streak-34 days
Feeling better day by day… Where there is a will there’s a way… very old saying but very true.
I really dont understand why it get so hard after 14 days exactly feeling shit now
Checking in - Sunday, December 16. Day 7 of week 6. All OK.
Daily check in day 7 … Today I Will make fast …
20 pushups… 7 rounds of the stadium… See you brother’s on monday evening…
Day 2 check in…
Grace is needed everyday guys… Never forget to start your day with praying unto Him every you start your day
Check-in Sunday - Week 6
@WarriorNS thanks for checking in, and every day!
I’m very grateful to see your honesty, persistence and commitment, it helps me a lot in this journey
Check-in Sunday 12/16
Currently at 2 days and 14 hours since I last masturbated or intentionally looked at P***.
I had a VERY rough day in regards to my anxiety yesterday, but I took it all to Jesus and cried out to Him in prayer and I believe He gave me Mercy and Grace to keep seeking Him despite the fact that I don’t deserve any of such things.
Now comes the difficult part. Sometimes when I’m anxious I’ll be so fixated on my anxiety that watching P*** or masturbating won’t interest me. Oftentimes, its when I’m feeling okay that I’ll allow myself to give in and start “edging” (I just recently learned what that is and meant) and its from that “edging” that I’ll give in more and more.
Overnight I had some dreams that were s-xual in nature and I thought I had relapsed because of what I did in the dream… Then I woke up and realized it was a dream and that nothing had happened in reality. I was pretty happy to realize that. But still, I’d like to reach a point where anything in my life regarding s-x is pure and in accordance with Biblical Truth.
Check-in day 0
Depression, lost confidence and believing my life had no meaning lead to relapse. This is dangerous area to be. I won’t ever give up, I know these symptoms are because I miss porn and it gave me meaning. This needs to change. Need to go out more to.
Today i plan to be productive and exercise and focus on financial goals.
Brothe plz do exercise it will keep you keep you more active…
Okay, so I just intentionally went on a certain social media site and intentionally looked at a certain profile to see if they had any pics that would arouse me. I didn’t touch myself, but I did lust with my mind for approx 1 minute (maybe less). Do I have to restart?
It depends on your mode, or your strategy.
For myself at the moment I’d be classed as being on easy mode, because I’ve looked too today, but came to my senses and stopped.
So I’m not reseting my counter for that.
There was a point where I would reset for something like that, which was great and a good mindset to aim for, but should be done with some caution. As I think, it can make us scrupulous, and lead to having some hard falls mentally.
which we could say “Great, it’s toughening us up more and going deeper into the journey”
But I think it’s better just to keep the journey simple and light hearted,
not overthinking,
actively saying “No” to pmo and worry,
Being victorious each day,
And rejoice in the positive things we can do.
I understand @anon67854825. While I believe I’m still guilty of sin in the eyes of God, and as such need to repent, for the purposes of this forum I’m not going to reset, mostly because I believe that if I do, it’ll just lead to me giving in fully sometime soon. I’m struggling with much anxiety and doing as well as I have over the past 3 days is about the one of the only things I can see as a positive currently…
Check in daily - Monday
Current streak-35 days
Each day is blessing…be blessed brothers!!
Check in …
@anon67854825 i am glad to hear that
Week 7 Check-in Monday
I want to engage my mind with good things.
I’m sitting hear mulling over my journey, but right now I just want to get on with the day.
Checking in - Monday, December 17. Day 1 of week 7. All OK
Daily check in day one : 30 push-ups, 8 and half rounds, mediation…Today i managed to study enough with all this… I am learning cursive… Daily I write one page of the book "The Alchemist " …Such A inspiring book written by Paulo Cohelo… Very beautifully narrated…