"Check-in" Daily - diary challenge

Checking in - All good
Week 45 - September 13, Friday


Week 7 - Sep 12, Thurs - Streak: 18 days and 3 hours!

Booyah! Beat my old streak, can’t believe it man. Haven’t felt like this in a long time, I’m really making progress.

Despite this, I have been very angry today for various reasons.

But I’m letting it all go right now. It is frustrating, but if I let it get to me, it will probably only lead to a relapse. As you were saying Forerunner, feed the right wolf. This anger I would say is justified, but I can’t let it overwhelm me.

Plus I am doing really good, it is all basically new territory from here, at least in the sense that I haven’t been this far in possibly even a year. This is my streak, I am going to make this happen.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi


Checking in - Friday 13th September. All good, thank GOD.

@Special_Bird Congratulations on passing day 18! Keep going strong man.

“We don’t choose to be addicted; what we choose to do is deny our pain.”

A critical reason why it’s so difficult to break free of an addiction is associating more pain with quitting than with abstaining. As much pain and havoc PMO has wreaked on our lives, there is still a tendency to see it with rose-tinted glasses, as something pleasurable and enjoyable. But the marks of true pleasure and enjoyment are in the memories we have of the event afterwards. No one can look back and say, Yup, that relapse was so worth it. I’d gladly do that again.

However, we view PMO as a source of euphoria and stress relief, forgetting how we felt the moment after relapsing. How can you ask someone to stop doing something he enjoys? Why would someone choose to stop doing what takes away his stress? This is the fight we have with ourselves, and our bodies rebel against us. But this viewpoint is a lie and an illusion. Our stress and anxiety are multiplied upon relapse, and the joy disappears.

What helps us break free of this thought pattern is honest reflection on our past. We will reach that conclusion that PMO is a source of pain and not an antidote. To help aid us in this, we create strong reasons to quit, things we have a burning desire for which we cannot hope to accomplish while engaged in PMO. With those reasons, PMO loses its appeal in our lives.


Check-in Friday 13th Sept
All good


Week 45 - FriDay 5 - Sep 13
2½ days in
Any thoughts on ♀️ Girlfriend Problem ♂️?

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@rowdy_nik How old are you at the moment?
What are your dreams for the future?
And what’s most important to you in life?


I’m 24+
Dream is to get a job, marry her, live purposefully.
Most important is peace of mind.


Sorry I missed that. I quickly read your post, because somethings don’t come from a good place, and questions go unanswered.

You’ve simply got to take a look from a different angle and ask different questions.


Its one of those annoying questions,
like “how do I cure worry?”
Answer : stop worrying

The more emphasis you put on being perfect, you’ll always see your imperfections,
And miss the blessings and grace you already have


Yeah ok I will. Like you just asked a few good ones from right angle.
And yes to stop overthinking n worrying, have to focus on good things that I have n want to.


Living purposefully with peace of mind is great, and something you can do :+1::pray:

We do this by accepting the truth, and accepting life with all its challenges, chaos and blessings everyone experiences


Exactly - trying to stop thinking about The Pink Elephant, you have to chase the blue rabbit :smile:


Words of Wisdom bro. :raised_hands: Acceptance! I’ve been doing this wrong way by Ignorance.

And never go down the rabbit hole again :sweat_smile:


That’s right. Not the rabbit hole :smile:
But this is not the pink elephant, but the ‘special’ blue rabbit, let it lead you home :pray:


Yay, I hope not to get blue bunny though :wink:

Week 45 - Friday

All good


@rowdy_nik I’m not making sexual innuendos :sweat_smile:

The Pink Elephant stands still,
The rabbit moves fast, it wants to lead you home.
You can’t hold onto it, otherwise it won’t lead,
it dissappears if ignored,
chase it.

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Haha understood bro, I got what you saying. It’s always very insightful n fun talking to you :hugs:


Haha, thanks :sweat_smile: you too bro, but warning, my answers are just answers :pray:

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Week 45 ~ Friday

I’ve been working very late nights, and my mind has shifted, waking up blurry, I know it’s not an excuse. I fell :fried_egg: but I’m all good, Thanks be to God :pray: