Break your Limits - Muslim Challenge (but everyone is welcome to join)

Way to go :joy::fire:. Respect ++


:smirk: :fire: :muscle: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :fire: :fire: :fire:


@The_integrous_one @Binocular Haha😂 Thanks a lot guys.
Well this was hard for me first. Then I tought its my life. I should be in control of my decisions. I have to decide how should I live my life. I have to take charge.
I know it will take some months to find a suitable girl to marry, but this time is my goal. I have a target now. To rewire, to get physically healthy and mentally mature. I have to change my self for good, be more responsible. It’s a real target.

Thanks guys for reading my posts and replying too :joy:. It’s really means a lot.


Check in Day 3

My depression is gone. I’m feeling happy accomplishing my exercise and study goals. I’m also watching anime but clean ones, with least triggers. I think I should be not too afraid of triggers. Its okay to be horny. I just have to learn to be in control and not act on my impulses.

I will improve everyday. This is my goal.

Today’s task

  1. Offer at least 1 namaz in masjid :white_check_mark: ( offered 2)
  2. Study :white_check_mark:
  3. Exercise :white_check_mark:
  4. Read Quran with translation :x:
  5. Offer Fajr on time :x:
  6. Recite Quran after Fajr (at least for 5 mins) :x:

New Task till day 7

  1. Sleep early - wake up early

Are you really going to take that risk?
Sometimes, you don’t know when the Anime will turn 180° :joy: and show some triggers :confused:


Stfu dude, you don’t have to stop living your life.
You don’t have to change your life in any way jist because you arr stopping watching ■■■■.
If you like something you should do that just don’t watch ■■■■ and enjoy your life in any other way possible.
Yeah it’s that in few days you’ll have so much time and energy that you’ll be automatically motivated to go for good habits.
That’s my view now don’t start a debate with me on this.


For the first time in my life, I am seeing you getting pissed off :sweat_smile: even though I agree with you by every inch.


Damn I can’t even message you personally :joy:. Never mind.


True , I still watch web shows and sitcoms and yes I encounter some bad scenes too , but that doesn’t affect you once you have strong will and mindset . If any such scene comes , I oftenly skip it or don’t mind it . I don’t think of them the way I did ■■■■ . It doesn’t even matter now , I have uplifted myself from them .



Probably you will become an ideal brahmachari during college days :joy:.

On a serious note , Keep rocking. Forever No Fap


This reminds me of David Goggins motivational speech in which they make you feel like an absolute garbage with an intent to make your life better :joy:




Yeah, that’s true that doing Nofap doesn’t mean you have to stop everything which gives you a bit of happiness.


There is risk but we have imdb parental guide to check for these types of stuff. It will show some triggers, but I think I should face some triggers and learn to control them. Obviously not intentionally put yourself in trigger zone.

I will be exposed to triggers eventually in life. Why not early and learn to tackle then then be late and unskilled leading to relapse.

BTW, thanks for your input, I’ll try to be more vigilant in this matter.

I know you don’t mean it, it’s just an expression :joy:

Golden advice. Also, I can change my enjoyment to more safer and less trigger containing during recovery. That was what @Binocular was trying to say.


Actually in my previous streak, I completely avoided all movies, series and animes. Total screen entertainment ban. That didn’t end well. In a few weeks, my brain just got messed up.

Now Im watching Attack on titan only. It doesn’t has fan service. It’s relatively clean. Obviously I will not watch stuff with many triggers, that’s too risky. But I’m just watching strictly controlled content to avoid that messed up brain and to have some happiness in life.


I was gonna start a revolution but nevermind :joy::wink:

Finally, someone who understands me :muscle:t2:


Yeah yeah I understood



Check in Day 4

Daily Motivation/Advice

People have reached 1000 days. They are people like you and me. We can achieve great feats too. Move away from comfort zone. Break the shackles of presumed helplessness. And don’t be afraid of the resistance you face when you walk on the path of success. It’s an uphill struggle. Just imagine the view from the top.

Today’s task

  1. Offer at least 1 namaz in masjid :white_check_mark: ( offered 1)
  2. Study :white_check_mark:
  3. Exercise :white_check_mark:
  4. Read Quran with translation :x:
  5. Offer Fajr on time :x:
  6. Recite Quran after Fajr (at least for 5 mins) :x:

New Task till day 7

  1. Sleep early - wake up early :x:


“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential” -Liane Cordes