Break your Limits - Muslim Challenge (but everyone is welcome to join)

Yes sure… I’ll answer as much as I can


Really all I wanna know is what’s the difference between being a Muslim and a Christian.


That would be a totally different discussion for a different platform. But the basic difference in belief is that we Muslims belief that Jesus was son of Mary and not son of God. We belief he was a prophet and messenger chosen by God. We belief that Jesus is still alive and would come to Earth in the end of times.
We Muslims don’t belief in trinity. We belief there is only one God.

These are some basic differences but the discussion needs to be lengthy and requires another platform.


The Quran from god talked about Jesus bearth:

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Relate in the Book the story of Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East :eight_pointed_black_star: She placed a screen to screen herself from them; then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects :eight_pointed_black_star: She said I seek refuge from thee to god Most Gracious come not near thou dost fear god :eight_pointed_black_star: He said I am only a messenger from thy Lord, to announce to thee the gift of a holy son :eight_pointed_black_star: She said How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me and I am not unchaste :eight_pointed_black_star: He said So it will be Thy Lord saith that is easy for Me and we wish to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us It is a matter so decreed.

God almighty has spoken the truth

soorat Maryam Ayah 16 - 21

If you want to know about what we Muslims must essentially do here are:

The 5 Pillars of Islam:


To say and believe: I confess that there is no god but ALLAH
AND i confess that MUHAMMAD is his prophet .

2- TO PRAY :

to adore ALLAH in a manner that is special to MUSLIMS .
allah HAS IMPOSED UPON EVERY MUSLIM,man or woman , to perform five prayers per day .

3-TO PAY THE Zakat – Alms giving – Charity :

every rich muslim shall have to give a fixed part of his fortune to beggars , needy people , and those who fight for ALLAH ُ s glory .


to abstain from eating , drinking and having sexual intercourse or watching P or Mastubating during the day , i.e.
from dawn to sunset , during the month of RAMADAN.


to visit ALLAH ُ S HOLY shrine in MECCA ,
the sacred city of Islam , so as to perform some special worships at fixed day of the year .
it is an obligation that every MUSLIM who is able physically and financially should fulfill once at least in his life

these are the essential pillars for every Muslim. Would you like to know about what do we believe in @Finding_Myself ?


Rather than taking too many tasks
I keep a single cutting edge solution. forever DItch P contents, female contents.
That will eventually make M come under control anyway. Without visual stimulation M will keep tiring out(because each M needs more extreme P content). Without visual stimulation there’s only so many times you can M.


@Finding_Myself This is a strategy in islam. It’s called lowering your gaze
A strategy:


You are right. I just need to improve little by little each day instead of going in at full speed.
Thanks bro


That’s how i saw it. Literally ban and i mean literally ban P content/every sexual arousal material from life. And you will eventually recover from the disease


You can do it… Have been fasting for 4 days now. It’s very easy. I just fell in love with you on this challenge… Brother we can do it. We in it together


Yes, I removed myself from triggers and the filth. I feel better now. Thanks bro.

Wow, that’s awesome… I’m surprised :smile:. We can do it. Thanks for the heartwarming message bro.

Check in Day 1

I’m glad I reached day 1 without PMO after many days. Today I offered 4 namaz in masjid, read Quran with translation, completed my study goal and also exercised for 1 hour. I got my motivation back.
I realize I cannot fast everyday now but making this challenge has helped me overcome my shackles. I believe in myself again. :blush:

I didn’t went on complete screen ban. I started watching attack on titan from season 1. I think I should avoid triggers but avoiding entertainment completely wrecks my brain after 30 days and I get serious dopamine cravings. Maybe I’ll learn to self control with this and also tune down my dopamine cravings.
I will be posting here from now on instead of my diary.

Today’s task

  1. Offer at least 1 namaz in masjid :white_check_mark: ( offered 4)
  2. Study :white_check_mark:
  3. Exercise :white_check_mark:
  4. Read Quran with translation :white_check_mark:

Additional Goals for tomorrow

  1. Offer Fajr on time
  2. Recite Quran after Fajr (at least for 5 mins)

Check in Day 2

It feels great without regret and depression. The ray of hope, the sunshine falling on your smiling face, and the knowledge that I have completed today’s task and improved, this is what I wanted. :blush:

Im 26 years old and don’t have a job yet (still completing education) for 1 year.

But today I asked my parents to find a girl for me for marriage. :joy:

Surprisingly, It took little effort convincing my father who had an opinion that without a job, it would be difficult to find a match. But I said, you just start looking, leave the rest to Allah. I can enter into Nikkah= marriage ( girl will still live with her parents) and after 1 or 2 years when I get a job, she can move into our house.
This will act as a motivation for me to change my life for good, be more responsible, and clean up my act.
There is an authentic Hadith, if someone marries to become pious and get protection from sins, then Allah’s special help arrives for that person.

Anyways, I’m trying my best to break my limits and improve myself.
But I couldn’t sleep on time last night and unfortunately missed Fajr.

Today’s task

  1. Offer at least 1 namaz in masjid :white_check_mark:
  2. Study :white_check_mark:
  3. Exercise :white_check_mark:
  4. Read Quran with translation :x:
  5. Offer Fajr on time :x:
  6. Recite Quran after Fajr (at least for 5 mins) :x:

Way to go :joy::fire:. Respect ++


:smirk: :fire: :muscle: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :fire: :fire: :fire:


@The_integrous_one @Binocular Haha😂 Thanks a lot guys.
Well this was hard for me first. Then I tought its my life. I should be in control of my decisions. I have to decide how should I live my life. I have to take charge.
I know it will take some months to find a suitable girl to marry, but this time is my goal. I have a target now. To rewire, to get physically healthy and mentally mature. I have to change my self for good, be more responsible. It’s a real target.

Thanks guys for reading my posts and replying too :joy:. It’s really means a lot.


Check in Day 3

My depression is gone. I’m feeling happy accomplishing my exercise and study goals. I’m also watching anime but clean ones, with least triggers. I think I should be not too afraid of triggers. Its okay to be horny. I just have to learn to be in control and not act on my impulses.

I will improve everyday. This is my goal.

Today’s task

  1. Offer at least 1 namaz in masjid :white_check_mark: ( offered 2)
  2. Study :white_check_mark:
  3. Exercise :white_check_mark:
  4. Read Quran with translation :x:
  5. Offer Fajr on time :x:
  6. Recite Quran after Fajr (at least for 5 mins) :x:

New Task till day 7

  1. Sleep early - wake up early

Are you really going to take that risk?
Sometimes, you don’t know when the Anime will turn 180° :joy: and show some triggers :confused:


Stfu dude, you don’t have to stop living your life.
You don’t have to change your life in any way jist because you arr stopping watching ■■■■.
If you like something you should do that just don’t watch ■■■■ and enjoy your life in any other way possible.
Yeah it’s that in few days you’ll have so much time and energy that you’ll be automatically motivated to go for good habits.
That’s my view now don’t start a debate with me on this.


For the first time in my life, I am seeing you getting pissed off :sweat_smile: even though I agree with you by every inch.