Bashi's notes on recovery

@neo_150 @josephvt @_TIGER @Martial_Beast @debellator Everyone
I don’t have time to tag everyone.
So guys all to you please read this book. If it didn’t ‘click’ in your Brian the first time. Reread.
It is the only way. “Will power” won’t work. We have to take off those brainwashing from our mind. The withdrawal of pmo is nothing. Everything is done by our mind.

The fucking brain washing is the thing that kills us.


@Tagore @drago @neo_150 @josephvt
We can follow a lot of method!!! But remember one thing without daily routinee like meditation, exercise, wake up at 4 am. We cant achieve that type of energy to control the semen in our body.
@drago said… I am following MEDITATION. YOU WILL SEE THE RESULT WITH IN 2 DAYS. We cant do meditation 15 mints in a day??? Just do it bro before sleeping… In my strategy first 15 days is easy.
Thank you bro… Now my average streak is 15 days… I think 2 times masterbation in a month is not a problem… But i will smoothly make into 20 days.
@josephvt i learned from bro that he stopped watching porn. I am not watching also :innocent::innocent:
@Martial_Beast is the best example.
Only make a pattern in your routinee.


Thank you @Tagore @anon13059885
Will do. Right now the most powerful tool for mr is diverting urge energy to productive work. I’m ‘harvesting’ urges basically. But will read the full book.


i was gone for a while. but i’m back, and You are the first I was looking for. one scroll and i find new tools that maybe work for me too. THANK YOU again


Day 130 and a message of gratitude
2020 is coming to an end in a couple of days and I’m wrapping up this year with a 130+ days streak. Events throughout this year have put many of us in isolation and in unexpected situations. Still, there are many reasons to be thankful. In times where it’s easy to complain about other people, the government, the restrictions and so on, the importance of gratitude is even bigger.

The stoics said:

We suffer not from the events in our lives, but from our judgement about them.

Whatever loss, rejection or frustration you have experienced, the way you perceive the event impacts you more than the actual event. Accept the things you can’t control. Maybe you have just relapsed. Why be sad about it, when you can’t change it? Focus on your reaction to that relapse and put positive energy into your recovery today.

Think of your problems in relation to the sky.

Do some things really change the course of our lives? Do the “bad” things that happen to us even matter in a couple of months or years? Don’t be a chronic complainer. Think of all the things you have now, as “basic” as they might be. You have vision, the ability to hear, legs to walk, meals to nourish yourself and family to love. What if those things were taken away from you? Be grateful for the things you have.

Take care.


One moment at a time… I’ve completed 150 days!

Reaching 150 days has been an important milestone for me because I’ve never gone beyond that number… I’m breaking a mental barrier in this very moment and every second contributes to it. This is now my all time highest streak!

On this journey, I’ve written about quite some tools on this “diary” and I don’t have necessarily anything to add at the moment. If I were to pick the most important tool though, I’d say it’s the “EasyPeasy hackbook” ( That book helped me look at PMO just like I look at smoking (as a non-smoker): it’s a disgusting waste of time, bad for my health and it has never given me anything so there’s no reason to feel deprived.

Take care guys, every day counts.


Congratulations Brother; truly you are an inspiration for all of us. Keep going like this. Slowly and steadily you made. Keep going forward and get as far from this filthy addiction as you can.
Bro, btw what kind of a counter is that? Is that another app?


Great bro… Congrats and All the best… Your diary is amazing and it consist of all tools/ideas/mindsets and many more.

Thanks for sharing info bro…you always inspire me.


Thank you guys @neo_150 @Tagore
That counter is from here Bashi and it’s set similar to my counter in the app. Just a way for me to check the number without checking my phone.


Massive congratulations to you man! Every moment from now on is a new commitment to freedom and a better life.

It’s a great thing to witness the progress you’ve made. Keep growing and inspiring us all!


NoFap does not need any discipline
I come across this misconception among NoFappers quite often or sometimes even among people outside the NoFap community. The misconception is that abstaining from porn needs willpower and self discipline. The truth is, to do NoFap, you do not need any discipline or willpower at all.

If you are a non-smoker like me, you’ll relate when I say this: I do not need any willpower or discipline to stay a non-smoker. When I walk by a store that sells cigarettes, I do not feel any urge to buy or smoke cigarettes. For me, smoking is disgusting, self-harm and I know for certain that it gives me no benefits. When I look at smokers, I do not envy them at all. Sometimes I even feel sorry for them: “Why would they do that to themselves?”.

Look at PMOing for what it is: it’s the practice of looking at a screen, where you see people having fake sex with no intimacy, and masturbating because you have deluded yourself that for whatever reason looking at that crap is somehow enjoyable. However, porn is disgusting, it’s self-harm and you know for certain that it gives you no benefits (unless you think waiting for the erectile dysfunction to happen is a benefit). When you look at porn consumers, do not envy them at all. You might even feel sorry for them: “Why would they do that to themselves?”.

You need 0 discipline and willpower to be a non-smoker, so why would you need any of that to be a NoFapper? Now, you might be ready to argue “but I’ve never smoked, so that’s easy. I’ve watched porn though…” then I’ll have to stop you right there. Read this text again. What part of “porn is disgusting, it’s self-harm and you know for certain that it gives you no benefits” do you not understand? Understand that and you break the illusion that PMOing gives you enjoyment.


Loved that post brother! It will help me alot! Thanks


Your diary has great content. Can you suggest your most helpful posts if you have any?


I’m glad you’ve found something helpful here @anon65589122

I mentioned the most important tool for me in this post:

Take care.


Thanks. I have read it 1 and half times I guess I have to repeat it at least 4 times. But I agree this methods seems to be valuable. Do you think keeping the counter and participating in challenges goes against the method described in the book? I am finding sometimes seeing my counter going 0, again and again, makes me negative.

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It is valuable so keep reading :+1:

No, it doesn’t. With the right mindset, looking at counter gives you a “yes, another day of freedom!” and challenges are just a way to help others and spread the message about the book. Having a relapse must serve as a reminder that there’s still a compromised mindset to be handled… so maybe read the book again, work on mantras and your daily reminders.


Day 180
I’ve completed 6 months… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m very grateful for this NoFap journey. I honestly can’t imagine where I’d be mentally without NoFap. On this path, I’ve learnt a lot about myself and I’ve made massive progress. Again, I’m so grateful.

… see you on day 365!


Hey @anon13059885

During this journey are you having sex? Or are you completely abstaining from sex and masturbation?

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Out of the 180 days, the first 30~40 days were on no PM mode, since then it’s been no PMO.

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Okay. I am in this conundrum that whether i should have the girlfriend or not till I reach the 90 days. Do you have any opinion on this?

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