I would like to revive the old challenge Back to Basics from 2018. In one of my previous posts I wrote I won’t make any groups, but due the fact that the most notable progress I made while taking part in those challenges I decided to bring them back.
The rules depend on the mode you are on:
NORMAL DIFFICULTY: Softmode - NoPM = No ■■■■, Masturbation, but Orgasm(Sex) is allowed
HARD DIFFICULTY: Hardmode - NoPMO = No ■■■■, Masturbation and Orgasm (Sex)
HARDCORE DIFFICULTY: Monkmode - NoPMO, No Social Media, No TV, No Music, No Internet
Soft images, fantasizing, peeking counts as a ■■■■ too.
To sign up for a challenge, just copy the template below and paste it in the first post below this thread:
Nickname Code Streak
Update you streak whenever you want. The first couple days are the hardest, so find the way to deal with the urges and prevent them. The primary focus should be always on your routine and your goals. Counting days and thinking all the time about NoFap is bad for your mind.
When you finish this challenge you can update the Hall of Fame below with your name and code appended by adequate icon:
- you have finished PART 1 or > 10 days
- you have finished PART 2 or > 20 days
- you have finished PART 3 or > 30 days
- you have finished PART 4 or > 45 days
- you have finished PART 5 or > 60 days
- you have finished PART6 or > 90 days
So when I finish the challenge I could be seen in HoF as:
ReloadingSacks hmf9bc
Of course I will try to bump this topic from time to time to not get it closed.
Weir / b5m3hr / 45 Days
Natalia / dkpt8h / 45 Days
TheWindWaker/ 65feff / 45 Days
JorgeCMP / y6lb1f / 45 days
Alegend | 5x6e28 | 45 days
Rowdy_Nik | nlyxyt | Days 45
Martial_Beast | xatx66 | Days 45
PART 4 Challengers
Users with trust level 1 and above can only edit the post. If you are at trust level 0, spend some time in the forum you will be upgraded automatically
@Natalia please fix your counter in part 6 if you wanna track your progress in the challenges. People listed with 45 days are those who finished current part.