Any Christians 2020?

@Beachkidz Hey Kyle,
Welcome to the Rewire Community! With His help, let us be free from this bondage. I love talking about anything that interests others :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so feel free to send me a message. Stay strong and flame on!


Hey man,

Good to hear! Looking forward to chatting with you guys and battling this sin with like minded individuals!!

Stay strong and put on that Armor of God,



Thank you for this topic! I’m sure we will get out of this!
I’m writing some tips 'cause why not:

  1. If you are feeling the urge, don’t go somewhere where you could do it (Bathroom, your room…) And if you are already there go away

  2. Pray often! Say the Holy Rosary if you have enough time, and before saying the prayer ask God, Mary or saints to help you stop masturbating.

  3. The best way to stop is to not feel urges at all, so have an hobby you really like. I was really doing progress when I played Undertale for the first time.

  4. If you are working on something and you are feeling the urge, you want to procrastinate so focus on what you are doing!

  5. Seriously, praying is the most important thing. Without the help of God you would never do it so if you already prayed, pray more! \(^o^)/


Just came across this
I’m wondering if you are implying that other religions and teachings lesser compared to yours. Or probably you think they are downright to be eliminated?

I think it’s funny that this is the thing you decide to point out :joy:
People thinking that their religion is the right one isn’t anything new and is quite common. Most don’t insult other peoples gods, but still don’t believe that they exist. There are so many other problems with what Cubenix said that you could’ve commented on.

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Yea I mean, there is only one true God and one true Religion. Though this is of course disregarded by most of the earth’s “Religious” population. And even if you are apart of a specific Religion, there are bound to be factions within that Religion. This is due to interpretational differences between induviduals apart of said Religion. Good comment nonetheless! Would love to hear more discussion!!


bro, i used to watch videos of this channel long time ago… good you post this… and again this has revelation reference to it …wow…oh my …all my favroite verses…

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Dont become religious. God does not want what you can do. God wants you. He wants a relationship with you. We stay away from sin because its wrong and harmful. We are already in favor with God because of Grace not because of what we do.


How merciful he is! With so much destruction we’ve caused, he still allows us to live. He allows us the good things of life. There could only be one reason. He loves us! Praise God!


God gives a new day to reconcile with him. Keep up the good fight brother in Christ. Saint Mary pray for us

Also a Christian and struggling with this addiction. Re reading easypeasy. Struggling with motivation today because I’ve flooded my reward circuits I’ve basically created temporary ADD Attention Deficit Disorder due to porn binges.
We can read all the books but somehow I’m missing something. It could be fellowship and real accountability amongst other things
