After recovery, can be ED returned just from watching images?

Hi all. After a year or so clean, successful sex life with my GF I started to have small ED with her. I installed IG to upload some new photos to my portfolio there, but I started browsing it and you all know what is there. It is not P, but its not OK. I didnt do M nor even O to it. Just watching and browsing and its making me a bit horny, thats for sure. I am not waisting there a lot of time, maybe 30 minutes and not even every day.

Could this be causing me an minor ED problems? Could just doing this giving me some dopamine and desensitizing me a bit, as P used to do in past, but of course in bigger scale?


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No its not possible . Each human being has urges , be it normal or the pmo addicted . Your performance is based more on emotional than physical. Try exercising and be relaxed while with gf. You will be fine

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