90 Days Challenge! CHALLENGE ENDED!

Check in

CS: 2
HS: 21

No urges today!!!

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Trying to keep myself busy…today i completed one day… let’s see howz it goes


Try using the diary of the app when you want to watch PRM, it is usefull. You can do this bro, I believe in you ,


Oh yes… thats why I may not be on challenges of streaks amymore, after losing, you get the domino effect, this is awful. :pensive::pensive: I am only be focusing on topics of good habits and on topics that increase my wisdom about nofap and maybe… just maybe I will enter in some challenge of streaks.


Check in day 6/90.
Check in day 3/90.
Look straight and make a run for it.

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Cs: 66 days

Hs: 106 days


Chicken :chicken:
CS: day 6

I’m feeling weak, empty , don’t want to get out of bed, want to close my eyes for ever.

I put schedule/plan and goals, but after few days I lose the desire for these goals, I lose interest, I lose belief in my plans. Then I end up empty and sad then striving for pmo to kick myself out of this state.

Any advice?

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Practice vipassana meditation it will work wonders trust me…
U cannot do it online or by yourself u have to attend a 10 day session…

Try it for once

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As much as you don’t want to, get out of bed. Do it when your body is not ready for it. Move quickly. And when you get going you’ll be glad you did.

Congo bro !! The drawing is awesome.

If you don’t mind , Could you please tell me which app u are using for this ?

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@risinglion123 It’s called artflow. I got it from the galaxy store. It’s probably available on other systems though

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Thanks man and have an awesome journey ahead

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Checking in day 3/90

And day 10/28 days (personal streak)

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Checking in.

Challenge day 3

My streak is 0

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Checking in


CS: 3
HS: 21

No urges, feeling tired and coughing most day.

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired lol!

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Check in day 45 of 90.
I’m halfway there!!! :tada:
Unfortunately the forum won’t take images more than 1 mg so I can’t load a pic of my art. But it was a canvas painted silver with teal letters that said “strength” with flowers growing around them.
Good luck everyone!!

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Checking in day 4/90 days

And checking in day 11/28 days (personal streak)

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Check in


CS- 4
HS- 21

No urges going strong! Keep fighting brothers and sisters!!!

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Aight whenever I screw up I like to come here and motivate others. That usually chears me up. Sorry I’ve been kind of inactive I’ve been busy. Ok here’s how daily tasks will work!
For the month of January:

Day Task
17 Draw a picture of someone or something you love
18 Play a game you haven’t played in a while That’s not a video game
19 Go notetaking outside while observing nature

I’ll add way more later, but this is for the next few days.


Take your biggest goal and split it into daily pieces. Then work on it every day as much as you can. And you will see progress by the end of the year.