90 Days Challenge! CHALLENGE ENDED!

What’s your current and highest streak?

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@Finding_Myself bruv are we supposed to like, check in everyday or even check in at all?


Yeah I’d like everyone to check in daily or as regularly as you can. Sorry I didn’t really make that obvious. My bad


Check in for today. (0/90)

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I got to be honest with myself and everyone here. I relapsed, but part of me doesn’t see it as a relapse but the other part does. I am proud of myself because this was my highest streak at 21.

I am starting fresh to 90.

CS: 0/90
HS: 21

Not going to let this keep me down like I have had in the past!

Good luck brothers and sisters, keep fighting!!!


Check-in Day 2 :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark: (1/90)

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”

        - Winston Churchill

Stay strong brothers!! :fist::fist:


Check in day 41/90
Still going strong! :muscle: :muscle:

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CS - 12 Days
HS - 198 Days

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I check in to Rewire Companion almost daily

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I’m so sorry about your relapse man… That really sucks. I know how it feels to fall from where you were at. What can I do to help? I know how difficult it is to keep going after that…

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I just finished doing some digital art based off of one of my drawings. I made it my new pfp. It’s still got some work needed, but I like it so far


Wowwwww! Very cool mate :clap::clap:, it looks awesome!


Thank you!!! I’m glad you like it!! I’m kinda proud of it honestly.


You should be proud.

Just as I’m skilled at Poetry

You are skilled at drawing.

Great job Chris.

By the way, my current streak is 2 days.


Daily check in restarting my journey Day 1 . I dug down deep. Identified cause of the relapse. Everyone just remember when you have a urge. Emotions are like river constantly flowing so when we think about it more we are trying to go against that flow to stick on that urge. We need to go with flow and emotion will change. Just wait


Nice drawing Christian man :slight_smile:

It took me alot of efforts to realise this is the same man created this chalange, cause different picture in my head different person… Moment of stupidity :rofl:
That’s how lazy my brain is lately.


I finished day 4 I’m on my fifth day now, I had wet dreams. I wasn’t expecting it this early. I had negative emotions yesterday, was down a bit, but no special urges or anything, i had some urges but I let it go, I had some thoughts I also let it go. Idk, I’m confused it’s too early for it to happen.

So as in the movie frozen
Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door

Seems convenient for this situation :rofl:


That happens to me too man lol. I’ not sure if I like this as my pfp though :confused:

@anon96722772 man you alright? I’m sorry about your relapse how can I help?

I was about to msg u…i relapsed yesterday…all because of dirty thoughts… I don’t watch any movies or webseries bt still can’t control my thoughts